listening to her


“Wendy you made it!” Joy was the one to greet them at the door after Wendy had knocked, well more like barely grazed the door with her knuckles, a big smile on her face as she hugged the later. She turned to Seulgi and smiled, which Seulgi returned, before turning her attention to Wendy. “Wan you look great!” She said with a grin and Seulgi didn’t miss the small blush that formed on her wives cheeks. She didn’t think much of it as she felt a pair of arms around her before being tackled to the ground.

“Seulgi!” The girl in her arms said with a grin which made Seulgi smile in turn.

“Hey Yeri!” Seulgi was met with a chuckle as the girl got off her with a sheepish grin.

“I missed you so much Seulgi!” Yeri said receiving a small ruffle of her hair as the duo entered the apartment. Seulgi had missed the younger girl just as much. The two knew each-other since Yeri was born, since Seulgi’s family and Yeri’s family were close, and had babysat her on many occasions, even after Yeri’s family had adopted Joy. The married woman sighed as she reminisced, if she remembered correctly Yeri was only 13 when she had gotten married. Time sure had flown. Seulgi’s reminiscing was cut short when her eyes landed on Irene, white dress shirt tucked into black leather pants somewhat haphazardly; it gave the woman a rebellious look.

“Hey…”She had mumbled slightly as Yeri tucked at her jumping up and down in excitement, along with her sister.

“Come on you guys! Let’s get this party started!” The duo said with a grin and drinks already in their hands.



And they did, they drank, they ate junk-food and they drank some more.



Sure enough Yeri was the first to pass out from fatigue, as Wendy and Joy sat on the couch in front of a muted TV reminiscing about their childhood. Seulgi and Irene had refused to drink, Seulgi using the excuse of having been crowned the designated driver and Irene simply stating she didn’t like drinking that much. The cat eyed woman sighed as she tucked Yeri into bed, after Irene had woke her up to give her some water and medicine to lessen the hangover the next day. So there the two stood, in front of a sleeping Yeri, in complete and awkward silence. Irene was the first to break the tension by simply letting out a scoff and heading out of the room, followed by a frowning Seulgi.

“Irene.” She said but the other woman ignored her and made her way to the balcony, where Seulgi promptly followed, closing the glass pane sliding door behind her. “Irene…”

“What do you want Seulgi?” The anger in Irene’s voice made Seulgi gulp.

“Irene I’m not here to argue…”Seulgi said with a defensive tone and furrowed brows before letting out a sigh. “I’m here to listen.”

“What?” That had caught Irene off guard, making her raise an eyebrow at the other woman.

“I was thinking a lot these last few days and today just consolidated that I’ve been a total jackass to you. You don’t deserve any of this bull. Even after finding out that I was married you said you didn’t expect anything from me. You said that you loved me enough to not want to ruin anything for me. I took your love for granted. I never listened, all I did was yell and accuse so I’m here to apologize and to listen to you.” Seulgi closed her eyes for a moment. She really had thought long about this, Wendy had even asked her what was wrong but she had brushed it off by saying she was tired. Seulgi looked up at the woman in front of her who seemed deep in thought, her beautiful dark eyes conflicted.

“That time when you forgot to take off your ring my world shattered. I thought that I was just some game to you, maybe a way to make your wife jealous or just something to do while your wife was away on business…” Irene’s voice was soft as she spoke, almost fearful. “…But…as time went on you continued to shower me with love, your smile seemed honest and your words never felt empty. I was attracted to you when we met sure, but I slowly started to fall in love with you…”Seulgi couldn’t stop herself from subconsciously placing her hand on top of Irene’s which was gripping the balcony railing hard enough to show the whites of her knuckles. “..yet I knew that you could never be mine, not completely. I won’t lie, I was jealous but more than that it hurt. It hurt seeing you come to be all guilt ridden and so broken. That’s why I said you should leave her Seulgi. You weren’t…you aren’t happy with her. I know you don’t hate her, I’ve seen enough couples who hate each-other to know that, but you look so sad whenever you have to lie to her Seulgi.” Irene turned to Seulgi then, wiping the tears coming down the woman’s face with her thumb. “Seulgi I don’t want to lose you, I don’t know if I would ever be able to love someone again if I do, but I want you to be happy. Whoever you choose, I’ll accept it. I promise I won’t cause any trouble for you.”

With a small kiss to the distraught woman's forehead Irene went back inside, leaving a sobbing Seulgi sitting on the balcony floor, head resting on the railing.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: 🤍
Chapter 7: With everyone talking about how the story ended and how they hated it, they should know or understand that the author wanted it to end this way. Instead of talking bad about it, why not thank the author for this story.
dukongie #3
Chapter 7: Even though Seulrene is my #1 ship, I hate the fact that they are together at the end...
Chapter 7: i don't like seulrene here.
really heartless for Seungwan.
man… such a sad
cjmoo_ #5
Chapter 7: Wow... I'm happy that everyone's happy, albeit it being a twisted one in my eyes for Seulgi, and even Wendy actually. Thank you for this story.
cjmoo_ #6
Chapter 5: Irene... Wow. She's so understanding, to the point if I were Seulgi I would feel guilty to the extent I would hide myself from both Irene and Wendy.
cjmoo_ #7
Chapter 1: Dang Seulgi, how can you do this to your wife.
Chapter 7: What is going on with these fanfics at the moment where Seulgi is being an and is cheating on Wendy osksksk
But still, this was a good read. Thank you~
jasonds #9
Chapter 7: finally seulreneeeee
its_just_me_boi #10
Chapter 7: well... wendy... you deserve better ;-;
a sequel for her happy ending please ;-;
anyway this story was beautiful;-;