
The Imperfect Guardians
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"Over a Flu and Hazy Thoughts"


I've caught a cold since the last two weeks and it was pretty annoying since I must skipped my football practice and some quizs. To add at the misery, I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without tripped and fell hard against the cold hard floor at least once, I think I had some bruises already on my forehead. Oh, I also couldn't decide whether I should just call Sehun The Idiot to come over to bring me some chicken or just sleep in my dizziness. 

Ugh, if I wasn't so weak right now, I would've enjoyed a box of half-crispy half-spicy chicken with a can of sneaked beer.

Oh, or maybe just a can of cola since I was still a minor. 

But beer wasn't that bad either. 


Argh, I can't even decided what I want to drink, . 

Oh God please, I want this annoying cold to go away as soon as possible so I could think clearly! 



For my delight, I woke up at the next day without snot filled nose and major headache hammering my head senselessly. It was like God finally hearing my pray after twelve days and four hours of uselessly laying on my bed. 

I sighed, at least my cold was gone and I didn't feel any pain left. Well, beside the bruises I got from all those falls through the trip to bathroom or when I was fetching my delivered food on the front door.

I should stay away from any form of things that caused flu. It was to stay in bed all day. And this was Kim Jongin being serious.

And that's cute.

I blinked, tilted my head in confusion as I was surprised by myself. Did I just complimented myself? 

And also adorable! 

Oh my God, was it the aftermath of that two weeks long flu? Me being egoistic?

It's okay to be a little egoistic for time to time, Kim Jongin. You're perfect. 

I blinked repeatedly, stared at the reflection of my own staring back at me, hairs on total mess, an outcome of not showering for at least ten days now, and the smelly T-shirt I worn wasn't helping my appearance at all, much less my bruised cheeks and forehead. 

But well, at the end of the day, I'm still handsome. 



"Yo man, not skipping school again?"

I growled unpleasantly, shrugged off this idiot arm that resting on my shoulder out of nowhere. It was my first day of school after that intense flu I must fought off for at least twelve days, and Sehun didn't make it better when he didn't come over at least once to check on me, talk about me being contiguous. And he dared to call himself my best friend?

Dream on. 

"Ya Kim Jongin, are you ignoring me?" 

I rolled my eyes, a little bit exaggerating but who cared.

You're doing a good job, kid. 

I frowned, shaking my head to clear my mind. Why would I refer myself as a kid and since when I complicate

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can't wait to read... hope you don;t forget about this fics... =)