My Last Breath For You

Tick Tack

Disclaimer: I do not know the boys, and I haven't the slightest clue as to what  their nightly habits are like. This is pure fictional and meant to entertain.
Pairing: All/Kevin
Rating: PG-13
AN: I watched the Tick Tack music video and loved the song, and the video too, I only felt it could have used a little more of a story. So this is what I came with. English is not my mother tongue, so I apologize for all the mistakes that are in the story.

Warning: I was forgeting this important part: This story contains boy love... kind of, so if it's not your cup of tea, you can go back now :)

Hope you like it!

Once the elevator doors opened, he placed his hand in the small of Kevin's back, urging him in. This one practically jumped inside at the touch. Jaesob huffed a breath.

"Relax, will you? It only works with the bare skin." Kevin just frowned at him, not answering him anything right away. After the silence had settled in for both of them, Kevin decided to speak.

"Is it true or were you lying when you said Joon was coming?" The singer finally asked, regaining his composure. Jaesob turned to look at him, and there was little bit of sadness in his eyes.

~You lie to me and expect me to go easy on you? Not a chance.~ He thought bitterly.

"He's coming." Answered the rapper not breaking the eye contact, as of trying to convey the truth of his words to his friend.

Kevin nodded, accepting the answer and deciding to trust in the rapper for the moment. Stupid as it may be. Kibum had told him what he'd planned to do if he didn't hear from Kevin the next day, and the singer knew, even Jaesob wouldn't act so foolishly. And Kevin trusted Kibum with all his being.

So far one thing was clear to him: Soohyun was the leader, in more that just band things, holding some kind of power over all of them. And he had never laid a finger on Kevin. So Jaesob wouldn't either.

He hoped.

~Besides, A.J. came for you when he didn't have to.~ A small voice that sounded so much like Alexander, whispered in his brain, but he ignored it in favor of the grudge he still held against his bandmate.

"Did Soohyun send you?" He asked when the elevator doors opened again, Jaesob kept walking at a prudent distance from the singer, not answering the question, or even trying to come up with some explanation.

That gave Kevin a bad feeling.

"Jaesob?" He tried again, now fearing the silence that had built between them again. "Do they know you're here?"
He knew now from experience, that every single time this two bands met, there was a fight waiting around the corner. But so far, it had always been five against five; and while Kevin had been pretty sure of the outcome on those other occasions, he wasn't so sure how things would go if Jaesob had to fight alone.

Just as he was giving up in getting an answer, Jaesob turned abruptly to look at him, making Kevin collide against his chest, retreating two steps.

"Everything that should concern you is that I'm taking you home, to a safe place. Don't ask me more questions because you're numbing my thinking more than you usually do." He said sternly, and almost in a patronizing tone, that had Kevin fuming and feeling like the child he no longer was.

Here he was again. Jaesob. And the singer who had actually thought that the man had cared enough to protect him.

The way outside the building was completely uneventful, so uneventful that Kevin almost thought Jaesob had tricked them, but the feeling didn't last long once outside. At first sight, the street seemed calm and in complete silence. Like every other night.

~Too much silence and stillness, just like two nights ago.~

Not even the bark of a loner dog could be heard, it even seemed as if the air had stopped his current too, and it was enough to make his hair stand to end in unsettleness. He was getting good at knowing when things were about to turn for the worst.

They had walked around the corner, when Kevin finally spotted Jaesob's car, he was about to make a comment of the vehicle being so far from the building, when a sudden current of air that hadn't been there before hit his back. He didn't have the time to turn around and see for himself what it was, as Jaesob's arm immediately shot up, grabbing him and pulling him behind the rapper's form in a matter of seconds.

From that perspective, there wasn't much Kevin could see, but the laughter he heard he could have recognized it anywhere by this time. He had it ingrained in his brain with a big neon sign that said *Dangerous. Run as fast as you can*.

Joon was there.

"You went looking for your stray pet." He said, and Kevin tried to get a better view, only to be pushed behind Jaesob's back again, a strong, and at the same time, tender grip keeping him in place.

"I'm taking him back to the coven. Nothing happened, as Soohyun told you, there's no need for you to be here."

Kevin forgot his initial anger at being pushed out of the way like a fly, when he heard Jaesob's voice. There was submission and fear, and this time not in undertones but clear enough that, even Kevin, could sense the change in the rapper's attitude.

~Was Jaesob afraid of Joon?~

"Soohyun's lack of judgement regarding this particular human has been proven wrong many times, over many centuries. Usually, I really wouldn't mind whatever games you're playing with him, but this time, when he holds so much power over our secret, I believe there is the need for me to be here."

Kevin heard movement in front of Jaesob, and this one stepping to their right side. Kevin realized, A.J was keeping him out of Joon's sight with his body. Joon laughed again, and clapped.

"I thought I would never see this side of you! So caring. Maybe you can understand why I'm doing this, then. To protect the one I love, just like you do." He said, moving in the other direction, Jaesob imitating him, not leaving Kevin without cover. There was no hesitation on the rapper's movements, secure and flawless, the singer could have swear their were reading each other's movements. But there was a certain sense of caution, as if he feared to anger the other vampire with the wrong move.

Kevin knew by the motion that they were being circled, Joon was looking for the right gap and the right moment to pounce. Jaesob's strong hold on his arm, told him what the rapper was preparing to do, and it didn't matter if he had been lying or if he was an to him most of the time, Kevin didn't want him fighting because of him.

He didn't knew what he could do to help on a one on one fight.

"I understand. We hold nothing against you for that, yet. But he's ours, let us deal with him in our own terms, Sire." A.J said more vehemently.

If Kevin had been a cat, his ears would have perked up at that sentence alone, not having to take note on the tone of respect Jaesob had used, he may not be some kind of vampire Know-it-all, but he could tell that that was a title denoting position and range. 

Through the constant movement, Kevin saw a glimpse of Joon shaking his head. There wasn't evilness in his eyes, like he had pictured it would be, there was an anger there, mixed with deep sadness.

"In all of our time together you never acknowledge me as your sire, and when you do, you do it for him?" Joon said softly, there was a pause where he kept his head cast down, when he looked up his expression had change to a bitter one. "He went to his human friend. How do we know we're not at risk? Cheolyong is a newborn still, barely able to defend himself, I will not endanger him just because you haven't had the courage to dispose of his human nature. Even when you can't wait to do it, right Jaesob?" A.J. grasp on his arm became almost painful, making him gasp softly. And Kevin couldn't tell if it was fear or anger that made Jaesob react that way, and what could it possibly mean. "Let me do it. A small gift for the damage I've caused you, my dear old friend. I can bound him to you, and you wouldn't have to share him with anyone."

The hold on Kevin's arm lessened, it didn't take a genius now to understand what Joon was talking about, what he was actually offering to do, and Jaesob's reaction made him afraid. Head cast down, eyes closed, Kevin knew, in small part of his subconscious, that Jaesob was considering it. 

Turn him.

And that's when it hit him: Soohyun didn't knew they were there, that Kevin was there. With Jaesob. And an angry manipulative Joon.

Somehow, he knew he shouldn't be counting on the cavalry anymore.

He considered running, a technique that until then had work out perfectly for him; but just barely turning his back, he caught a glimpse of Cheolyong standing behind him. Silent and still as a statue, Kevin hadn't even seen him arrive. They were circled already by the two vampires, and with a dread feeling, he realized, he wasn't in the safest hands either.

All of the sudden there was a rustle of ropes, and Kevin was being pushed, unnecessarily hard to the side. He fell, barely being able to lift his arms to protect his body, the ground scraping his arms and palms where he had hit the floor. He turned back as soon as he could, Jaesob and Joon were fighting where he had been moments before. 

Jaesob had pushed him out of the way.

Kevin stood up, trying to think in a way to get them out of that mess. Car.

He started to run in the direction of the car, when he caught sight of Joon and Jaesob again. They were fighting, rustling on the floor, fists moving too fast for him to see. Joon trapped Jaesob against the floor, effectively kicking him in the stomach, earning the momentum he needed to caught the rapper by the neck; A.J was moving his arms fast trying to get a hold on the other one and free himself, but obviously losing. Joon was stronger and faster, and then Kevin understood some part of Jaesob's behavior with the other vampire. Precaution. A.J had know himself at disadvantage from the beginning. And still had came for him.

Kevin ran towards them. Deciding he wasn't leaving A.J like this again, and letting his own precautions fly away, concentrating all of his weight on his left shoulder, he slammed his body against Joon, luckily catching him out of balance and throwing his body off of Jaesob. 

Kevin 1, Joon 0.

His satisfaction didn't last long.

Joon recovered fast, grabbing him by the neck, effectively cutting all his air intake, and with little effort, shaking him like and old doll. Standing up, he smirked at Jaesob's warning growl. Kevin felt the nails of the vampire embedding on his neck, drops of blood trailing down his neck, adding more agony to the slow suffocation.

"I'll give to you, that he does have fight in him. Not much intelligence, but will to fight. He will do a good vampire, good enough that I wouldn't mind him as my protege." He said exposing Kevin's neck without diminishing his hold, the movement made Kevin whimper pathetically in pain. "If he can get himself free, that is."

"Fight me! You know he can't defend from you. For once in your rotten life, do something fairly!" Jaesob screamed, respect and caution thrown away, and through the lack of oxygen, Kevin saw the change in Joon's posture at those words, and how the vampire closed his eyes as if really affected by them, for a moment his hold seemed to falter, but when it returned it was stronger, Kevin knew Joon was gonna rip his head off.

"I thought that by letting you go, your quarrel against me would have stopped. But I guess I was wrong, you are as impulsive and rancorous as you were after I embraced you. Being with Soohyun has done nothing to help you, instead you keep clinging to the last remains of your humanity like a newborn to his mother's !" Joon yelled back, shaking Kevin more, as if to make his point.

Kevin saw out of the corner of his eye, Jaesob's features harden, eyes darkening from anger, his demeanor change from cautious to reckless. And then he was running against them, hitting Joon on the face with a close fist, so hard that Kevin heard bones cracking, and freeing him from the hold he had been in. The singer gasped for air as soon as he hit the ground, rolling out of the way, still confused about his surroundings and what exactly had happened before. What had been said before.

Still, there wasn't mush time to stop to think and analyze what those two were arguing about, he will at A.J later for the beaten they were both receiving when they got out of this. He stood up on shaky legs, his knees almost giving up sending him back to the ground. He took a deep breath, trying in vain to get rid of the feeling of dizziness that invaded him. Again he aimed to run against Joon, ignoring the complaints of his abused body. But this time Cheolyong body stood in his way.

The face of the boy, was as Kevin remembered, youthful and innocent. But this time it was tainted with a expression more akin to madness, one that Kevin had never seen before.

He had counted with the element of surprise to unbalance Joon again and the fact that the older singer was too immerse in his fight with Jaesob; but now, face to face with Cheolyong, he knew he wasn't a match for the vampire. Kevin looked past Cheolyong's shoulder at the car. It wasn't that far anymore, he could cross that distance in seconds just by running, get in the car, with him there hopefully Jaesob wouldn't have to fight anymore, and with a little luck get out of there.

Had to get to the car.

He made a move towards Cheolyong's right, waiting for the exact moment the boy leaned his body in that direction, moment Kevin took to change his own direction, and run past his left side. He had almost made it, when Cheolyong's quick vampiric reflexes kicked in, an arm shooting up to grab him by the wrist, twisting and throwing him backwards, like a puppy toy.

Kevin herd a yell, and didn't realize it had been him. His wrist hurt, and he was sure it was probably broken, and while he lay, once again on the floor gasping due to the pain, Cheolyong stood a few meters away from him, not a single trace of effort on his breathing, head leaned to the side as if considering what to do next. He made the move to grabbed him once again.

Jaesob appeared at that exact moment, hitting the younger rapper so hard that he went flying to the other side of the street, with a howl of pain. The growl Kevin heard next coming from Joon, was enough to send him to his knees, while he had been trying to stand up. It was a warning and a threat that traveled with the wary silence of the night, dangerous and vengeful to the core. 

Joon was in on Jaesob on an instant. With a renewed strength and viciousness that reminded Kevin how useless he really was against this creatures. He couldn't help Jaesob, and instead, Kevin felt he was dulling the rapper's reactions.

It all happen so quickly, that when looking back, Kevin knew, there was probably anything he could have done. Nothing humanly possible.

A blur moved at his left, a barely visible flash of silver against the street light on Cheolyong's right hand directed at him. Withthe other two vampires engaged in their fight, Kevin could only close his eyes and wait for the strike to come.

It never did.

He opened his eyes in horror at the moan of pain he heard then. In front of him, shielding him with his body was Jaesob. Another gasp of pain came out from his lips, shaking Kevin out of his stupor. 

"Jaesob!!" He yelled, throwing himself at Cheolyong in rage and desperation, the only thing in his mind was to pull the blade out of his friend's body. He never got near. Joon haltered his actions, with a flick of his arm, send him flying backwards.

The noise of glass breaking reached him before the pain exploded on his back. The car alarm went on, playing background music to the dark spots that were forming in his eye sight, dancing before his eyes, making him painfully aware that he was loosing his fight against unconsciousness.

And while he kept fighting desperately against the imminent black out, there were two things he was sure of. One: He had made it to he car.

And two: Jaesob had protected him from Cheolyong risking his own life.

He had cared that much for him.

AN: Arghhhhh!!!! I'm so upset and angry at myself. Writing a fighting sequence is even harder that writing ! I read over and over again this chapter trying to fix it, but I couldn't, I was tempted to not post it at all. I did one last try because I really didn't wanted to leave you waiting the update. This is what came of it. I definitely know this is not one of the best chapters, but I did my best...

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Chapter 7: I know you haven't updated this for a really long time but I really like this story and if at all possible I would love to see more. I hope you'll give this story another thought.
0Alicia0 #2
Chapter 7: I keep rereading this story and still as good as ever!! Im still hopin you will update someday ;D Love ur work!!! Aaahhhhh jaevin <333333 oh but i ship kevin with everyone ~~
hahakissu #3
Chapter 7: update pleassseeeee!!!!!!
I am still waiting for this one.
KagayakuHoshi #5
Chapter 7: Please please please update this story or something! It's so good! I can't believe you left it here! T_T
Chapter 7: I've been reading this story over and over for like what, 3 or 4 times? And I'm still not tired of it. It was just so beautifully written...

Please, please, PLEASE update soon. I really want to know what happened to Kevin, and if Hoon was okay ><
Chapter 7: UPDATEEEEE PLEASEE... >___<
Nashkyu #8
Chapter 7: Hiya new reader here!!!!
Ur story is amazing !!!!
It got me hooked real badly so pretty please update soon wiz chocolate strawberry on top !!! ♥♥♡♥
Chapter 7: I'm a new reader and I'm super excited when I found this fic.
Man! I'm so hooked with it and spend hours to read it and I successfully finished it~! Yay! But when there are no more chapter, I was like 'NOOOO! WHY?!" Lol. So please update. Thank you! :D
Please, please, please update! This is so good :D