One mom, Four Daddies


Jonghyun will be a father... But he'll never knew. Now Kyung Hee, his girlfriend, must face the fact that she will be single mother.

Onew, Key, Minho and Taemin will be the "fathers" that the baby don't have.

Author Note: if anyone don't likes this idea for this fanfic, let me know to erase the fanfic


Kyung Hee was running right to the waiting room of a hospital. She still brought her luggage. Kyung Hee was out of Korea just a week, she was visiting her older brother, who lives in America.
Kyung Hee was already taken a taxi to brought her back home, until she received a call from her boyfriend's sister; Kyung Hee's boyfriend was on the hospital.

When Kyung Hee arrived to the waiting room, she saw her boyfriend's mother crying meanwhile her boyfriend's sister was hugging her mother, her boyfriend's friends was there too.

Nobody notice Kyung Hee until Jinki, a friend who Kyung Hee and her boyfriend have in common, walked to where Kyung Hee was and surprisingly he hugged her

-Kyung Hee, I'm sorry... I'm really sorry, but... Jonghyun... He passed away...

Kyung Hee only felt her tears fall

-this most be a nightmare... The worst nightmare I ever had... Jinki, please, wake me up
-I'm sorry Kyung Hee
-my Jonghyun can't be dead... No! Not him!

Kyung Hee's crying was the only thing that was heard in the waiting room


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Kpopboss01 #1
Seems really good so far would like to see more
Kpopboss01 #2
Seems really good so far would like to see more
noomin #3
Update soon