
Chart Topper, Heart Stopper
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Title: Chart topper, heart stopper

Summary: Chanyeol and Baekhyun are enemies in the public eye. Chanyeol and Baekhyun are also dating behind the public eye. It’s a complicated situation but one song together might just change that.



A year ago….


“Me? Work on a collaboration with Park Chanyeol?” Baekhyun scoffs, jokingly - if you can call it that - to everyone’s amusement and laughters. “Please, we produce different genres of music. And I definitely have better song titles than him.”





A year ago, a collaboration between them would’ve been impossible but it is true when they say that the future is always unpredictable. Present day Baekhyun, however, breaks into the conference room huffing and not even a little bit happy about the text he just received from his CEO about a collaboration with Park Chanyeol, that he didn’t even know anything about.


What’s with deciding all about his future? A collaboration too, on top of it all!  Fine, they are his bosses and they make the final decisions, but still, isn’t his approval needed every now and then, too?


Baekhyun sometimes feels like he’s not even a person in this company but a slave that should always be ready to do what his masters bid him to do. They make him do projects he doesn’t even want to do, like attend variety shows that involve too much physical activities when he isn’t even fit for that. He’s a couch potato that spends all his free time playing games and playing with his dog, Mongryong.


Well, he is a person too! Baekhyun fumes inside. He has feelings and is the one who actually earns half of this company’s yearly revenue for three-going-on-four years now. And who, he believes, deserves to have a say on what’s going to happen on his next comeback!


“Why am I informed of this collaboration just when it’s inevitable already?” Baekhyun asks as soon as he sits down, glaring at everyone sitting around the conference table before taking a seat right by the middle, not even bothering to address them despite bursting in uninvited. “And with Park Chanyeol too? The Park Chanyeol whom I don’t like - mind you - out of all the singers and idols in this goddamn populated entertainment industry?”


“Baekhyun-” His manager, Jongdae, intervenes trying to calm him down but Baekhyun manages to stop whatever the dinosaur-look-alike (that’s what he calls him whenever he’s angry) manager of his was about to say with a look. Jongdae cowers in fear. Even if he served in the marines during his time in the army, he still is no match for an angry Baekhyun.


“Don’t even try, Jongdae. You should’ve informed me too!” Baekhyun calls out before crossing his arms around his chest and glares some more on the other three occupants of the room. “Well, I’m waiting for your excuses this time.” He sasses.


Kim Heechul, his CEO, shivers (secretly to maintain his dignity) at the glare sent to him by their beloved star. “Baekhyun, you have to cal--” he says, but ultimately was still interrupted.


“How did you even agree to this, hyung?” Baekhyun asks. “You know I would never do this if I’ve known that it’s with Yeol.” Baekhyun whines, whines, with his killer pout in tandem. If he directed this to Jongdae, his manager would’ve done everything including kidnapping Park Chanyeol and making him disappear so this collaboration wouldn’t happen. That’s how powerful Byun Baekhyun’s pout is.


And the cute singer is devilishly aware of all of this.


“I--” Heechul pauses, eye caught in those puppy eyes. Fighting hard to look away, Heechul looks at Jessica, who is seated to his right, and clearing his throat says, “Jess, why don’t you explain to Baekhyun why this is the best.” Before taking his phone out of his pocket and directing his attention to it. The more distractions against that pout the better the results would be.


After a moment of silence, in which a startled Jessica is frantically thinking up things to say, Baekhyun sighs. “Okay, let’s hear this reason.” Even if he is pissed off right now, Baekhyun still is a reasonable pup- singer, and still listens to what his superiors have to say.


Thankful that Baekhyun is starting to calm down now, Jessica straightens herself and says. “We understand your apprehensions for agreeing to this project, but we, as your managers and him being your boss,” that word spoken with a particular stress and a little nod to Heechul’s direction, “believe that this will be good for your career.”


The star waits for more but Jessica seems to have nothing else to say after that. Baekhyun grunts in disagreement before turning his gaze to the said boss and giving a nod, after all he is still his boss, to continue where the vice president left off. Encouraged by the nod, the CEO continues their practiced speech - although they didn’t think they would be using their script so early.


Sometimes he even wonders what happened to that naive, innocent child he debuted all those years ago. The Baekhyun of the present is as sassy as one can be. It sometimes gives him headaches.


“We’ve done our research and we all agreed that it is going to be beneficial for you and Park Chanyeol, both.” he says, summoning the CEO in him to stop being intimidated by Baekhyun. “Isn’t it time to put this petty, little feud --- if that is even what you call it --- behind the two of you?” Mr. Kim finishes, looking so satisfied with himself.


“How is that petty?” Baekhyun exclaims, mystified at his hyung calling it petty. This… thing going on between him and Chanyeol has taken years off of his life already, for good and bad reasons. “Do you even know the drama this would cause? The chaos, fanwars, and - I don’t know, the mess in general that’s going to result from this?” The newly-dyed brunette - sign of an impending comeback - star argues back.


He really wouldn’t want himself and his beloved fans to be involved in such a situation, once again. It’s already always messy when his and Chanyeol’s songs clash on charts, what more if they’re both in a song. The mess he’d rather not have. All he wants is a peaceful comeback, damn it. Already feeling pessimistic at this project.


Baekhyun was already busy with studying the songs and dance routines for his next release but was still waiting for the title track to be discussed with him. He was getting impatient too, but now he knows why it was taking his management so long to answer him as they were planning this. Well, it’s not a nice surprise at all.


“Of course, we know the risks of this collaboration but we still think that there are far more gains than the negative impacts it’s going to have.” Jessica says, joining the conversation. She’s the one actually in charge of collaborations and is the one who deals with other companies regarding projects for their artists. “Mr. Park is very talented, and with his fanbase combined with yours, we are sure to reap good rewards.”


Good rewards meaning, in the corporate world, that more money will enter their bank accounts. Baekhyun scoffs disgustingly at this thought.


Baekhyun is about to retort when Jessica butts in. “Both yours and Chanyeol’s reputation combined is already an assurance of a chart-topping song. Imagine how much it’ll sell physically too,” she adds, eyes beaming with the possibility. “You both do have large dedicated fanbases.”


She looks too satisfied and Baekhyun, even with all the respect he has for her, just wants to wipe that look off her face.“How could you even be sure-” He starts to argue but was, once again, cut off.


Will they even let him finish talking?


“We are sure that’s going to happen, because fans of you both wouldn’t want to give the title, ‘Most Supportive Fanbase’, to the other. They would fight for that one, like they always have for the past few years.” Heechul  interrupts him passionately, and Baekhyun thinks that if this was an anime his eyes would be burning right now in fervor. Except that with his boss’ current curly hairstyle, it would probably look funny.


“Although I would never understand how your fans work, it is good for business so I’m not complaining.” Heechul ends his mini speech and Baekhyun just rolls his eyes. Typical.


It is so typical of his CEO to see the fans as ATMs, always using them just for his own advantage. That’s why he makes sure his fans know how thankful and happy he is to have them and their support. Baekhyun knows how much they sacrifice too, so he always aims to just be able to pay them back with his hard work. He believes he owes his success to them, to those who took the time and listened to his songs back when he was still just a nobody in the industry.


After being featured in one of the top rating dramas during that time, Baekhyun catapulted to fame and his sales went through the roof. Putting his name besides Earth on Fire (the artists themselves know the name is lame but it pertains to their superpowers that their management has assigned to them which the duo themselves want to forget about already), Chanyeol’s duo with Kyungsoo (who were already a year into their career) side by side in the charts. Sales even went up once competition was added into the equation, along with all the crazy fan drama.  


“But you know very well that we - Park Chanyeol and I -” Baekhyun reiterates in case they miss his point,  “are not friends.” Baekhyun argues.


“About that,” His CEO slowly starts, “I think it’s about time we put all that animosity behind, right? You’re twenty six now, Baekhyun, it’s time to grow up.” Kim Heechul finishes, eyes twinkling, probably already thinking of all the money he’s about to make.


The small singer is about to complain some more (because holding onto the past is not childish behavior, okay) when he felt his phone vibrating inside his pocket. He picks it up, eyeing the people distracted in their own world before looking on his screen. Baekhyun frowns after reading the text message he just received and ignores the people in the room who started bickering once again after Jongdae (bless his soul) started to fight for him.


Baekhyun returns his attention to his phone and after one last read of that text, he locks it and puts it back in his pocket. He clears his throat to get their attention and with clenched fists he utters the words he least expected to say ever since he stormed inside that door earlier.


“I’ll do it.” He says, voice soft yet still firm. The bickering stops, everyone turns their bulging eyes to him, with mouths open and gaping like fishes, completely dumbfounded at this turn of events. They had thought they would have to beg before Baekhyun agrees to the project.  


“A..are you sure, Baekhyun?” Jongdae asks him, clearly confused as to this immediate change in his demeanor. Baekhyun is probably going to regret this sooner or later, but it’s not like he has a choice after that text, so he nods a yes to his manager. He and his manager exchange eye contact while Heechul and Jessica high five each other in celebration.


“I  knew you were going to come around, Baekhyun. You’re not my favorite for nothing.” Heechul says, beyond satisfied, not even wondering a little bit as to why his artist’s opinion suddenly changed. Baekhyun just suppresses his annoyance at this. And he thought they were friends at least, not just being a boss and his artist.


“Anyway, I forgot I have another appointment, so may I excuse myself?” Baekhyun questions, and after receiving approval he immediately makes his way out, avoiding Jongdae’s questioning eyes. He himself doesn’t even know what he’s doing. He closes the door to the conference room with the three of them already discussing the new project.


Baekhyun goes straight to the back entrance of their agency building. This place is a bit secretive since it’s hidden by the big trees surrounding their compound. Many artists from their company have their special someones pick them up here before they sashay into their magical land of love and secret relationships. It’s not like Baekhyun is one to judge anyway, seeing as he is also one of those artists waiting for their ride.


Baekhyun straightens up from his crouching position by the door when he sees the approaching black car. He immediately opens the door and gets in the passenger seat, trying hard to ignore the other’s attempt at kissing his cheeks. The driver chuckles at his smaller lover and starts the engine, ignoring the ominous feelings of being followed.


Baekhyun breaks his silence once they’re a couple of blocks away from his agency building with a threat to the other. “This better be worth it,” before turning to the other. Baekhyun can’t help but feel annoyed at that smirk playing on his (the other’s?) lips. And he can’t help but get annoyed at himself even more for being so attracted to it too. Get a hold of yourself, Byun. Dammit. “Park Chanyeol.”


“Babe, you know saying my name like that is not good for my health.” Chanyeol says, turning to him once they reach a stop light. “Makes me want to hear you scream it all night.”


Chanyeol deserved the slap on his shoulder that the comment earned him. “Shu..t up!” Baekhyun huffs looking outside the window, feeling his cheeks reddening. You can’t blame him, the taller just got back from an overseas photoshoot for a magazine so he’s missing him a little bit. A little bit too much, really.


It also isn’t helping how Chanyeol just looks so hot while driving. Leaning against the door, Baekhyun slyly observes his boyfriend. Newly dyed brown hair ruffled ily, aviator shades, finished with a bomber jacket with sleeves pulled up to his forearms showing his leather wrist watch and his very (ily) prominent veins. Baekhyun may or may not have swallowed at the sight.


He should be annoyed that the other did not even bother to hide his identity - no face masks, no snap backs pulled low over his eyes, no black hoodie. But how, when his boyfriend looks so delectable, it’s a miracle Baekhyun hasn’t jumped on Chanyeol yet.


He has better self-control than that, thank you very much. Clearing his mind, he remembers the reason why he was riled up earlier before those feelings turned into -- okay, not gonna go there.


Turning once again to his boyfriend, he asks. “Seriously, Park Chanyeol, what are you planning on doing?”


“Relax babe.” Chanyeol sends him a teasing smile, eyes full of mischief and Baekhyun just twitches his eye at this. He knows the other is keeping a secret from him, he just can’t figure out why. His musing is interrupted when he suddenly felt a warm hand squeezing his. “Hey, babe, if you continue looking at me like that, this night isn’t going to end up innocent.” He frowns but Chanyeol just laughs at him.


He looks down just in time to see Chanyeol’s much bigger hand intertwine with his slender fingers. Baekhyun takes a moment to admire the perfect fit of their hands before Chanyeol brings it up and gives it a peck. Baekhyun gets silent after that, heart thudding, he looks at his taller boyfriend and sees the love reflected on his honey like gaze. Chanyeol smiles at him, before focusing back on driving.


And at this moment, Baekhyun can’t help but feel the overwhelming love and affection he feels for the other one. He gives a tiny squeeze back and looks outside the window as buildings go past his vision one after another. This comforting atmosphere surrounding them is one of the reasons why Baekhyun likes their arrangement. A secret relationship hidden from the public eye with their pseudo-rivalry-hate fuelled public relationship.


Baekhyun knows the saying goes, ‘the more you hate, the more you love,’ but it’s not like they’re going to figure it out, right?






[BREAKING] Chart rivals Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun confirmed to have a collaboration


Undeniable music chart rivals Park Chanyeol and Byun Baekhyun are reported to work on a song collaboration expected to break the charts. The song will be the title song for Baekhyun’s upcoming album.


In a joint announcement by both of their agencies, Baekhyun and Chanyeol will be working on a love song. It is going to be released in two months after all the album preparations are done. Further details about the song are yet to be revealed.  


The two are known for their rivalry on the music charts and for being vocal about the dislike they have for each other. A year ago, Baekhyun even said in an interview that he wouldn’t want to work with the rapper/producer in a project. Maybe this project is a sign that their little rivalry is dwindling down and that a friendship is finally about to form for the top two stars in the industry.




[+11,207, -614] Well, this is going to be interesting…. Did the reporter-nim mean the chart roofs? Because it’s definitely going to be hit.


[+6,519, -64] they better have a good song title for this release or im suing


[+5,519, -506] I can’t wait for this to happen!! I’m a fan of both and I can’t believe I have been blessed enough to witness this in my lifetime.


[+4,321, -365] BAEKHYUN OPPA IS GOING TO BE THE BEST!!!! But why is he with that rapper….




[+3,000, -100] There, there kids….. Don’t fight. Why can’t we just appreciate this moment without you guys fighting.





Baekhyun can’t help but giggle at the comments while reading them. A few hours after he agreed with the project, it seems like his agency already set out to work. Now it’s all over the news - how he and Chanyeol are supposedly going to break the charts and whatnot. It’s flattering and made him happy a little bit. He always checks the responses to his activities but this is just explosive.


Park Chanyeol really does have a magic touch,  doesn’t he? Baekhyun blushes at the thought of the magic touch and how it led to his state of ness at the moment.


Or he just has the whole Korea obsessed with him, Baekhyun supposes.


This isn’t even going to be the first time their names appear on the same article, having been linked already ever since his career begun. But this is different, with the participation of them two in a project. They would be seen together, singing in one song, and maybe, promoting this together too.


And most of all, he’s kinda scared about how will their fandoms react to this.


Baekhyun, in his three-going-on-four-year career, never imagined this would happen. Especially with how they started, and how they decided to keep up their ‘enemies’ facade back when they started dating. They even agreed to keep it a secret from their managers, only having their bestest friends know about it.


Going back to the article, Baekhyun notices that the amount of comments and upvotes it’s starting to have is slowly increasing. Comments ranging from excitement to shock and even some that are opposed to this, slowly make their way onto the site, garnering some thumbs up, while others - thumbs down. Why are they even awake at this time of night? Baekhyun muses.


“Hmmm.” Baekhyun’s musing was interrupted by a sudden arm wrapping around his waist, pulling his body closer to the other’s equally chest. (Surprise, surprise - the night really didn’t end up innocent.), feeling the deep rumble of the other’s voice as he gets tucked in against the taller one’s well sculpted chest. Those hours at the gym are definitely not making only Chanyeol’s fans happy.  


“What are you doing?” Chanyeol’s gruff voice asks, sleepiness still evident in his tone, which Baekhyun would never admit sent shivers down his spine. Even though he feels a little guilty, as the taller one probably woke up because he wasn’t able to control his laughter after reading the new comments added to the previous ones.


“Just reading.” The singer answers his sleepy boyfriend, fingers splayed over the other’s chest, and starts to play with it (?? maybe his fingertips started to dance against Chanyeol’s skin/chest or something?). “The article about our collab just got released.”


“Hmmm, and what do people think?”


“They think our song should have a good song title.” Baekhyun laughs once he hears the other groan at his statement.


“My song titles are not that bad, babe.” Chanyeol whines, making Baekhyun laugh out loud.


Baekhyun rolls his eyes, of course, he would whine. Seriously, he’s dating a child. “Yes, they are.”


“At least I’m taller.” Chanyeol argues back, grumbling in pain after receiving a swift kick on his shin from Baekhyun. “Ow, Baek! I’m sorry, no more height jokes, I promise.”


Satisfied, Baekhyun tightens his hold around the other, placing his ear above Chanyeol’s heart to hear it beating. Chanyeol finds this habit of Baekhyun very cute. Two years of dating (secretly) and he still has this little habit of always wanting to hear his heartbeat.


“I don’t know what your fascination about my heartbeat is,” Chanyeol says while nuzzling the puppy-like mop of hair, “But know that it’s beating just for you. Has been for two years now, baby.” Before planting a kiss right at Baekhyun’s crown.


Baekhyun whines at the cheesiness of his boyfriend but nevertheless, he hides his blushing and burning face. “Don’t do that, you can’t do this to me.” Chanyeol grins, feeling his love for the singer in his arms overflowing.


“Hey, Baek.” Chanyeol whispers. Baekhyun leans back to look the other in the eyes and Chanyeol immediately lets go of his waist to Baekhyun’s cheeks. The smaller just stares at him confused, eyes looking for answers. It’s always been a thing of theirs, communicating silently. But this time Chanyeol needs to say what he’s about to say.


“I love you.”


They might be a secret to everyone around them but their feelings are true and as real as it can be. Inside the four walls of this room, Chanyeol can tell Baekhyun he loves him, hold him and make him feel just how much he can make Chanyeol’s life so much better with just one smile.


“I love you too,” Baekhyun says back, perfectly understanding the messages hidden in the silence. As long as they know they are each other’s, everything will be okay. “Bad song naming skills included.” He teases.


Chanyeol laughs before slowly leaning in, and Baekhyun closes his eyes already anticipating what’s going to happen. The moment their lips touch, soft, thin lips against Chanyeol’s thicker ones, Baekhyun swears he sees fireworks behind his eyes. Even if they’ve already kissed a hundred -- hell, a thousand -- times, it always feels like the first time, everytime.


Baekhyun puts his hands on Chanyeol’s neck, pulling him closer. Chanyeol’s hand his face while his left hand sneaks to his waist, bringing their bodies closer. Before falling asleep, however, Baekhyun mumbles, “Until when are we going to keep this a secret, Yeol?”


“Soon, love. Real soon.” And plants one last kiss to Baekhyun’s forehead, as a sign of his simple promise to his angel.





Three years ago…


Baekhyun is fidgeting in the dressing room, trying to calm down his breathing and to clear his mind. Being nervous isn’t going to be good as he’s about to go out there on his first ever guesting on Happy Together. It’s a common knowledge that random questions that seem to catch one off guard are abundant in shows like these, so he needs to clear his mind to be able to think later.


It’s not like he’s not made for this. Baekhyun, ever since he was a child, was basked in the attention of his aunts and uncles during family gatherings. Singing when they told him to, dancing when music was played and even acting when his grandparents needed some entertainment. Then he went to school and, as expected, also became the crush of everyone, capturing the hearts of his classmates and teachers. So his parents weren’t surprised when he auditioned and got in as a trainee.


He’s made for this, Baekhyun undeniably is born to be a star and he’s going to get the top spot meant just for him. Even if it means being nervous for giving the wrong answers.


Although he’s been perfectly coached by his agency on how to answer the possible questions that will be thrown at him, this will be his first one so there should be a leeway for mistakes, right? Not knowing an answer to one question would throw his career in another direction.


“Baekhyun-ssi, who would you say is your ideal crush among celebrities right now?” The famous host asks him, making the entire audience mostly composed of his fans scream their lungs out. Well, this is easy, Baekhyun can answer this. After a while, a hush fell upon them, the whole crowd was anticipating for his answer. So, with a little breath, he opens his mouth to give them what they want.


“Kim Jongin-ssi?” Giving the person his management told him to say, after all they came from the same agency so it’s actually a way of promoting him too. Jongin is younger than him but is an up and coming actor, having starred in many hit dramas already. Not to mention, a very hot and y actor. “Although he really is more like a younger brother to me.” Baekhyun winks to the cameras to tease them.


The star chuckles when he hears the crowd ‘aww-ing’ at his answer. “Don’t worry, guys, you’re still the number one in my heart.” Before giving them his (slowly becoming famous) crescent eye smile.


Baekhyun has been trained by his agency on answering questions like these: “Are you dating?”,  “Who’s your ideal type?”, “Any celebrity you would want to date?” So he’s been ready for that. A little bit of flirting with his fans, with a huge amount of humor is sure to make him get away from situations like these.


Especially when answers for these are already prepared before hand. “No, I’m loyal to my fans, somebody caring, cute and sweet” and “Omo, I think all of my sunbae-nims and hoobae-nims are datable and ideal in their own ways.” Or a way to subtly promote another agency-mate of his, as long as it’ll reap good results for the agency.


Plus, it’s not like the Korean entertainment industry is exactly nice to those who choose to divulge their dating status. There is that fear of losing his fans, of losing his momentum and ruining his burgeoning career. Big stars are often followed by Dispatch, that paparazzi company that is willing to go through any lengths just to catch them into acts of hanging out with their colleagues or special someone.


But, of course, it isn’t the end for this question. “Is he really just a little brother?” The host teases. “How about Park Chanyeol-ssi? Your names always are side by side on the charts.”


Baekhyun laughs. Damn, this isn’t part of the script. “What about Chanyeol-ssi?”


Chanyeol is another trending name in the industry right now. He’s in a duo with Do Kyungsoo, and together they make a band named Earth on Fire. Being a singer-songwriter with a very deep and beautiful voice that works well with Kyungsoo’s honey-like voice, their popularity is expected. Plus the fact that they’re both very handsome and charming in their own ways. Kyungsoo also sometimes acts in dramas while Chanyeol occasionally walks the runway, thanks to his tall stature.


Ever since he debuted their songs have clashed once or twice on the charts, igniting fan wars from their fans as a result. Chanyeol’s also been dubbed as someone who has Midas’ touch, because everything he touches turns to gold. Dramas he sang the OST in, product endorsements reaching sky high increase in sales and breaking the music chart roofs every time he releases new music.


“Chanyeol-ssi’s not really my type though.” He should’ve expected the hush that went through the whole studio. Laughing awkwardly, he adds, “Well, I don’t really think it’s gonna be a good relationship when our songs sometimes compete in the charts.”


And, well, that was Baekhyun’s first mistake.


“I guess that was Baekhyun-ssi rejecting Chanyeol-ssi?” The host teases, further telling him about how Chanyeol answered affirmatively to a similar question. Well, damn. Baekhyun did not know about that. Panicking, Baekhyun just blurts out the first reason he can think of, “Who even names their songs like that though?”


And his second mistake.


Baekhyun internally sighs when after saying that the hosts and the audience just laughed.  It’s not like he meant to badmouth the songwriter in that way, but really, who titles a song, ‘Do it together’, right?


Baekhyun buries himself under his blanket a few weeks after that. His management, Jongdae included, wasn’t happy about it and he got an earful for it. He just wants to forget about it all, really. But since sleep is still evading him and curiosity really kills the cat, he decides to check out the video of Chanyeol’s interview. His gut churns and slowly mortification seeps into him, how could he be such an idiot?


The small singer watches how Chanyeol (who actually looks really good in this video, wow) answered, “Yes, I think Baekhyun-ssi is cute and amazing!” while giving the hosts and the audience his famous grin. Kyungsoo just sitting beside him being amused at this, and how the audience reacted. Some happy while some whining at the answer of his partner.


He clicks on a more recent interview and feels the world slowly crushing down on him. He wishes the earth would just swallow him up and that they never ever cross paths. “But Baekhyun-ssi said in an interview that he wouldn’t date you.” The host in the video asks a slowly turning embarrassed Chanyeol while his owl-eyed friend laug

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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: This makes my heart flutter ❤️
Chapter 3: This is so beautiful and cute T.T I'll be waiting for the day chanbaek will reveal their relationship and GET MARRIED if this happens in real life I'll be screaming to the ends of the earth
Chapter 3: uwu, I'll be screaming in joy through space and time if this happens in real life ?
Chapter 2: Me wishing and hoping that this story will come true.. I'll be very happy.
Chapter 1: Oh my!!! This is so sweet... Can't help but want more of this story..
pattyftw #7
Chapter 1: Omgggg I wish this was real!! That was very cute and fun to read!! Good job, author-nim!!!
Chapter 3: wow. this is brilliant.
I love it. Thank you for this story
Chapter 2: Love love love (。’▽’。)♡
Chapter 2: Kyungsoo's version of For Life would always have me near tears. This song fits the story perfectly. I love it. I love everything about this story.