healing with her


“You really hurt her Seulgi.” Joy’s tone made Seulgi purse her lips and sigh, her eyes to the ground in shame. Irene had told her that, despite keeping their secret, Joy never approved of Seulgi and Irene’s affair, who would? The cheating woman would feel the same way if she was in her shoes. “So give me one reason to let you in.” The taller woman’s eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed makingher seem angrier than before.

“You know it’s going to hurt Wendy even more if we don’t talk this out Joy. Please don’t make this any harder than it needs to be.” Seulgi said in a resigned voice. This had been the second time she had returned that week. She had understood why Joy hadn’t let her in the first time, it had only been a day since Seulgi told Wendy the truth and she understood if Wendy wasn’t ready to talk to her, but it ‘s already been a week now and she knew the more they dragged this out for the more sour their relationship would become.

“Fine.” Joy huffed crossing her arms. “You’re lucky Wendy is such an understanding person.” She added with a click of her tongue as she let the other woman inside. When she entered she found Wendy sitting on one end of their couch, eyes puffed out as if she had just cried. Seulgi took a deep breath before greeting the other woman only to receive a mute nod in response.

“I’m sor-“

“Are you in love with her Seulgi?” Wendy’s voice sounded hoarse. So she had been crying.

“Yes.” The cat eyed woman replied with a small nod from the other end of the couch.

“Is there any chance of you falling back in love with me?” Wendy asked as Joy handed her a glass of water rubbing her back gently. Seulgi was glad Joy had been there to comfort her wife, if she could even call her that again.

“Wendy I’m sorr-“

“Please Seulgi. It’s a yes or no question.” Wendy’s voice showed frustration, despite her best efforts to remain calm.

“No.” Seulgi’s voice was quiet and it only served to irritate Wendy even more.

“Do you hate me? Is that it?”

“No! Of course not! I jus-“

“Then why Seulgi?!” Wendy yelled as she stood making the aforementioned woman jump and look at her with wide eyes. Seulgi had never even seen Wendy irritated let alone angry. “Why would you ruin this? Ruin us?” Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Joy tried to comfort her only to be shooed away. “No Joy! Don’t! I want her to see me like this! I want her to see how I felt every time we video chatted when I was away and I saw the hickeys she forgot to cover up! I want her to see how I felt when I saw her give me sad, guilty smiles whenever I did something romantic! I want her to see how I felt when she called Irene’s name out when we made love!” Wendy was balling now, face red in anger and betrayal. All Seulgi did, all she could do, was stand up and mutedly hug the other woman as tears threatened to fall out of her own eyes. Wendy protested at first, hitting the other woman’s arms weakly a few times before clinging to her and crying in the crook of her neck.

“I’m sorry Seungwan, I’m sorry I’ve been such a selfish, horrible wife.” Seulgi’s voice shook as she spoke. “I’m sorry I did this to you Wan. You really don’t deserve this. I’m so sorry.”

“I know you are…I just can’t forgive you yet, I’m sorry but I just can’t.” The fact that even now, in the mitts of her anger and despair, Wendy thought of Seulgi’s feelings made the bear like woman hug Wendy closer.

“You’ve been nothing but perfect to me, you have every right to hate me “Seulgi pulled away slightly to give a small kiss on Wendy’s forehead..”You have nothing to be sorry about Wan, nothing at all.”

“I wish I could hate you Seul, it would make this so much easier.” Wendy’s timid voice made Seulgi close her eyes for a moment.

“I know Wan…I know.” Seulgi muttered after a sigh.




“I know it doesn’t feel like it Seungwan but it’ll get better through time.” Seulgi said softly into dark purple locks as the woman in her arms sighed.

“I hope so Seulgi.” Wendy said with a small smile that Seulgi had missed dearly.

“I know so, give it some time Wan, it’s only been three months.” Seulgi replied with a soft tone giving a small affectionate smile back.

“Come on Wendy, we’re going to miss our flight.” Joy’s voice brought a genuine smile from Wendy which made Seulgi smile slightly as well.

“Yeah! Yeah! I’m coming! Well Seulgi, maybe I’ll see you around.” Wendy said receiving another hug from Seulgi which she gladly returned.

“Have fun in Europe Wan.” The soon to be divorced woman replied with a smile as she let go watching Wendy board with Joy tugging at her arm. For the first time in a while guilt didn’t tug at her heart at the sight. Wendy turned and waved with a smile receiving a wave in return before once again being dragged into the plane by Joy. “It really will get better Seungwan.”




“How did it go?” Irene asked as she drummed her fingers on her lap.

“She seemed better. This whole divorce was taking a toll on her, I’m glad she decided to tour Europe until we’re legally separated.” Seulgi replied with a small smile on her lips. “I’m glad Joy decided to join her, she seems to make her happy; more so than I would’ve been able to.” She added as she eyed the road.

“I’m glad both of you are getting better Seulbear.” Irene said as Seulgi’s car came to a stop in front of an apartment complex. “Seul this isn’t our place.”

“Duh.” Seulgi said with a roll of her eyes. “I thought since we don’t have to hide anymore you’d like to see where I lived before I move in completely. Despite everything that’s happened this was my home…I want to share that part of myself with you, even if briefly.”

“When did you become such a dork?!” Irene teased with a loving smile giving Seulgi a small peck on the lips.

“Do you want to or not?!” Seulgi whined in response making Irene giggle.

“I’d love to baby bear.”

I burnt my finger today but I really wanted to post this chapter and put an end to Wendy's missery

 god it hurt to put her in so much pain for this fic TnT

 maybe I should write a sequel for her an joy /shrug/  

so I'm really sorry if this felt rushed or too short for an ending I just really don't have the talent write long chapters


Either way I really hoped you guys enjoyed this and thank you so much for actually commenting and giving your thoughts about this story in the comments 

they made me all happy and smiling and ish

especially that one bb who commented since the begining you know who you are :)

Once again I'm glad you hopefully enjoyed 

and untill next time

Irenes Tongue out~


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍
Chapter 7: With everyone talking about how the story ended and how they hated it, they should know or understand that the author wanted it to end this way. Instead of talking bad about it, why not thank the author for this story.
dukongie #3
Chapter 7: Even though Seulrene is my #1 ship, I hate the fact that they are together at the end...
Chapter 7: i don't like seulrene here.
really heartless for Seungwan.
man… such a sad
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 7: Wow... I'm happy that everyone's happy, albeit it being a twisted one in my eyes for Seulgi, and even Wendy actually. Thank you for this story.
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 5: Irene... Wow. She's so understanding, to the point if I were Seulgi I would feel guilty to the extent I would hide myself from both Irene and Wendy.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 1: Dang Seulgi, how can you do this to your wife.
Chapter 7: What is going on with these fanfics at the moment where Seulgi is being an and is cheating on Wendy osksksk
But still, this was a good read. Thank you~
jasonds #9
Chapter 7: finally seulreneeeee
its_just_me_boi #10
Chapter 7: well... wendy... you deserve better ;-;
a sequel for her happy ending please ;-;
anyway this story was beautiful;-;