(JY) Goodbye childhood

Keep Smiling Please
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I thought I made it clear by saying "I don't live at mine anymore." meant I didn't want to stick around and we should go on our separate ways, but here I am walking with Kim Jisoo to the bus stop. Thank goodness we're not going to ride the same bus together. I could just imagine the awkwardness...

I tried to walk fast to end my agony sooner but she didn't follow my pace. Was it a good thing? I don't know. I don't care if I'm being rude but I just really want to go home, alone, preferably.

"Jinyoung-ah," Jisoo suddenly called me, and for that I involuntarily halted. I didn't bother replying. What does she want?

"Congratulations on becoming the school representative for that quiz by the way," caught up on me then patted my back, "I heard you talk with your teacher at the faculty room."

I'm not good at small talks. Hell, I'm not good at talking, period, "Thanks."

We continued walking, this time she tried keeping up on my pace.

"I guess being the school genius no longer flatters you."

Fact. "It bores me actually."

"Really?" she sounded surprised. "Why?"

I exhaled before I answered her, "Why bother trying to make stupid people understand you."


I expected her to contradict everything I just said, but maybe she has no idea what I'm trying to say. We just kept walking.

Until, she spoke again, "I like the way your mind works Park Jinyoung."

"Really?" I copied her response, sans the need for an explanation.

She nodded. "It's like, why bother telling people how you feel when the truth is, they don't care, and they will never care. All of us have different problems to deal with."

This girl has some issues of her own. I acknowledged the truth from her words.

"And they say 'No man is an island.’ what a load of crap right?"

She laughed at my response. The sound of her laugh reminded me of the times we used to play when we were little.

I remembered what a crack-up the three of us were back in the days. Besides the playing and running we mostly spent our times talking about nonsense and made little jokes that only the three of us understood. Jisoo was the natural joker and she never failed to make us laugh. Those were the days. We were just little kids.

Finally we arrived to our destination. Luckily, we wouldn't have to sit and wait for our buses to arrive, at least for her. She walked ahead towards the bus door but before she entered, she turned around and smiled at me.

"See you tomorrow Park Jinyoung!"

Instead of replying, I just nodded my head.

My apartment building is just a few minutes bus ride from and to my school. The rent is cheap because, it's very small for one, and the neighborhood is kind of questionable. Like literally the police pay a visit to the streets almost everyday. It's a crime hotspot I guess. I'm a man, so it's kind of okay for me.

As soon as I opened my door, the smell of lavenders overwhelm me. I look at my surroundings and nothing's changed much. I moved here a year ago taking only a few of my possessions back at home. It's a good thing this room was already furnished and good to go for someone like me who suddenly ran away from home.

I like keeping things in order. It's a trait I'm glad I inherited from my late father. The scent of the flowers constantly remind me of him.

I looked at the clock. Tonight's my night off my part time job. It's still early, I'm hungry, but right now I'm too lazy to go out of the house. Usually I would eat my dinner at my workplace, saves me from the hassle of looking for other places to eat.

I dec

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