Extreme Measures

Tick Tack
Disclaimer: I do not know the boys, and I haven't the slightest clue as to what  their nightly habits are like. This is pure fictional and meant to entertain.
Pairing: Elvin, Jaevin, Kiseovin, Soonvin, Hoonvin, Doonvin, Joonmir.
Rating: R
AN: English is not my mother tongue, so I apologize for all the mistakes that are in the story.
Warning: This story contains boy love... kind of, so if it's not your cup of tea, you can go back now :)

Thanks so much to all of you who had left your reviews, and had subscribed to the story. I'm really doing this for you, and I hope you've been enjoying it so far.

No Dongho. No Hoon. And no Eli.

Somehow, and with a sense of despair, he knew he had not been dreaming, but remembering what had happened the night before. He got up, changing his sweat pants for other pair, taking the opportunity to inspect the bite.

There was nothing there.

Not even the slightest trace of what had made him act so badly with his friends.

It may have been nothing after all...

He sighed.

He needed to contact Kibum, and that was going to be his top priority for the day; even if it turned out he had never called him, Kibum would know what to do, or even if it was necessary to commit Kevin into a psiquiatric institution.

And somewhere deep inside him, Kevin had begun to understand that the answer was right in front of him.

He went into the living room, the apartment was in complete silence once again, but this time with the light of a new day coming through the windows, Kevin didn't feel so uneasy now, with the protection of the daylight; which he knew, was pretty stupid, since each one of his bandmates seemed to walk around in the sun without much trouble. Making his decision, he picked up the phone, and as he started dialing someone came from behind.

"What are you doing?" Kevin closed his eyes and hung up. He should've checked first.

~Why of all of them it had to be Kiseop who had to stay back and babysit?~

"Calling Kibum, I want to let him now I'm alright"

~And see him, but you don't have to know that~

"You just got out from the hospital, you need rest and not be troubling that head of yours with Kibum's constant nonsense. Come on, you have to eat breakfast, I made some delicious pancakes, you'll be proud of me"

And this was why it bothered Kevin that Kiseop was there, there was no way he could say no to the man, it didn't matter if it was of great importance or a complete stupidity, Kevin always found himself gravitating towards the man in compliance.

~And that's why they left YOU here, right? So I'll be a good pet~

Joon's words came to his mind as if they had been spoken by the MBLAQ singer himself and not Kevin

Kiseop took him by the hand, making Kevin fall in a daze,following him without any of the protests that had been wanting to come out from his mouth. After taking a seat at the kitchen table and waiting for Kiseop to bring breakfast, he finally came out if his stupor.

"Where are the others?" Kiseop didn't stop what he was doing, moving plates, getting ready the coffee pot, locating the honey, barely looking at him to answer his question.
"They went with manager-nim to the t.v station we had a presentation in, they want to cancel it due to your lesion, Soohyun thought it would be better if they all went" He ended, placing a plate full of pancakes in front of Kevin, smile endearing. One that Kevin found himself returning.
"That is today. We are doing just Someday, right? I can do that, all I have to do is stand there and sing the back up chorus, there's no need to cancel it just because of my alcohol induced stupidities"

Kiseop's smile faltered a bit, almost imperceptible to Kevin, but still there.

"We'll see then, went they get back" He said leaning down to kiss Kevin's forehead. "Eat now, you need to recover your strength"

And that just had to be Kiseop's power, the ability to make you let go of the stressful things when you most need to.

Kiseop continued the talk after that, mostly small things to keep the silence at bay; usually it wasn't a problem, they had been living together for years, and periods of silence where a part of that, and they had stopped being awkward long time ago. But now it seemed as if Kiseop just couldn't stand it. He kept babbling for the most part, barely giving Kevin any chance to answer.

And even less chance to think.

After Kevin was done, they moved to the living room, laying on the couch, Kevin's head resting on Kiseop's chest listening intently to his friend's heartbeat. Just like Eli's, but somewhat different, and each completely unique to Kevin.
He was sure that by the way he had studied both rhythms, he'd be able to recognize each one of them in the middle of a multitude.

~How important could be the things we take for granted~ He thought, with a last trace of lucidity. Kiseop was drawing small figures on his back, a lullaby to sleep.

They got back before Kevin had expected, and not with the usual bright faces that they always seemed to have. A.J looked at Kiseop shaking his head.

Well, it hadn't go as planned, it seemed.

"They said it's just one song, and that Kevin won't have to move at all" Said Hoon, sitting in front of the t.v, beside Kevin, lifting the singers legs to put the back down upon his own. "That it's too late for them to find another act to fill the gap...the greedy bastards"
Kevin was still lethargic, but awake enough to sense the distress in his friends. Trend or no trend they had a duty and a dream together.
"It's ok guys, I can do it. We need as much publicity as we can get, and I won't move a bit from my spot. Everything should be fine"

Kevin said proud of himself. One, he wasn't going to be the cause of them canceling the performance scheduled, and two, it might give him the time needed to contact Kibum.

Eli and Soohyun didn't look happy, in fact they looked pretty angered, but Kevin blame it on them being too overprotective. With the whole blood thing, Kevin was forgetting how his friends could get sometimes. He smiled at them, trying to ease their anger, and they returned the gesture, the tension leaving them for a moment.

"I'll get ready my things then, it's getting late for us" He said standing up and slowly walking to his room.

Nobody said a thing, and soon the apartment was fill with the noise of everyone getting ready to leave.

The t.v station was packed when they arrived, idol groups where flowing in every direction,  and as predicted everything was mayhem.

Just under the fifteen minutes of being there Kevin found his opportunity when he was left alone after his friends had left to check the stage.

He looked through Dongho's things, who he knew, never went anywhere without his cellphone. He felt horrible for trespassing the trust his friends had in him, but this was an emergency situation.

~Extreme situations, called for extreme measures. I'm so sorry Dongho~

He didn't have to look that long, moving his hand around the bag, he came in contact with a small piece of plastic and metal.

Bingo, he had found it.

He checked for any noise coming from the hallway once more to make sure no one was near, and closed the door of their dressing room, as he started to dial the number.

It only ring once and it was answered.

"You better be letting me see him now, otherwise I have nothing to talk to you about" Was Kibum's fierce response, Kevin smiled, and let out a breath he didn't knew, he had been holding. It felt so good to hear Kibum's voice again, even in anger, Kevin found it the most reassuring thing in the past two days.
"Vinnie? Oh thank goodness... Are you ok? Why did you hung up on me the other night? I tried to call you back, and when you didn't answer your phone I contacted Soohyun, but he said you were *unabelable*. Are you ok? What happened?"

But Kevin had heard everything he needed to. And his mind was working fast on his next curse of action.

So, he did tried to reach Kibum the night of his fall.

Supposedly fall.

~Oh crap... What now?~

"Hyung, I'm at KBS, I can't talk right now, but I need you to come and pick me up. Don't tell anyone, and don't call me when you get here, I have no phone and I haven't had the time to pick one" He heard voices in the hallway. Eli and A.J. "I'll be off in about two hours. And please, please, do not return the call."

He finished, in a desperate tone, and without letting Kibum reply anything. He quickly placed the phone where he had found it, making sure to close the bag again; he ran to the other side of the room, wincing at his ankle protests of abusment, and lay on the couch there, closing his eyes and trying to calm his breathing.

All in time record.

~Maybe I wronged the profession, I should have been a professional sneak thief~ He thought to himself bitterly.

Eli and A.J entered the room seconds after he had fallen on the couch.

"Well it looks nice, the least they could do, anyways" Said A.J, sitting beside Kevin, who opened his eyes and smiled at them. "You'll love it, it's all girly like you"

Words to which Kevin's smile transformed into a frown.

Well, at least his perception of Jaesob, couldn't be worse. The man was an irritating , whenever he had his mind set on it.

They moved to the stage when it was their turn, Kevin walked slowly, his ankle giving him a hard time, making him fall behind, but never too far from the rest of the group, he noticed. They we're slowing down their steps too, and he would have given it more importance, if it wasn't for the fact that MBLAQ was there too.

They were almost upon the stage, when Kevin caught sight of Cheundong walking past him

He called his name, and grabbed his arm gently.

The rapper turned to look at him with a look of disdain on his face, one that Kevin had never seen in the numerous times they had come across on events like this, and with a excess of force, not required for this kind of situation, shook Kevin's light hold off of him

Never saying a word, he locked gazes with the singer, eyes cold and hard, effectively stopping any attempt of Kevin to talk to him again.

There was something different about Cheundoong now.

Kevin felt a dreading sensation, it may be already too late for the rapper.

Soonhyun's hand on the small of his back kept him going, shaking him out of his gloomy thoughts.

"Don't mind him" He said next to his ear, taking him by the arm, the touch making him feel a little less guilty "They don't know how to take a critic"

And that was all it was said about the matter.

The performance went excellent, and Kevin felt proud of his fellow singers, they had nailed it, maybe because the song meant so much for them, but he was sure it was also the amazing talent his bandmates possessed. Their manager escorted him once again to their dressing room, while the rest of the group finished the filming with all the other idol groups invited.

It was his opportunity. More than two hours had passed.

Kevin grabbed his jacket, and when he was finished writing the note to his friends telling them he had gone to buy a new phone, the door opened.

Kevin cursed, he had thought he had more time.

"The pet is about to sneak behind his owner's back, again."

All the blood in Kevin left him for that brief instant. Turning around he came to stand face to face with non other than Lee Joon, behind him, Cheolyong stood silently, guarding the door.

"I beg your pardon" He said, trying to keep it cool and make time, not taking the bait of being called *a pet* again, whatever Joon wanted with him couldn't be good, and even without a hurt ankle, he couldn't be any actual menace to the dancer strong built.

"Don't play fool with me, we both know you're not that stupid, even if you like to play it like that." He said smiling at Kevin, a gesture the singer didn't find comforting at all. "So... You're going off with your human friend out there?"

Kevin was trembling, trying to keep it in control and failing miserably. They knew about Kibum being there, and he was worried beyond imagination at knowing he may have placed his friend in a dangerous position.

"I don't know what are you talking about. Shouldn't you be with the rest of your band out there?" He said, trying to play numb and change the topic. Joon laughed, Cheolyong looked worried.

"You know what I'm talking about. Soohyun came with his second in command this morning to talk to Seungho. Did he told you that? Said there wasn't anything to worry about, that you were no threat to us; we're kind of overprotective about our secret, you know? And I believe that, almighty Soonhyun was wrong, and that you DO are a threat to us."

The smile had left Joon's face, replaced by a look of anger Kevin knew very well. He was coming short with his answers at an amazing speed, and before he could come up with any other, Joon grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall.

The movement had barely made a hair lift from Joon's face, but it had been strong enough to force the air out of Kevin's lungs and cause a sharp pain in his back. Not a very human like movement.

To say Kevin felt panic rising from the bottom of his stomach would be little.

Changsun's touch didn't seem at all like the one of Eli or Soohyun, which usually brought him peace and tranquility. There was a sense of urgency, danger, and desperation, all mixed together, an edge that had Kevin wanting to run as far from there as possible, feeling like a prey meeting his hunter.

He struggled, trying to rip Joon's hand away from his neck, and failing miserably.

"I've worked hard for all I have now. Do you know how many centuries it took me to find Cheolyong? I'm not about to let you ruin it due to lack of understanding from your small unintelligent human brain, even if it means that I have to turn you myself, because Soohyun is too much of a soft unhearted vampire when it comes to you."

Joon said, finally exposing the fangs that hadn't been there moments before, he leaned in, breathing in Kevin's neck.

This was getting all too familiar.

The door bursted open, and Kevin fell to the floor almost immediately, listening to Soonhyun and (surprisingly) Seungho's voices, but not making much sense of them. It seemed that the rest of UKiss and MBLAQ were there too, all arguing at the same time, with the promise of fight lying hidden in the undertones of their voices and postures.

Leaving Kevin as trembling mess, laying on the floor, due to the crash of something unknown to him.

They were all facing each other, too caught in the imminent sense of a battle coming, that Kevin took his opportunity to get out of there.

Gathering his strength and courage, he limped as quickly as he could in the direction of the parking lot, coming across other idol groups, barely acknowledging their greetings. He was a door away from Kibum, when a new form step out from the shadow, standing in his way.


"You got wrong the place, crazy angered vampires reunion is down the hall" He said, already moving to sidestep Cheundoong. This one only had to raise an arm.

"What do you think you're doing? Soonhyun did the unthinkable and came to ask a favor from Seungho. A favor! For you! Do you have any idea what that means in our standards?"

"No I don't, because no one had the delicacy to try to explain it to me. All they did was treat me like a fool who couldn't understand a thing, and I had to go and find out all by myself because of YOUR stupidity. I'm not doing anything wrong, by all means, I'm doing what it's best for me."

"You're being stupid and self-centered. You have no idea how much and how far they have gone to keep you protected and away from all of this; and you're about to throw it all away without a second thought."

Kevin had turned towards the wall, head down, trying to focus on Cheundoong voice, and away from the pain on his heart, but at hearing that accusation he looked up, angered.

"You have no right to judge me, because you have no idea of who I am or how deep our bonds go. I'm not throwing anything away, all I'm doing is trying to find the answers that nobody seems willing to give me. I need time to think. But I let you know this, just because I'm going now, doesn't mean I'm stupid and weak, have clear that I too would go to unimaginable limits to keep THEM safe. They are my family, there isn't anything that I wouldn't do for them. Even if they don't want to face that situation."

Cheundoong put down his arm, looking at Kevin again, there was understanment and something akin to sadness, apparently conformed with what Kevin had said. He nodded, and fully step aside, walking towards the dressing room, not looking back again.

"The answers you seek...they won't come from your human friend. Sooner or later all of you will have to face this. YOU will have to face this." He said, leaving the singer behind, with no other word.

Kevin limped outside, finding Kibum already there pacing, slow angry steps around his car

~The idiot. Couldn't he stay in the car instead? That's why Joon saw him.~

As soon as he spotted Kevin, he ran towards him, helping him in the car, going around, opening the drivers door and climbing inside in an instant, as if he knew how really important was the time at the moment. Still, once they were both inside, there was a brief moment, when Kibum looked at him with relief written on his eyes, and let out a sigh, starting the engine immediately after that. No words were uttered through the short ride to the place Kevin had once felt like home.

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Chapter 7: I know you haven't updated this for a really long time but I really like this story and if at all possible I would love to see more. I hope you'll give this story another thought.
0Alicia0 #2
Chapter 7: I keep rereading this story and still as good as ever!! Im still hopin you will update someday ;D Love ur work!!! Aaahhhhh jaevin <333333 oh but i ship kevin with everyone ~~
hahakissu #3
Chapter 7: update pleassseeeee!!!!!!
I am still waiting for this one.
KagayakuHoshi #5
Chapter 7: Please please please update this story or something! It's so good! I can't believe you left it here! T_T
Chapter 7: I've been reading this story over and over for like what, 3 or 4 times? And I'm still not tired of it. It was just so beautifully written...

Please, please, PLEASE update soon. I really want to know what happened to Kevin, and if Hoon was okay ><
Chapter 7: UPDATEEEEE PLEASEE... >___<
Nashkyu #8
Chapter 7: Hiya new reader here!!!!
Ur story is amazing !!!!
It got me hooked real badly so pretty please update soon wiz chocolate strawberry on top !!! ♥♥♡♥
Chapter 7: I'm a new reader and I'm super excited when I found this fic.
Man! I'm so hooked with it and spend hours to read it and I successfully finished it~! Yay! But when there are no more chapter, I was like 'NOOOO! WHY?!" Lol. So please update. Thank you! :D
Please, please, please update! This is so good :D