
If We Love Again

It has been a week since I graduated.

“Ya! That tickles! Stop Baekhyun! STOP!” I am laughing uncontrollably on my bed as Baekhyun tries to tickles the life out of me

“Ok ok. I’ll stop. If you die now who I’m I gonna marry? I can’t go through another 4 years of dating again” Baekhyun said

As I regain my breathe. “Hey are you going to stay for dinner?”

“ I don’t think so, my grandmother wants me to come over tonight.”

“Ok then I’ll head over to Sooyoung and help her pack. Do you want to come ?”

“No that’s ok. I’l let you girls have some time alone before she leaves. Then I’ll have you all to myself” he leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.


Sooyoung was packing for her Europe backpacking trip. She was a free-spirited girl. She lived life to the fullest.

“Sooyoung I am going to miss you so much! Don’t you get kidnap or die you hear me!” I yelled

“Anna, relax. I won’t! I know how to fend for myself. “ she giggles.

“Anna promise me you won’t let Baekhyun propose to you until I get back? It would be such a shame to miss out on my best friend’s proposal. What kind of maid of honor would that make me?” She laughs again

“Sooyoung, I can’t control that. But I doubt we will be getting married anytime soon. He is starting his job soon and we have to get settle first anyways”

“So is Sehun single still?” Sooyoung asked. For as long as I could think of she has been in love with Sehun ever since they first met. Sooyoung found his quietness mysterious. He was the complete opposite of Baekhyun. Baekhyun was crazy, goofy and warm. Sehun was reserved, quiet and has a cold aura to him. I have no idea how those two become friends.

Sehun wasn’t always cold. I remembered him as this warm child that protected me from all the bullies. But a 2 years ago everything changed. We become distant and he slowly turned into this cold being that I no longer recognized. His parents both died in a plane crash and he had to take over his dad’s company. Since then he been focused on caring for his grandparents and stabilizing his father company. He is actually pretty amazing. He graduated College 1 year early while running his father company.

“I am not sure to be honest Sooyoung. Why are you still wishing to be Mrs.Oh?” I smirked at her

“I was just asking, he seems to change a bit don’t you think?”

“What do you mean?”

“ I don’t know? He seems warmer? Happier? “

I shrug. Just then my phone rings

“Hey Mom! What’s up”

“Anna, honey where are you?”

“I am at Sooyoung’s. I am helping her pack for her trip. Why?”

“ Ahh ok. Honey, when you are done there can you head home? We are having dinner and grandma wants you to come. “

“Sure thing! Can I invite Sooyoung?”

“Not tonight, we have umm some family matters to discuss”

“Family matters? Like what?”

“You will know when you get here. Hurry ok? You don’t want to get caught in rush hour.”

“Ok! I’ll see you soon then! Love you !”

I hung up wondering what important family was to be discussed.

“ What was that about?” Sooyoung asked

“I have no idea. My mom said she wants me home for dinner and we have some family matters to discuss” I shrug and finish helping Sooyoung pack.

An hour later I check the time and it was 4:45pm.

“Hey, Sooyoung I’ll be back tomorrow ! I have to go ! lLet’s go get something to eat too! “

“Yea sure! Be sure to update me!”

“OK!” I quickly answered as I rushed out of her apartment

Traffic wasn’t horrible fortunately. It was Friday evening so I guess everyone must have left work early to enjoy the weekend. I stop by the bakery to pick up some cake for dessert later. As I press the button to open the gate to my drive way I see an unfamiliar car.

“That’s odd. When did we get a new car?” I quietly said to myself.

I open my front door and enter my house. 

“Sehun? What are you doing here?”

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the first few chapter will be very short. It will get longer as the story goes on


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