A/N: a new beginning

Four Nations

Hey there! Yes, I'm back again after a million years. As you can see, there isn't any chapters here! :0 but I can assure you this doesn't mean I'm abandoning this story, it's the exact opposite, I'm making it better! It'll still be a similar plot only with much better quality as I've taken time to improve my writing! Please look forward to the future chapters, I'm much more satisfied with them! Thank you!

-sincerely, author-nim♡


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I’ve returned with another chapter. A shorter one yet I hope it gets the plot moving more along. Please leave comments, I’d appreciate some feedback. :)


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oh wow this is really interesting
Chapter 5: thank for update Author nim and i really like this story plot so please keep update
Thanks for updating authornim!
Chapter 4: I just barely finished rewatching legend of korra! I was surprised to see your update bcs of the timing haha Eunbi lightning bending 😩
Ooooh! I love Avatar!
I’m so happy I found this!
Can’t wait for next chap, author ^^
Can't wait for the next chap
Chapter 3: Avatar yerin go to see Fire nation cant wait
Chapter 3: omg a tigerdillo totally suits her personality
Chapter 2: Is great and wait for next update
I love this story