Sea of Japan

drabble collection


Summary: when your friend asks you how did you and him meet? and you cannot stop talking 
Characters: Jungkook & OC
Words: around 580
Genre: fluff

        How did you guys meet?
        Me and Jungkook?
        Well, it’s a long story.
        I have time.

It all started in Busan. Me and two of my college friends went to a road trip after my roommate got her driving licence. It was late autumn, therefore the weather was stormy yet I was too eager to see the sea. So, with my puffy jacket and the characteristic smile on my face, I went to the shore all by myself.

It was utterly empty; but it didn’t wash away my happiness since it was the first time for me. My first time seeing the sea of Japan. I walked down the coastline and sank into the mesmerizing details. I tried to hold onto every tiny piece of the view because, for me, it was a dream coming true.

It was the music that forced me to halt and my curiosity that unfroze my limbs. The soft melody consumed my soul and led me to him. He wore a black hoodie, but nothing warmer. I mean, of course, there was a white T-shirt underneath but the weather was so cold, my fingers hurt because of the wind yet he looked as if he was perfectly fine. Unlike me, his body didn’t tremble under the layers.

He played the guitar and I just stood there, listening. It was magical – as if the unfamiliar chords became a part of me. I didn’t even realized that I started to sing until the music eventually disappeared. I did it instinctively, without a second thought just as he turned towards me without thinking. His eyes that loitered over my petite figure were so big, almost rounded. The shock was painted on his handsome face.

We both knew that it was too late. I already recognized him. The one and only golden maknae of BTS.

The muteness was long. And I was the one who broke it into tiny pieces. I took a step forwards and smiled. I told him that I liked his music then turned my back on him.

My steps were slow although my speed couldn’t have been more perfect. Even though he hesitated, I didn’t disappear. 

It took him almost a minute to stand up and catch up with me. He poked my shoulder then said something that was too quiet for my ears. The confusion must have settled on my features because then he took a deep breath and repeated his clumsy thank you with a shy smile. My heart forgot to beat.

He told me that – just as I liked his music – he liked my voice, too. Then, he asked whether I had enough time to drink a hot chocolate at his favourite place. He was curious whether I had a concrete lyrics in my head when I sung or not and how the melody made me feel.

We talked all day long. The sun was on the sky when we stepped inside the coffee shop yet it was nightfall when we left. I didn’t ask for it, but he gave me his KakaoTalk ID anyway so I repaid his kindness. He promised that he would send me the completed audio file when he finishes the music then we separated.

We didn’t talk until, two weeks later, he send me the most wonderful song I have ever heard. He asked for my sincere opinion and I told him I fell in love with his voice. After that, it took him two seconds to admit, he fell in love with mine, too.

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