





Happy laugh filling the hall as calm endearing music accompanied the banquet provided for the guests. Most of the guests were talking with each other in lovely conversation, some group of friends reminiscing their old memories during school as they shared their current life as an adult with a job. Some group introducing themselves to each other as it was the first time they met each other. Some older guests talked about their children. And some other was too busy to talk when there were good food in front of them.

They were engrossed in their own activities but they never failed to halt it when the couple approached them.

“Hoseok-ah! Namjoon-ah! Congratulations!” Their classmates from middle school greeted them when the two finally reached their tables

“Waaaa! Thank you! Thank you!” Hoseok replied with the same enthusiasm while Namjoon grinned wide at them. “Thank you for coming.”

One girl of the group chided. “I knew that you two would ended up together.” and her statement was supported by the other girls.

“Right. You two were super close that we thought that someone glued you to each other.”

Both men laughed at that, before they continued walking to meet their other guests.

Then, when they reached back to their seats with their family, someone they both knew very well walking up the stage. “Hello everyone, Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Jungkook. Namjoon hyung and Hoseok-hyung’s number one dongsaeng.”

His claim made two persons from two different tables shouted at him with protest that he wasn't, only then to fight each other that they were the number one dongsaeng.

“What are they planning?” Yoongi, whose seat located near Namjoon and Hoseok’s table, threw scornful look at the two bickering aloud from two different side of the hall.

Namjoon sighed shaking his head, looking at Taehyung who had stood up and made his way to the stage, and it seemed that Jimin also did the same.

When the three gathered on the stage,with each of them having a mic of their own, everyone started to wonder what they prepared and that the bickering was a part of it.

“So, each of you claiming that you're the number one dongsaeng.” Jungkook said, moderating the two as if he wasn't the one who started it.

“It’s not claiming if it is the truth.” Taehyung said, looking at Jimin with annoyance.

“The truth is that I am the number one dongsaeng.” Jimin bit back at Taehyung, not letting go of his claim easily.

“Ya! Jimin! Stop lying!”

“Ya! I'm still older than you! And I'm not lying. You claim stealer.”

“It’s not stealing if it is mine!”

Jungkook, stopping the two, raised his hand between them. “Then why don't we find out who is really the best dongsaeng? As a dongsaeng you should know about them, right?”

“Of course, I know everything about Namjoon hyung and Hoseok hyung.” Taehyung said proudly.

“And how could we know that you're telling the truth?”

Raising a hand to his eye level. Taehyung looked at the camera and snapped his finger. The light went out and on the projector screens, a video of photo collage was played.

“I was in the same club with Namjoon hyung during high school.” Taehyung narrated as the photos showed that he always stood close with the older. “And Namjoon hyung always talked to me because I am that close to him.”

“TaeTae-ah.” A familiar voice sounded from the speaker and the owner of that voice gaped when the VCR showed an unsteady recording of what seemed to be a classroom. At the stage under the spotlight, Taehyung sent smiles and hearts to Namjoon.

There was a grunt before Namjoon’s unsure voice sounded again. “You know Hoseok, right?”

“Your friend we meet in that dance festival right?”

The video stopped there. Namjoon remembered that their conversation that day was even more longer than that. And the reason the video stopped there, it was because Taehyung -who was playing with his phone camera, this video was a complete accidental coincidence- had stopped the recording soon after he asked the question, Namjoon couldn't believe that the younger still had it.

“What were you talking with Tae?” Hoseok asked when Taehyung started telling the other about Namjoon who seek for advice from him.

Smiling bashfully, Namjoon leaned to Hoseok. “Remembered that time when I stopped you from taking that bus?”

Confused, Hoseok nodded, his eyes opened wide to see Namjoon’s face in that dim hall. “What about that?”

“I asked him if I should confess to you.”

“Really?” Hoseok chuckled, his hands shot up to Namjoon’s cheeks keeping Namjoon to look at him. “Aigo… Genius Namjoonie needed his dongsaeng’s advice about dating.”

Namjoon could feel the sudden warmth in his cheeks, he tried to take down Hoseok’s hands before the other noticed. But Hoseok was more sensitive about it, he had started cooing before Namjoon could pull his hands off his face. “I will make sure to thank Taehyung.” He said looking back at Taehyung who proudly told everyone that if not for his help, the two wouldn't start dating.

“What he did is nothing as much as what I did.” Jimin said reaching out his hand to cover Taehyung’s face only to have his hand swatted off easily by the other. The guests laughed at that, but Jimin continued anyway. “Because as the master of dating..”

“But you barely have any date since long ago.” Taehyung interrupted, pulling another laugh to erupt.

Jimin turned to glare at Taehyung. “It's because I'm a very busy person.”

“But some days ago you whined about having nothing to do.” Taehyung chided again, making mocking face at the shorter.

“Enough.” Jimin pushed Taehyung to stand at the back before he came forward to make a cue.

“I can still talk though.” Taehyung interrupted again with a winning grin.

“This…” Jimin put his mic away from his mouth but the guest who sat close enough to where he stood could still hear him mustering swear word at Taehyung.

"Really. He shouldn't swear in this kind of occasion!" Hoseok complained but his laugh and sunny heart shaped smile told otherwise.

“So,” Pointing at the projector above the entrance in that big hall after he could shutting Taehyung up, Jimin winked.

Another video lit up the blank screen, this time it was of a room encased with mirror. At the center of the video, was Hoseok standing and looking downright at the one who held the camera. “Ya, Jimin. Why are you holding a camera? Aren't we suppose to practice?”

“We need to record it. So we can see it again later.” Came Jimin’s amused voice, from his giddy tone alone, people didn't need to see his expression to know that he was hiding something.

Clapping his hands, Hoseok produced a noise of recognition that made Namjoon to turn to Hoseok. “What is it?”

“It’s that time.” Hoseok clapped his hand in realization, not giving Namjoon any clue as his eyes were still on the VCR watching his past self dancing and having a mental countdown as he knew that, whatever event this video had, it would happen soon.

Several moments after Hoseok started his dance routine, there was a faint knock on the door and Jimin changed his focus as he moved from his previous spot. The recording slide until it captured Hoseok and the closed door of the room, then as if on cue, the door opened and two persons walked in shouting. “Happy birthday!”

Hearing that the tall groom made an exclamation. “Ah! From that time.” Namjoon laughed, remembering Hoseok’s birthday at the year they joined university. “I didn't realize that Jimin recorded the whole thing. He didn't share it with me.”

“With me neither.” Looking at Jimin who looked proud on the stage, Hoseok made an amused face when another video came out. “These kids. They probably had planned all of these since long ago.”

Watching the VCR together with their hands entwined above the table, Namjoon felt Hoseok’s thumb caressed the back of his hand as plethora of sweet memories filling into his mind. A glance to his husband, Namjoon smiled fondly at the bright big smile on Hoseok’s face. He tightened his grip and Hoseok did the same, turning to look back at him. Their mind felt like connected to each other when their gazes locked and both grinned at the amount of the fun things they had done together.

Hoseok leaned closer and Namjoon mirrored him, tilting his head a little when the dancer moved to whisper something into his ear. Namjoon smiled at Hoseok and couldn't agree more as he nodded, his dimple assuring his positive response to his husband's words. 

“Let’s create more and more good memories.”




“Hmm..” Thoughtful looking Jungkook looked at both Taehyung and Jimin, he pursed his lips before saying. “I can't decide between you two about who is the number one dongsaeng.”

“It's obvious already that I'm the number one dongsaeng.” Taehyung said matter of factly.

Snatching the mic from Taehyung despite he already had his own mic, Jimin denied. “I'm the number one.”

Cornered by the two older men, the youngest called for help. “Namjoon hyung! Hoseok hyung! Who is the number one dongsaeng?”

That instant, Jimin and Taehyung turned to look at the couple who were basked under the spotlight. They made signals to their hyung, asking to be chosen.

With the attention all turned to them, Hoseok and Namjoon looked at each other. Hint of realization surfaced on their face before they grinned and looked at the three. The answer is at the tip of their tongue already, Jungkook had told them before the reception party started.

“Hyung, when I ask you later, the answer is me, okay?”



Hope you like this incomplete work as well TT,TT

Next is SehunxKris

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Casadellarosa #1
Chapter 1: I'd love to see more of their memories~~
94line with maknae line who fight to be the favourite dongsaeng, why can I see it really happen like for real? XD