A Special Human

The Kitsune and the Angel

We meet Jimin and Yoongi and get a sense of what their life is like as well as the surrounding towns lives. Jin becomes more aware of his powers and sees a new figure attached to Jimin's Father. Who is he? What is he?


Jin is sitting patiently receiving word from one of the staff members to come downstairs for a meeting. He couldn’t stop thinking about V, his beautiful wings. Jin smiles when Jimin, the staff members’ son sits next to him. The boy was only a few years younger than him but they still had fun together. Jimin takes out an apple handing it to Jin.

            “Where did you get this?” Jin asks.

            “It was on my desk in my room. Just sitting there.” Jimin says. “I think it might be glass.”

            “It’s beautiful.” Jin says to him.

            “I think it was a gift.” Jimin says, “But I don’t know who it’s from.”

            “Maybe they aren’t ready for it to be revealed yet.” Jin says smiling.

            “I hate surprises.” Jimin says. “I’d much rather know who I’m dealing with you know?”

            “I guess so.” Jin says. Jimin and Jin both sit up straight just as their parents and their archery teacher walk in.

            “As you know, the surrounding town has been struggling with standing water and dysentery. Min Yoongi here has started to lose his sight because of it. Since Jimin has shown an interest in archery, we have decided it would be beneficial for Yoongi to move here on a permanent basis.” Jin’s father says.

            “I expect you to practice at least 3 times a day.” Yoongi says. “I will of course still continue your training if you wish to continue it, Jin.” Jin looks at his father for permission.

            “This is not my decision, my son. You decide what you want to study.” Jin’s father says.

            “I wish to still learn about archery, but it will not be my man focus. I wish to study music father.” Jin says.

            “Music?” Jin’s father asks him. “If this is what you want then I support it.”

            “Thank you, Father! Thank you!” Jin says running and hugging him. Jimin sighs looking at Yoongi.

            “How will you teach me? You can no longer see.” Jimin says.

            “One does not need sight in order to do archery. I learned that from my teacher and now you will learn it from me.” Yoongi says.

            “When do we start?” Jimin asks eager to start. Yoongi just laughs.

            “You still have that slingshot?” Yoongi asks. Jimin smiles pulling it out of his pocket. “Right we will practice with that first. With something soft like a cranberry or a piece of tissue paper.”

            “I don’t understand, this is boring. When do I get my hands on a real bow?” Jimin asks. Yoongi sighs slapping Jimin softly on the back of his head.

            “I cannot have you shoot at me with an actual bow!”

            “Shooting at you?” Jimin asks.

            “Next task is for you to hit a moving target.” Yoongi says. Jin decides he is going to watch. “I will be on a bicycle and you must hit me using the slingshot.”

            “That sounds fun!” Jimin says.

            “Jin, retrieve cranberries for me please.” Yoongi says. Jin nods. He starts off down the stairs his mind wandering to what V had told him. Could he really see angels just by changing his eyes? But what did he mean by changing his eyes? Jin had never done that before. It was new and different. Jin steps into the kitchen opening up the refrigerator. Jin opens all the drawers not seeing any cranberries. He sighs closing the drawers then the fridge.

            “Guess I’ll just have to go pick them from the garden.” Jin says to himself. He reaches to grab a basket. Jin jumps when he sees Jimin’s father behind him. “Sorry, I was told to grab cranberries but there aren’t any in there so I was going to go and get some.”

            “Ask next time.” Jimin’s father says grabbing the basket handing it to Jin. “Go on.”

            “Thank you, sir.” Jin says running off. He didn’t know why but Jimin’s father always frightened him. Maybe it was because Jimin and his father were such polar opposites. Jimin was bright and happy. His father brooding and strict.

            Jin turns around to see not only Jimin’s father but another figure behind him. Jin shakes his head thinking he’s imaging things. Jin sighs in relief when he sees V. But wait did that mean, his eyes changed? V just smiled at him putting his hand on the other figures shoulder. Who and what was that figure? Why was he following Jimin’s father so closely? V gestured for Jin to go on his way; Jin noticed that V’s wings had disappeared. Maybe disappeared isn’t the right word, turned invisible? Yes that’s the word; Jin turned around and ran out of the house.

            The garden was only a short walk from the house itself. Jin opens the gates as they squeak loudly. Jin looks up hearing shuffling and hushed voices.

            “Hello?” Jin calls. “If anyone is there come out now! I won’t call security just come out.” Jin says “Please.” Jin spots a head peeking from behind a statue. “It’s okay, I’m by myself. I won’t hurt you.” The head ducks down quickly. Jin just sighs “Just come out when you are ready okay?” Jin starts to hum as he picks cranberries. He stops when the basket is full turning around when suddenly he is pushed and someone reaches for the basket. Jin tugs, the basket falling out of his hand onto the ground scattering the cranberries. “Great. Good thing these aren’t for eating.” Jin looks up to see a tall blonde boy standing in front of him, a smaller brown haired boy is eating the cranberries off the ground. “What are you doing here? Are you from town?”

            “Please, we don’t have much food and my brother he’s hungry.” The blonde haired boy says.

            “Okay, I’m not going to get you in trouble.” Jin says. He looks around frantically looking for another basket or something to put food in. “What’s your name? My name is Seokjin.”

            “Namjoon. This is my brother Jungkook.” Namjoon says bowing. Jin finally finds a basket as he starts to fill it with fruits and vegetables. “What are you doing?”

            “Just don’t tell anybody where you got this from, okay? You come every two weeks, that way the plants have time to grow. And my parents won’t notice much.” Jin says. “The gardener might but I’ll handle her.”

            “I don’t understand you are giving us food?” Namjoon asks.

            “I can’t just let you starve. Maybe you could get me something like a book or a toy.” Jin says “I don’t get to go to town a lot so anything made from someone would be great. And next time I will try and bring some bread.”

            “Thank you! Thank you so much, sir.” Jungkook says bowing. Jin just smiles handing the basket to Namjoon.

            “Now go. Before someone catches you!” Jin says ushering them off. “Remember two weeks!” Namjoon nods waving at him sneaking off behind the tomato vines. Jin kneels down picking up the remaining cranberries, jumping when thunder rumbles. He looks up to see V sitting on the wall surrounding the garden. “Hello, V.”

            “Ah, I see you have found what starts your eyes changing. Being startled or frightened apparently.” V says swinging his legs.

            “Where have your wings gone?” Jin asks.

            “Don’t worry, they aren’t gone.” V says his wings suddenly appearing behind him as beautiful as before.

            “Who was that before? That figure?” Jin asks.

            “You saw him?” V asks curiously.

            “Yes, he was following behind Jimin’s father.” Jin says. “I didn’t see his face.”

            “You were very kind to those boys. I do not see that kindness in your parents. Your mother maybe but not your father.” V says. “Yes, you are a special human. I can see that already.” Jin smiles blushing slightly.

            “Why won’t you tell me who he is?” Jin asks.

            “Because you do not need to know. Not yet. The time will come.” V says. “You should go. Storm is coming and the archer is waiting.” Jin sighs picking up the remaining cranberries as he feels rain start to come down. “Yes more rain. Very good.”

            “How is that good?” Jin asks. “The town is already flooded as it is!” Jin says.

            “You ask too many questions. Run along.” V says as he disappears leaving Jin wet and confused.

A/N: So decided to add Namjoon and Jungkook into the story just because it doesn't seem right without them. And yes they are brothers but the beginning of the Blood, Sweat and Tears music video (which this story is loosely based on gave me the idea that Namjoon was a big brother to Jungkook teaching him how to read). Don't worry J-Hope will appear as well and everything will be connected. I have a plan for this story and I cannot wait for you guys to see it! Also I know it may seem like V talks strangely but he is an angel after all and he is not used to being around or talking to humans. Until next time feel free to leave a comment your thoughts on this chapter!

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