
Loving U

"Jihoon you better wake up before our class started,"Seungcheol said while trying his best to wake his sleepyhead roommate also as know as his one an only lover.Seungcheol tickle Jihoon as he keeps on pushing Seungcheol away from his bed.

"Ahh, who cares about that damn class.I just need my beauty sleep since that ing professor making me doing 5 assignments for him in just 4 weeks."Jihoon said as he succeeded in pushing Seungcheol away from his bed.He could hear Seungcheol is whining."Does he think I'm a robot?"Jihoon added, turning around letting his back facing Seungcheol and pull his blanket until reaching his whole body.

"Jihoon come on if you are not going to the class then how am I supposed to live?"Seungcheol said dramatically not giving up on waking Jihoon up.

"Cheol, even if I come to class all you did is sleep and then copy my note, beside Mingyu and Soon Young also going there," Jihoon said still not looking at Seungcheol.

"Hoonie come on.Okay. I promise that I will buy you coffee for this week every morning."Seungcheol said while kiss Jihoon's back neck the move to the ear making the younger blush.

"Make it 3 weeks," Jihoon said looking at Seungcheol.

"Okay deal."Seungcheol said and nodded rapidly."Go take a shower.We have 26 minutes left."Seungcheol said while messing with Jihoon hair as he sits down ready to enter their bathroom.He stands up and enters the bathroom.

Every morning Seungcheol will prepare Jihoon cloth for University since Jihoon very bad at dressing himself.Seungcheol goes to their wardrobe and looking for Jihoon cloth for him to wear but then he remembers that Jihoon once use his sweater and the younger look so cute using it, even his friend said that Jihoon is cute without trying too.He gets his sweater out from the wardrobe and throws it on Jihoon bed same goes to the jean and so on.Once Jihoon out, Seungcheol went outside waiting for Jihoon to get dresses.

"Hoon we have 19 minutes more be fa-"Before Seungcheol finish his word Jihoon already stand beside him while holding his phone and carry bag pack that full of book and notes.

"What are you waiting for?Come on we going to be late."Jihoon said and walk away not waiting for Seungcheol.

Both of them reach to the class before their professor arrived.They sit in their usual place and waiting for Mingyu and Soon Young to bring their food.Soon enough, Soon Young and Mingyu get inside the class and giving the food that Jihoon ask them to buy for him and Seungcheol.

"Thanks," Seungcheol said as he receives his sandwich and green tea drink from Soon Young.Soon Young smile and take a sit beside Seungcheol continue to play his phone.

"Thanks, I will pay you back later,"Jihoon said to Mingyu and Soon Young as he received his burger and coffee.Both Seungcheol and Jihoon eat their breakfast before their professor come in.

Soon the class started, as always Seungcheol and Soon Young will be sleeping while Jihoon and Mingyu are copied the note that wrote by the professor.After half an hour the professor lets the students study on their own while he will be helping some student that doesn't understand the chapters.Like always Jihoon will study while listening to music and Mingyu will using an earplug since he can't concentrate if the atmosphere is noisy.Finally, the classes have ended, Jihoon and Mingyu just need to wait for 2 and a half hour before their next class started.Seungcheol and Soon Young are rushing to their next class now.

"Do you want to eat or going to the club now?"Mingyu asks while walking beside Jihoon.

"I'm not sure.If you are hungry I will join you if not we go to Music club room."Jihoon said doesn't want his friend to be lonely.

"Let's buy some food then we can go to Music Club Room,"Mingyu suggest and keep his book inside of his bag as Jihoon agrees with him.


"Damn why did I pack so much stuff," Jeonghan said who stand in front of the Neverland University after he gets his luggage, a bag pack and a big bag out from the taxi.Jeonghan carries the bag.He pulls out a map of the campus, so he follows it until he found boys dorm."Finally.Hope nothing happened to me."Jeonghan said and went inside the dorm."Shi, this is bigger then I expected."Jeonghan looking around suddenly someone accidentally pushes him.

"Ohhh I'm so sorry.Are you alright?I'm paying to much to my phone."A guy with innocent look bowing him and apologize.

"Nah its okay.I also not paying attention to my surrounding."Jeonghan said."Well, I'm Yoon Jeonghan, you can call me Jeonghan or Han.Nice to meet you."Jeonghan smile at the guy that accidentally pushing him.

"Haha that always happen.I'm Hong Jisoo or Joshua you can call me Jisoo.Well nice to meet you too Han~.I guess you are new student am I right?"Jisoo asks picking up Jeonghan bags.

"Yeah, I'm a new student from Japan.Well actually I'm a Korean but them my family moved to Japan 10 years ago because of the family business."Jeonghan said continue talking with Jisoo until they reach to the office of the register boy dorm room."Well, I will see you later Jisoo-shi."Jeonghan said and went inside the office."Umm hello, I come here to register the boy dorm room."Jeonghan explains to girls that sit at the counter.

"Ohh you must be Yoon Jeonghan."The girls said standing and bow Jeonghan."I'm Sunhwa, actually it should be the boy who did this but Shownu is not here right now he has Judo activities today so I'm in charge today.Nice to meet yo Jeonghan it an honor to meet the Yoon generation "Sunhwa explain and smiling at Jeonghan.

"Haha its okay.Ohh you know about me already?I just want to live like a normal student so please don't be too polite to me just act normal."Jeonghan said not wanted to treat like a king there.His family is very popular in Japan, Europe, and Korean since his grandfather are Minister at Japan while his uncle has a big company that has been run from a long time ago generation by generation same to his father and his Aunty is the biggest sponsorship around the world.He, his brother and his mom run a Haikippdo and Judo in Japan and Europe it's been 26 year the business run smoothly year by year.Jeonghan also one Judo player while his brother is Haikippdo Player.

"Hahaha sure no worries.So you just need to fill this form then you can have the room but you will share the room with someone."Sunhwa gives the form to Jeonghan and explains it to him.As Jeonghan has done fill it, he gives it to Sunhwa to confirm it."Okay done.So here your student ID also your room key your room will be on the second floor.Have fun in the dorm also Welcome to Neverland University."Sunhwa giving Jeonghan his student ID and the room key also welcoming Jeonghan to the University.

"Thanks."Jeonghan thanking Sunhwa also bowing at the same time.He gets his luggage and bag out from the office and climbs to the second floor.As he reaches the second floor he looking for his room '0330 ', finally he found his room."I really really hope my roommate is friendly and getting along very well."Jeonghan praying enough for him to heard.He then unlocks the room and went inside."Wow so clean it's better then I expected.".Jeonghan looking around and drop his bag on the floor.While he is still amazed by the view suddenly the door open wide by Jisoo.

"Ehh?"Both Jisoo and Jeonghan said in unison.Suprised seeing each other inside the room.

"So this is your room?"Jeonghan asks Jisoo who smiling and nodded."Well, starting from today I will be your roommate."Jeonghan added and smiling at Jisoo.

"Ohh so you are the boy that Sunhwa talking about."Jisoo said went inside the room and closing the door."You can take that side and keep your cloth inside the wardrobe.I will be showing you around this campus if you want."Jisoo added.

"Ohh really?I will keep my things now."Jeonghan said in excited tone since Jisoo volunteer to show him around the campus.


"Ahh, Mr. Seo class finally finish.I think I going to have a backache."Mingyu complaining to Jihoon, Minghao, and Chan.

"Ui are you a grandpa?"Minghao glare at Mingyu who mumbling to himself that can't is heard.

"It's not like only you who sit down for 2 and half hour," Jihoon said.

"I feel so hungry now.I regret not eating when Jisoo wanted me to accompany him to buy some food."Chan whines and sighs at the same time doesn't pay attention to Minghao and Mingyu fight. 

"Me too.I'm hungry as hell lets go buy food."Mingyu now walks beside Chan after fighting with Minghao who doesn't pay him any attention.

"Jihoon you want to eat?"Minghao asks Jihoon that daydreaming."You dream of kissing Seungcheol in public now?"Minghao asks knowing that Jihoon is thinking about Seungcheol.

"Uh-Uhh w-what.No, of course, n-no,"Jihoon said in stutter voice.

"Hyung is not that obvious?"Mingyu teases the older who look so red now.

The four of them went to the cafeteria and spotted Jisoo is talking with a guy at the table where they used to eat or waiting for their class.They decided to approach them.

"Yo!!"Mingyu greet as they reach to the table.Mingyu quickly sits at his usual place same goes to Dino except for Jihoon and Minghao that placing their things on the table and go buy some food for their stomach.As the two done buying the food they quickly go back to the table and eat quietly."Ohh Jeonghan hyung this is Jihoon hyung and Minghao those two are also in Science Major but trust me Jihoon hyung really good at Music thing while this guy good at b-boying."Mingyu said introducing Jihoon and Minghao to Jeonghan since both of them busy eating.

"Hello, my name is Yoon Jeonghan."Jeonghan smiling at how cute Jihoon when he eating the burger and some of the sauce stick on his cheek.

"He is my roommate," Jisoo said in a proud tone.

"Finally Jisoo has a roommate, I bet you must be really happy about it,"Mingyu said

"Hell yeah.I'm not alone anymore,"Jisoo said.

"Hello, my name is Xu Minghao Science Major."Minghao introduces himself as he done eating his sandwich making him less hungry.His phone ring, he sighs as he looks at the caller id."I answer the call.Please don't mind me."Minghao said with smiling at Jeonghan widely and answer the caller."What do you want?"Minghao said as soon as he picks up the phone.

"I'm bored, I miss you, my baby, Haohao don't you miss this handsome guy~~~?"Said the guy.

"Huh, this guy thank god that you are not here or else I would love to call a hulk just to smash you so your handsome face gone and never come back to earth," Seungkwan said with an annoying looking who came from the toilet with Seokmin and Soon Young.

"Ya!! hang up, hang up, hang up"Soon young said while hanging up on the phone call with a done expression.

But then the guy called again and this time Seungkwan the one who answers it."If you are going to talk about your face I won't hesitate to send a hulk to China and smash you."Seungkwan shout enough for him to heard and earning a weird look from other students.

"Give me back my phone before I'm the one who sent a hulk to smash you."Minghao said while glaring at Seungkwan who holding his phone."Jun don't you need to practice the script? If you really want the main role practice the script over and over."Minghao said as he takes back his phone from Seungkwan.

"But I miss you so much.I get tired memorizing the script over and over even Mr.Zhua get tired of me who keep reading and reading the script non-stop."Jun whine as he finally got to talk to his one an only lover.

"If you memorize and got the main role in this Movie I will be going back to China and helping you with the Movie."Minghao tries his best to convince Jun.

"Aww, I wish Minghao could talk to me like how he talks to Junnie."Mingyu said fangirling at Minghao and Jun."Ouchh"Mingyu shout as he receives a kick on his leg by Minghao that lip sync 'How about no' and focus talking to jun.Mingyu lip sync back by saying 'You evil little meanie' and stick his tongue out at Minghao.

"Fine~~~Bye Haohao I need to go now.Wish me luck goodbye, guys!!"Jun said before he hangs up.

"Good luck Junnie~~,"All of them said in unison and hang up the call.

"Ohh hello there"Seokmin sees Jeongan who seat next to Jisoo making Seungkwan and Soon Young looking at Jeonghan.

"Hello, my name is Yoon Jeonghan" Jeonghan introduce himself once again to BooSeokSoon with a smile.

"You can call me Seokmin," Seokmin said."This is Soon Young and Seungkwan" Seokmin added while pointing at Soon Young and Seungkwan that sitting between him and smiling back to Jeonghan.

"So have you decided what club are you going to join?"Jihoon asks while looking at Jeonghan.

"I don't know yet.Is there any club that interesting here?"Jeonghan ask.

"I'm in Astronomy Club same with Wonwoo he is my roommate.Soon Young, Minghao, Chan, and Junnie in Dance club while Jihoon, Jisoo, Seokmin, and Seungkwan are in the Music club.Also, Jihoon is the President of the club."Mingyu explain and grinning like a puppy.


Seungcheol phone ring while he is doing his assignment.He looks at the ID caller and quickly picks up the call before anything happen."Hey mom,"Seungcheol said putting it on a loudspeaker and still focus on his undone assignment.

"Cheol do you know Jeonghan is back from Japan?.He attended the same University you go."Mrs. Choi said as her son pick up her call.

"Jeonghan?...When did he come?"Seungcheol asks as he district by his mom news that his fav cousin is back after a few years leaving at Japan.

"I think today.Your Aunt just calls me a few moments ago.She asks you to take care of Jeonghan."Mrs.Choi said."Well, I need to go now.Your dad is calling me to accompany him to the golf club.Bye, take care of him also your fav little Jihoonie~"Mrs.Choi said before he hangs up.

"I better finish this assignment then I will looking for Jeonghan cave," Seungcheol said and continue doing his assignment until he feels a familiar scent is giving him a back hug that he misses since afternoon.He plays with Jihoon finger that place on his neck."You look so tired."Seungcheol said while kissing Jihoon hand

"Hmm~~I'm sleepy," Jihoon said and rubbing his eye like a kid making Seungcheol wanted to cuddle him.

"My assignment is almost finished wait for a while then we order some food from outside...Okay?"Seungcheol said patting Jihoon's hair gently.He let Jihoon sleep and continue working.After few hours he finally finishes his undone assignment and went to Jihoon who sleep soundly."Jihoon what do you want to eat?"Seungcheol asks waking Jihoon up gently not wanting to make Jihoon a grumpy dumbling when he wakes up.

"Anything that you want to eat,"Jihoon mumble with his eye still tightly closed.

"Okay.Then I will order some chicken since you like chicken and free Cola."Seungcheol said and calling the nearest Chicken store."Ji why don't you go and shower so you can sleep again after eating."Seungcheol said.

"Hmm~"Jihoon follows Seungcheol's order and quickly enter the bathroom before the Chicken arrives.

Jihoon comes out from the bathroom and sees the Chicken and 1 big bottle of Cola is on the table.He still sleepy even after taking a bath.He sits on the chair while waiting for Seungcheol who still paying for the Chicken.As he done he quickly joins Jihoon and sits beside him.Both of them enjoy eating with each other sometime Jihoon will doze off and Seungcheol will feed him.After eating Jihoon quickly went to the bathroom to brush his teeth before Seungcheol went inside.As he done he went outside to let Seungcheol have the bathroom then he feels a soft lip is on his forehead.

"Good night Jihoon, sleep well," Seungcheol said apart from Jihoon's forehead and went inside the bathroom.Jihoon went to his bed and closing his eye.


"Opss sorry my bad,"Seungcheol said as he rushing to his class when he suddenly bumped into someone making the guys fell down.He looks at the person and surprise."J-Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan sees the familiar voice and quickly hug Seungcheol."Cheollie~~"Jeonghan shout.

"H-Hanie I-I can't b-breath,"Seungcheol said slapping Jeonghan arm wanting to stop him.

"Hahaha sorry.My bad."Jeonghan said letting Seungcheol go.

"Where are you going now?"Seungcheol ask.

"To Accounting class.I thought I want to skip the class since I don't know where the class is."Jeonghan said pick up his book that laying on the ground.

"I thought skipping class is your hobby?"Seungcheol tease Jeonghan.

"Hey, past is past.Well, I still skip the class that I hate especially Accounting class.I hate counting."Jeonghan whine.

"Yeah yeah, we are in the same class so no skipping the class," Seungcheol said and drag Jeonghan with him to the Accounting class.

After the class finish, both of them went to the cafeteria to have lunch together.

"So when did you come here?Why didn't you call me?"Seungcheol asks as both of them sit on the available table.

"I came yesterday afternoon.I want to call you but I was to busy flirting with my lovely roommate."Jeonghan said and shove his fried rice into his mouth.

"Owhhh~~who is it the unlucky guy that you love?"Seungcheol asks and takes a sip of his coffee.

"I won't tell you who the guy is," Jeonghan said and rolled his eyes.

"Do whatever you wanna do.I don't care."Seungcheol said and look at his watch."Well, I need to go and meet my little plushies.Goodbye mate."Seungcheol pinch Jeonghan cheek until its turn red.

"Get your dirty hand off my cheek.You stupid camel."Jeonghan said and slapping Seungcheol hand away from his cheek."CAMEL!!"Jeonghan sticks his tongue out at Seungcheol who glare at him while walking away from the table.


"Ji I'm going to eat dinner with my cousin, you can go eat with other if you want.Bye, I'm going now."Seungcheol said,a peck on Jihoon's lips before going and close the door.

"Hmm" Jihoon pulls out his phone to call one of his friends."Oi Soon wanna follow me to go dinner near Campus?"Jihoon ask.

"Sure want me to bring Seokmin and Seungkwan?"Soon young ask.

"Sure the more the merrier,"Jihoon said and went to his wardrobe to chose his outfit."Come to my room if you guys are done."Jihoon added and hang up the call.Before he could change his cloth he could hear BooSeokSoon is talking even their voice can hear from miles away.He quickly opens the door for them, letting the 3 noisy kid inside his room."Wow, that so fast."Jihoon said while changing his pant.

"Well, Seokmin and Seungkwan just finish their night class a few minutes ago."Soon Young said while disturbing Jihoon stuff.Seokmin and Seungkwan just lying down on Jihoon bed try to gain some energy."Where are we going?"Soon Young added

"To convenience store nearby."Jihoon said while fixing his hat."Come let go.Seungkwan, Seokmin we are leaving."Jihoon added standing on the edge of the bed waiting for Seungkwan and Seokmin to wake up from their Dreamland.Both of them finally wake up and get ready to eat.The 4 of them leave the room and walking out from the University and headed to the convenience store they used to go.

"Wooo~~I regret not bring along my sweater," Seungkwan said and shudder because of cold breeze are hitting him.

"Here use mine.I'm using a thick shirt," Jihoon said and giving Seungkwan his sweater.

"Thanks, Hoonie."Seunkwan takes the sweater and used it.Soon enough they reach to the convenience store and spotted Seungcheol and Jeonghan eating there.They don't know whether to approach them or not.Before they could step back, Jeonghan saw them and quickly got out from the convenience store and approach them Jihoon.

"Jihoonie~"Jeonghan yell and hug the small guy.

"Jeonghan hyung not to tight,"Jihoon said as he gets shoved into Jeonghan's arm.

"Hyung~~"The 3 of the shout in unison.Jealous of Jihoon getting a hug by Jeonghan."We also want a hug from you!!"

"Come here, come here."Jeonghan said as he let Jihoon go and continue hugging the triple 'S'.Have you guys eaten?If not come and join me and Seungcheol eat."Jeonghan added after he let the triple 'S' go.

"Is it alright?"Seokmin ask.

"Sure he does,"Jeonghan said and bring the 4 of them inside of the convenience store.

"Cheol this is my friend.Guys Cheol is my cousin"Jeonghan said.

"Jeonghan your cousin?"Soon Young ask.

"You guys know each other?"Jeonghan ask.

"Yeah those 3 is my classmate while Jihoon is my roommate a.k.a boyfriend," Seungcheol said while smiling at Jihoon.

"Woah you not joking?Jihoon your boyfriend?"Jeonghan asks not believe what his cousin just said."Why didn't you tell me?Well, congratulation bro I'm happy for you.Let's just eat I'm sure those 4 are hungry."Jeonghan said feeling happy that Seungcheol finally loving someone again after he being cheated for a few time during high school.

Jihoon quietly went to noodles section and cook it with some egg.While the 3 kids still thinking of what they want to eat.Soon Jihoon Noodle cooks perfectly and brings the noodle to where Jeonghan and Seungcheol sit.

"Hoon comes sit here,"Seungcheol said while patting a chair beside him as he notices that Jihooon is watching them talking.

Jihoon sits beside Seungcheol and eats quietly not wanting to disturb those 2 talking about their past life when they were kids until he feels Seungcheol is watching him eat.He turns around and sees Seungcheol is smiling at him and Jeonghan is disappeared from his place."Why is there something on my face?"Jihoon ask

"No, I didn't expect you to eat here?"Seungcheol replies and drinks his juice.

"What do you mean?"Jihoon ask

"I thought you would be lazy and won't going out just to eat,"Seungcheol said smiling showing his dimple.

"I'm carving for Cola, that's why I come here with those 3,"Jihoon reply while blowing his noodle.Jihoon phone ring, he pulls out his phone and answers it without looking at the ID caller."Hello Jisoo."Jihoon said as he answers the call.

"Ji next week I won't be going to class or club," Jisoo said

"Why is it this time?Another broken  heart or you just kill someone.?"Jihoon asks putting down his chopstick and focuses on talking with Jisoo.

"No!!" Jisoo protest."I need to go back to LA because of my parent Anniversary,"Jisoo explain.

"Owhh okay well then have a good trip then,"Jihoon said before he hangs up the phone.

"Jihoon."Seungcheol suddenly calls Jihoon in a serious tone."Me or Jisoo?"Seungcheol asks as Jihoon give all his attention to Seungcheol making the younger blush.

"What wrong with you?"Jihoon asks as Seungcheol suddenly ask him whether him or Jisoo.He quickly turns away from Seungcheol since he looks at Jihoon with a serious expression."Of course you."Jihoon said in low voice enough just Seungcheol to hear.

"Why are you so cute?I feel like I wanna eat you"Seungcheol pinch Jihoon cheek."So what happens to Jisoo?"Seungcheol asks don't want to make Jihoon to suspicious of his jealousy.

"He went to LA Next week since it's his parent anniversary,"Jihoon explains continue eating his noodle hoping he can hide his blush.

"Shua hyung going back to LA?"Seokmin asks as they done reheat some food.

"Hmm."Jihoon just humming not wanting to say anymore word since he is hungry.

"Look like Jeonghan will be sleeping alone for 1 week."Soon Young said and sit beside Jeonghan

"Come to think of that are not that a study week?"Seokmin said as he takes a bite of Seungkwan kimbap 

"Which mean it's a holiday week?"Seungkwan said in excited tone with his eye open wide."I'm not going to meet Mr.Nam for 1 week."Seungkwan added.

"Ohh really?.Well, its okay I can sleep alone and study."Jeonghan said while taking a sip of his blackberry juice.

"It's okay I can sleep with you if you want to.I can't leave you to sleep alone since it only been 2 days you here.Jihoon are you okay? I'm not really worried about Jihoon since he knows this University for 2 years."Seungcheol said worries about his cousin.

"Yeah sure.I think I will be busy with my study too.Seungcheol won't disturbs me whenever I want to study."Jihoon said feeling sad that Seungcheol does not worry about him. 

"How old am I in your eyes?"Jeonghan ask."I'm not 5 years old kid."Jeonghan whines and pouted at Seungcheol.

"Jihoon let me sleep with you when Jisoo when to LA so listen to your hyung kid."Seungcheol rolled his eyes at Jeonghan who look at him unbelievably.

"Don't you want to spend your time with your little plushie this upcoming holiday?I'm sure Jihoon have been waiting for this holiday to spend time with you,"Jeonghan said as he looking at Jihoon who making a fake happy expression.

"Jihoon just give me green light.So come on it not gonna be bad."Seungcheol said hitting Jeonghan arm playfully.

"There goes my 1 week of free from Choi Camel Seungcheol,"Jeonghan said in a dramatic way earning a weird look from the stranger who passes by.

Jihoon only eats quietly and listen to his friend talking about random thing what happen to them today.They didn't realize that it already 11.54 o'clock, it's not like they care since tomorrow is Saturday which the best day for the student since they won't see their professor for 1 whole week.Jihoon dozes on Seungcheol's shoulder without himself knowing since he too tired to see who he let his head rest on.He continues sleeping until he feels someone carries him on the back.He looks at his side and sees Seokmin and Soon Young is laughing while Jeonghan and Seungkwan are taking some selfie but he didn't see Seungcheol anywhere.Jihoon looks at the person who carries him and surprises seeing Seungcheol is the one who carried him until they reach to their own room.Seungcheol put Jihoon on his own bed and not forgetting to give the younger a good night kiss on the forehead.Seungcheol went to his own bed and lying down quietly.

5 day has passed, Jisoo already flies back to his hometown at LA since it also studies week.After Jisoo left to LA, Seungcheol brings along his bag that full of his thing and sleep at Jisoo and Jeonghan room.It's also been 5 days since he last seeing Jihoon, he decided to visit Jihoon at the room.As he reaches, the room is very quiet and dark also clean like never being touch.Seungcheol try to call Jihoon but he didn't answer the phone call making the older worry and start looking for Jihoon at where he used to go but still can't find Jihoon.Seungcheol went to the Music club where he hopes Jihoon would be there but instead, he sees Jeonghan and BooSeokSoon are practice singing.

"G-Guys Jihoon is m-missing," Seungcheol said and panting after running everywhere looking for Jihoon.

"What do you mean Cheol?Are not he at Busan visiting his grandpa grave?(I'm sorry.I just create it and this is not real.)"Jeonghan ask looking at his cousin weirdly who looking at them whit confuse expression.

"Huh?"Seungcheol still confused.

"Don't you know Jihoon hyung is at Busan visiting his grandfather's grave.Today is 21/8."Soon Young said making Seungcheol realize that he always accompany Jihoon to his grandfather's grave.

"Wait what?What date is today?"Seungcheol ask.

"It's 21/8"Seungkwan repeat looking Seungcheol weirdly.

" I forgot about our Anniversary,"Seungcheol yells making the trio surprise."Also, I don't remember that he told me that he went to Busan?"Seungcheol said feeling guilty not accompany Jihoon this time and forget about 3 years anniversary which is on 18/8.

"Well he wants to tell you but you look so busy studying,"Seokmin explain.

"Don't worry, he will be coming back by tomorrow evening,"Seungkwan said as he moves his seat to in front of the Piano.

"Ahh~Well I will be resting in the room if you guys are looking for me,"Seungcheol said and get out from the Music Club.

"What wrong with that guy?"Seokmin asks as Seungcheol close the door.

"He loves sick toward Jihoon."Jeonghan said making Seungkwan and Seokmin nodded in unison."We agree"


"Jihoonie~~"Mingyu yell in melody tone as he sees Jihoon walking toward the dorm door while giving Mingyu a death glare since he being a noisy kid I the morning.

"What an awful moment to start my peaceful morning.How did Wonwoo even love a noisy kid like you?"Jihoon said as he stands in front of Mingyu who taller than him and walk inside.He climbs up the stair and bumps into Wonwoo.

"Ohh Jihoon.Welcome back."Wonwoo greets and messing with Jihoon hair.

"Thanks.Jogging?"Jihoon asks as he judging by Wonwoo appearance.Wonwoo just nodded."Well, have fun on taking care of the biggest puppy I have ever seen in my life."Jihoon added walking passes Wonwoo leaving the guys giggle.Jihoon continues to climb until he reaches to his floor and went directly to his room.He pulls out his key and unlocks the door since the door is lock, he closes the door as he went in not bother to open the light and slam his body on his bed but instead on someone body.

"Jihoon is that you."The guy who sleeps on his bed.He sits while Jihoon is on his lap and Jihoon body is lean on the wall to support his body.

"Cheol?Why are you sleeping on my bed?"Jihoon asks as he knows who the person that sleeps on his bed.He could feel Seungcheol is staring at him.

"I thought you were missing,"Seungcheol whine and put Jihoon into his embrace."I miss you." putting his face on Jihoon neck.

"Go to your own bed and sleep.I also want to rest."Jihoon said as Seungcheol let Jihoon go.

"Jihoon are you mad?"Seungcheol asks as gets kick from Jihoon for disturbing his place to sleep.Jihoon didn't answer and covering himself with the blanket."Jihoon I'm sorry.It's not like I totally forgot about our anniversary and going grandpa grave it just that I'm too busy with work."

"Cheol please, I want to rest.Can we talk later?"Jihoon asks facing the wall not wanting to look at Seungcheol.

"That it's you know what do what you want.You never understand about me a bit.Never care about my feeling all you know is your feeling.Why does it's always I the one who should comfort you? I'm done.Just because I forget about our Anniversary you want to act like a kid who did receive a gift from a Santa."Seungcheol said in an angry tone and grabbing his jacket ready to leave the room.

"Why the hell did you angry for?Should not I'm the one who should be angry?It's always my fault whenever we fight.I always try my best to look okay when I'm not.I always understand you but you never did the same.All you did is blaming me that and this.I don't really care if you did remember about going with me to Busan but I'm really sad that you totally forgot about our 3 year anniversary.3 years Cheol 3 years.I know you are busy with your study but so am I.You rather spend your time with Jeonghan during our anniversary instead of me waiting for you like an idiot person who waiting for Santa just for the toys.If you are that busy why did you volunteer to sleep at Jeonghan room?That is what I really don't understand about you Cheol."Jihoon said saying all the things that he wanted Seungcheol to know and change it.He didn't realize that his tear already drops one by one on his bed.He quickly wipes it and went out from the room leaving Seungcheol.Jihoon went to Minghao room since Jun are not here.

"Jihoon what happened?"Minghao asks as he opens the door for Jihoon.Letting him get inside since its cold outside.

"I fight with Seungcheol again,"Jihoon said as he sit on Minghao bed.

"What is it this time?"Minghao asks patting Jihoon back gently.

"Nah I don't feel like talking about it now.Can I sleep here for tonight?"Jihoon said not wanting to remember what happened earlier.

"Sure you can sleep on my bed.I will sleep on Jun bed.I will be out later so please don't destroy anything in here."Minghao said, grabbing his phone and jacket.


"Jeonghan~~What should I do?"Seungcheol whine hitting the ground with his feet like a kid.

"How should I know?I don't really know about Jihoon.You the one who should know about him more.Ehh it's your fault this time but why did you blame Jihoon?"Jeonghan asks as he needs to deal with his childish cousin.

"Well, Jihoon didn't give me his attention so I pretended to be mad but instead I the one who gets mad.I was about to propose to him but then it turns into a disaster.I feel so horrible now.Han help me~~You know I can't live without Jihoon.What if he wants our relationship to over?Yoon Jeonghan you better help me get Jihoon back" Seungcheol said in a panic tone as he overthinking about Jihoon.

"YOU KID" Jeonghan hit Seungcheol with a hard file."Usually you the one who always get dumb but this time you the one who creates a problem.S.T.U.P.I.D" Jeonghan said while not believe what Seungcheol just do to Jihoon.

"Seungcheol you in there?"A guy voice while knocking on Jeonghan's room.

Seungcheol went to open the door and surprise seeing Minghao is holding a brown bear and a box of chocolate."Here give this to Jihoon and make him happy.Do not make the things complicated again.You owe me Seungcheol.Jihoon is in my room, I will be going out with my family since they finally coming here."Minghao said headed the bear and the chocolate to confused Seungcheol."Do you hear me?"Minghao ask.Seungcheol just nodded."Then what are you waiting for?Go comfort Jihoon."Minghao added and shaking his head as he sees Seungcheol is running to see his Jihoon.

"Sorry for the mess that Seungcheol make Hao,"Jeonghan said while smiling at him.

"No worries.He just too stupid when it comes to this part.."Minghao said."Well, need to go now.Bye Hannie" Minghao added walking out from Jeonghan's room.


"Minghao did you forget something?"Jihoon said while opening the door.He receives a hug as he opens the door surprise seeing Seungcheol is hugging him while holding a brown bear and a box of chocolate."C-Cheol?"

"I'm so sorry for everything Jihoon.I'm a bad person who never understands you while you the one who always understand me.Giving me the love that I have never received from someone like you.I should have thankful that you are my boyfriend who always stays by my side doesn't matter day or night.From the first day that I saw you until right now, you are the only one in my heart until then I can't stop thinking about you.You make me fall in love with you every single time without trying.I'm so sorry for not doing the same thing to you,also I'm really sorry for forgetting our 3 years anniversary."Seungcheol said not wanting to have eye contact with Jihoon.

"I will forgive you if you promise me that you will change and didn't forget about our anniversary anymore," Jihoon said holding Seungcheol's hand.Seungcheol nodded rapidly like a puppy."I forgive you."Jihoon quickly hugs Seungcheol who look really happy like he is winning a big prize.

"Let's go out and celebrate our 3rd anniversary," Seungcheol said kissing Jihoon's cheek gently.

"Where are we going?"Jihoon asks as interwind his hand with Seungcheol after done putting his jacket on.

"I heard tonight there will be a firework nearby to celebrate the bridge that they already finished making it since last year,"Seungcheol said looking down at Jihoon's eye.

"Ohh~~.Is there something on my face Cheol?"Jihoon asks when Seungcheol looking at him while smiling showing his cute dimple that he used to poke whenever he bored.

"No, it just that your eyes are so pretty."Seungcheol exclaim rubbing Jihoon's cheek using his thumb.

"Thanks,"Jihoon said with shy tone and poke Seungcheol's dimple."So we are watching firework on the rooftop?"Jihoon added as he and Seungcheol arrive at the boy dorm rooftop.

"Yes," Seungcheol said and sitting on the bench tagging Jihoon along with him to the bench.

The both of them sitting down quietly waiting for the firework to appear, enjoying each other present.Once the firework finally appears in the night sky making it a bit brighter.Without wasting the time, Seungcheol pulls out a black small box from his pocket and place it in front of Jihoon while kneeling down gaining Jihoon's attention.

"Lee Jihoon I have something to say to you.When the first time I meet you, I feel so complete.I was so happy that I'm gonna have a roommate when I arrive at the dorm during my second semester.I was very happy to know it.When we finally meet, you make my heart beat and feeling butterfly.It's my first time to feel that way although I have dated a few time during my high school.To make you fall in love with me, I wore a good shirt, smell nice before going to sleep or after waking up I even went to the gym just to build this for you...I still remember that when the first time we meet you look so nervous until can't even look into my eyes when I talk to you.Then day by day you finally comfortable to talk with me and eat with me or even hang out with me.Then after 1 year of becoming best friend you confess to me at the locker during the night when all of us sneak into the University just to celebrate my birthday although it already past.I should be the one who confessing but then it was you to make the move so here I am to make the first move to propose to you."Seungcheol said while looking at his watch.The clock marks exactly at 12 o'clock."Lee Jihoon will you stop being my boyfriend and start to be my husband.Change your surname from Lee to Choi?Will you marry me by cute giggly puff?"Seungcheol asks to Jihoon who look so happy yet shy at the same time.

"Yes, I will start becoming your husband.I will change my surname from Lee Jihoon to Choi Jihoon, sound nice.I would love to marry you my cute muscular yet clingy husband."Jihoon said without wasting the time he quickly cupping Seungcheol face who still kneel down and give a long soft kiss on Seungcheol's lips.Without wasting anytime Seungcheol already Jihoon's bottom lips.

"I love you Choi Seungcheol/Choi Jihoon."Jihoon and Seungcheol said in the unison in between their hot season.


The End(I leave it to your imagination, I don't really know how to write a .Sorry)

Thanks for reading fellas I love you to the moon and back!!!


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Chapter 1: Cute!