
If We Love Again

A slight breezy flew by as I step out of my apartment that morning. Today would be the day I graduate from college. The day that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. The day I worked so hard for has finally come.

I decided to come to campus a few hours early before the graduation ceremony to walk around the campus one last time as a student. As I walked to my university I tried to take in my surroundings one last time. I saw the coffee shop that I worked at, the bench where I would sit waiting for my boyfriend to meet me after his class, the bubble tea shop that my friends would sit and gossip at, the pizza shop that we frequent at during finals week, and the bakery that I love oh so much.


I smiled before even turning around. I knew that voice oh too well, the voice that have been calling my name for the past 4 years, the voice that belong to my loving boyfriend Byun Baekhyun. We met during our freshman year during orientation. He was kind, sweet, goofty and our relationship was everything I wished for. It was far from perfect. But we loved each other, we consistently wake up every morning choosing to love one another. We loved each other flaws and imperfections.

Before I has a chance to turn around, I felt his hands hugging me from behind.

“Anna! Are you excited! In a few hours we would finally be graduates! Have you packed? What do you want to do after? Will your parents be here? How is the job search? “

“ Woah Woah , slow down there Baekhyunie.” I laugh at his excitement. Did I mention his is always excited? He is like a puppy high on candy all the time. “ Yes I am excited” I answered as I kissed his cheeks. My favorite part about him are his mocha cheeks. “ Yes I am done packing, all my boxes are on their way to my new apartment” I kissed his other cheek. “ Remember our class is going out to celebrate at the BBQ restaurant down the street after” I kiss his forehead. “ My parents are on their way from Hong Kong and the Job search is good!”

Without realizing my best friend Sooyoung comes creeping up on us , “ Gosh would you two just get married already? “

“Sooyoung! You are actually on time! “ As I pull her into my embrace. Sooyoung was in my Biology class freshman year. Our friendship grew through our hatred for all science courses.

Suho, our class president, comes running towards us as soon after.

“Hey Suho you ready for your speech?” Sooyoung asked

“ I hope so.” Suho replied.

As we arrived to campus we all separated and went to get ready.

It was 1pm already which means we would have to start preparing to take our seats.

We finish putting on our graduation gowns and prepare for one of the biggest days of our lives . Sooyoung , and I makes check our makeup and hair to make sure everything is in place before we head out of the bathroom and into the main hall.


As we take our seats I look up to the audience and see my whole family seated. Flowers in their hands, smiling at me with adoration. I look around seeing my classmates excited and ready for what the future holds. To my left I have my best friends Sooyoung and to my right I have my loving boyfriend Beakhyun.

Suho our class president stands up on the podium ready to give his speech.

“ Good Afternoon Class! Do you know what today marks? Today marks the beginning of our adult life! The day that we head out and make a name for ourselves! Four years of replying on Google, curves and prayers, we have made it! As your class president I hope you would grant me 3 wishes. First and foremost, before we leave today I would like everyone to take a moment to look around. These faces you seen for the past four years, you will miss each and every one of them. Whether or not they made your life feel like heaven on earth or a living hell, I promise you, you will miss them. You may see them again in the future or you may never see them again in your life. So take a good look around you. Secondly, I ask you all enjoy life. Take that trip to Bali, learn to love, take the risk of your heart getting broken, and most of all learn to pick yourself up when you fall. Lastly , keep in mind that life is all about timing. “

We walked across stage

Loud Applauses

Graduation hats were thrown into the air

We have made it. We have graduated.


“Mom! Dad!” I shouted

“How was the flight?! I missed you guys!”

I haven’t seen my parents in over a year. I been busy with school and they been travelling all over the world since they retired.

“ Everything was great baby girl” my dad said as he bear hugged me.

“Guys you remember Sooyoung and Baekhyun right?!”

My parents looked at each other and nodded slowly

I was thinking to myself that was kind of odd but I dismissed the thought right away.

“ Hi Mr. and Mrs. Park! How are you? How was the flight? Smooth I assume?” Baekhyun asked them

“Ummm … It was great. What are you planning to do after graduation? Have you found a job?” My father asked Baekhyun

“Yes Sir! I will be working at my friend company’s in 2 months! “

“That’s great Baekhyun , I am sure your parents would be so proud.”

“ Sooyoung how about you? “ My dad turns to Sooyoung

“ Not yet Mr.Park, I am planning to go backpacking for a few months first” Sooyoung smiled.

“ Ahhh I see, well no rush my dear. Enjoy life while you can right?”

Suho comes rushing over to us. “ Mr. and Mrs. Park! How have you been?! How was the states? Did you go hiking?”

“ Suho dear, you know we are far too old to go hiking. How are you? That was a great speech you gave by the way dear.” My mother responded.

From the corner of my eye I see a tall figured walk over. It was Oh Sehun, my childhood best friend, the boy that protected me from everything under the sun ever since I was 6.

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the first few chapter will be very short. It will get longer as the story goes on


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