Dark Tunnel Special

다크 터널 (Dark Tunnel)

The transparent glass became the boundary to the two. It was their first meeting after 5 good years. Silence rose up in the space, they just stared into each other. Their silence was doing the talking.

"Are you going to stay quiet until the visitation period end?--", the guy finally spoke up, mocking at the lady on the other side. He glanced at the clock and said, "well, 7 minutes left".

The lady messed with her straight-long hair several times. She looked at him with frustration. "Are you happy now?", she chose the words to start the conversation. The guy in the jail uniform just smirked at her.

"As you see, Jung Jian", he replied with a sarcasm, presenting himself, showing his uniform. 

The lady scoffed at him. "I'll be frank. I came here today because of Joon", she told him with a sharp look plastered on her edgy face. Now the guy started to look attentive.

"Stop him from giving statement in court. Joon-- he said he is going to testify. That idiot--- he is just going to ruin himself. Kento-yah, please stop him", she begged him earnestly.

Putting his hands together, the guy groaned heavily. 

"I don't want to sound selfish, but, this isn't just for Joon. Your wife-- no your ex-wife, Jenny.. She just lost her husband, you want her to lose her brother too?", this time the lady said sternly. She pressed all the words coming out of .

 Beep. Beep. Visitation period ended. A correctional officer came in to bring him back to his cell. They exchanged their final glance. It had been awhile. "Please don't give her more pain. You gave her enough already", she said before leaving the room. She didn't even look back and the clanking sound of her high heels started to fade as she exited the room.

"As expected. You are so cold", he grumbled under his breath with a small smile and paced out of the room. 

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