The first day at my new school

The Life of a Broken Family


It was Monday meaning I start school today. I was looking in the mirror at the uniform that was on me. It felt weird to wear a skirt this short. But it was the uniform. There was a knock on the door. “Come in” I yelled out. “Noona? How is the uniform?” Tiffany asked when she came in. “The skirt is a bit short” I told her because it reached three quarters down my thigh. “Nahh… it’s like that. You will be fine. Haven’t you worn a skirt before?” she asked. “I have but it was a bit longer than this.” I told her. “Don’t worry you will be fine” and she dragged me out of my room with my bag. We headed down stairs where dad was making pancakes. “Where’s umma I asked him?” “She left early for work. Sit. Pancakes are nearly done” I said. So Tiffany and I sat down at the table. Soon there was a plate of pancakes in front of us. “Eat up” he said. We all finished breakfast and headed to the door. “Appa your tie is on an angle” Tiffany said. “Can you fix it for me?” “Sorry appa I don’t know how to fix ties” Tiffany said. Dad was going to walk to his to fix the tie when I stopped him “I’ll do it…. Can you lift you head up for a bit please dad” and he lifted it up. Tighten up here, straighten up there, and pull this so it straightens up a bit more and done.  “There you go dad” I said to him. “Thank you Hiro” he said. “No problem” and we got in the car.

Not long we got to the school. Tiffany and I said goodbye to dad and he left. “Tiffany!!!!” I heard a few girls yelled and ran to her. They started talking for a bit and I felt really shy so I kept quiet. “Hello, no need to be shy” a girl pulled me so that the rest of the group could see. “Oh right, this is my older stepsister Hiro” Tiffany introduced. “Wow… you are really pretty” one of the girls said. “Thank you” I said while blushing. “I’m Lisa and I’m in the same class as you” “I’m Emma from class 2B” “I’m Jenny from class 4A. We are happy to meet you and accept you into our group” they all introduced themselves. “Oh No… Queenka’s and Kingka’s have arrived” Emma said as we all turned towards the gate. “Who?” I asked.  A group of girls walked in the gate and the guys were practically staring at them “The Queenka’s” Tiffany said. “The leader of that group is Linda. Worse girl you will ever meet” Lisa said. “She may seem nice at first but she can really mess up your life. The girls around her are like her es” Jenny continued. “Their faces are really caked. Even the cakes I make don’t look like their faces” I said. Thank god we were kind of far way so they didn’t hear it. “That’s a good one” Emma commented and gave me a high five and we all laughed. “Now let us tell you about the Kingka’s of this school. “The Leader in L.Joe. The cockiest bastard and also a womanizer. His group is also cocky” Emma said and I let out a sigh “They are all the same at every school” “You got to go to the principal’s office to get you time table and other stuff” Tiffany said. So we all started walking in the hall. People started to talk about me and stare at me. I found it creepy.

After we went to the principal’s office I was lead to my locker and Tiffany’s friend started to head to their class. “Will you be a right? Because I have to go and see my maths teacher about some of my homework” Tiffany asked me. “Yeah I’ll be ok. I know where my first class is” I told her. “Ok I’ll meet you in class” she smiled and started to run down the hall. I am starting to like having a sister. I was unloading my bag in my locker and was getting my books for my first class which was Maths when I heard a really cocky voice. “Hey there beautiful” the voice said. I defiantly know whose voice that is even though it’s my first day of school. “It’s going to be a long day” I thought to myself nd let out a sigh. “I haven’t seen you before. You must be new. Just so you know, I’m L.Joe the hottest guy in the school” he said which only made my anger level go up. “Stop bloody talking to me” I thought in my head and was closing my locker. I looked at my book before I was going to shut my locker. In case I forgot something. “Quiet one hey? Am I that hot to make you all shy” he said while his lips. “Can I kick this guy in the balls?” I mentally asked myself and slammed the door of my locker shut. “Hey don’t dent the metal” he said as I was walking off. “Hey wait!!”He yelled out. “WHAT THE DO YOU WANT? CAN’T YOU SEE I’M NOT INTERESTED!!!” I told him off. “Woah…calm down” he said. “You have no right to tell me to calm down. You know I was so close to kicking you in the balls!! Cocky prick!!” I told him and he just stood there shocked. I turned back to the way I was going. I took a deep breath and kept walking to the classroom of my first class.

I went into the classroom of my first class. It was empty so I took a seat next to the seat that was next to the window. Then the door opened again. I was praying to god hoping that it wasn’t that cocky L.Joe guy. Thank Buddha it wasn’t him. But instead it was a guy with blonde hair and a baby face. He took the window seat next to me. I was getting my headphone out to listen to some music since there was like 15 minutes before school actually started when this guy tried to start a conversation “That was very brave of you for what you said to L.Joe” he said. “I’ve met cocky jerks like him before. In the end they go home with a bruised face the least or a broken limb” I told him. There was some silence between us. “So…” I tried to start another conversation. “So… what’s your name?” he asked. “I’m Park Hiro” I said. “Hiro… that’s a nice name” he smiled at me. “Thanks. And yours is?” I asked him. “Jo Youngmin. Oh… and to avoid confusion later on. I have a twin that goes here too. His name is Jo Kwangmin. He is more outgoing then I am that’s why he has a lot of friend but I’m quiet and like to be by myself” “Oh… thank ok then” I said. “Do you mind if I turn on some music?” I asked. “Depends what kind?” he said. “Is hard style electro music ok?” “Oh… so that’s the music that you are into” he smiled and I a song called Who Is Ready To Jump by DJ Chuckie. I lay my head against the table and rested my head. “Your music is really good. Can I look at the tracks on your iPod?” he asked and I gave him my iPod to have a look at. Soon the bell rang for the first class and Youngmin gave me back my iPod and I turned it off. “Hiro Noona!!! Are you ok? I heard L.Joe tried to flirt with you” I turned around it was Tiffany and she had a worried face. “Nahh… I fine sis don’t worry” I told her. “You two are sisters?” Youngmin asked. “Step sisters to be exact” I said to Youngmin. “Oh… ok” Then the teacher came in and all the students took their seats. “Morning everyone. We have a new student in the class and I believe that she is already in the room. Miss Park Hiro would you please stand up so everyone can see your face” I stood up from my seat and all eyes were on me. “Hello, I’m Park Hiro. I hope that I can be friends with you all” I said and smiled. I sat down and the teacher went on with his maths lesson. “Tiffany? Can you tell me what this topic is about?” I whispered to her. “It’s Factorising” she whispered back and I nodded to her and went back to writing notes from the board. “Youngmin!” the teacher called out. “Yes” he stood up. “What would you do if you were given an equation like this?” and we all looked at the board

7 20 +45-25=

“Umm….” He thought for a long while. I could see that he was really struggling. “I wrote some notes on a piece of paper and passed it onto his desk. He looked down at it and read it. “Well?” the teacher was getting impatient. “First you take out the square from the 20 and 45 that are in the square root. So now you end up with 145+35-25 then you only use the numbers in front of the square root sign and do it like a normal equation. The final answer would be 155” he said the exact same things as on the note that I gave him. The teacher just nodded and told him to sit back down. He turned to me and whispered “Thank You” and I mouthed “No problem”

I was walking with Tiffany and her friends to the cafeteria when the Queenka’s stopped us. “So you must be the new girl?” Linda said in a sarcastic tone. “Yeah” I answered her. “L.joe seems to have an interest in you” she said. “And I want to know this why?”I just looked at her. “Don’t know like him. It’s very rare for him to have interest in people. “Really?” I said with a not so interested voice about to take a sip of water. “You know we can help you date him” as she said that I turned to the side and spat out the water that was in my mouth. “WHAT THE FISH???!!!! Ewwwwww…. I would rather stick pins in my eyes and jump off a cliff then date a cocky bastard like him. Come on lets go. I don't feel like eating anymore” I told everyone and we walked right past them.

Last class of the day was PE. I got my PE uniform from the gym teacher and changed into them. The girls had to play Volleyball. How I hate that game and the guys got to play soccer. Not fair. I kept missing the ball so I got told to sit on the beach and watch. I want to play soccer. Even though it’s been a while since I played. I head the gym teacher say “Now you have one less person to play deal with it. Or a girl could come and play” I looked at the guys that needed another team member and the other group of guys. L.joe was teasing the other team because one of their best players had an injury and he was also being cocky. Man it’s the first day of school and I see that cocky bastard everywhere. “Any of you girls want to play soccer?” the gym teacher asked. All the girls shook their head no. “I will” I said and stood up. “You can’t even play volleyball. How the hell are you going to play soccer” one of the Queenka’s said. I smirked “Watch me” I walked over to the group that needed a new player. “Youngmin? You’re in this class?” I asked. “Yeah. Are you sure you want to play?” he asked me with a concerned voice. “Ok. I needed to know your names” I told them. They told me their names and I repeated it to make sure. “So what’s the score?” I asked. “The score is 3 to 1. They are wining” a guy named Minwoo told made the score. “Guys follow my lead. Let’s do this” I walked to my position. “Well if it isn’t the new girl. Are you going to skip around the field” L.joe teased. “Don’t underestimate me” I shot him a death glare. All the girls stopped their volleyball game just to watch. It’s like they haven’t seen a girl play soccer before.

Man how I miss soccer. It feels so good to play. The score was tied to seven all now and we had a few minutes till class finished. One of L.joe’s minions took the ball from Minwoo. But soon Youngmin got the ball back and was heading towards me. Lucky I was near the goal. “Kick it up in the air” I yell out to him. “What-” he asked while running with the ball. “Just do it” I told him and he did it. I jumped up and did a sort of kick to the side that actually hit the ball mimicking what the soccer players did on the TV again like I practices when I was little and it went in the goal. The gym teacher blowed her whistle telling us it was the end of class. Our team cheered because we won and the score was 7 to 8. “Wooooooooooohow….. How I miss playing soccer. In your face you cocky bastard” I was jumping up and down cheering with my team. “What the hell? You’re a girl” L.joe yelled out. “You iest . Yes I am a girl. But I play soccer like a man” I told him. “You just got owned by a girl” I turned around and there was my sister and her friends and they all yelled out “BURNED!!” We all cracked up laughing and headed to the change room.

I haven’t felt that happy since I got separated from appa.

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so heartbreaking TT^TT
Kaozumi #2
It's interesting (and a bit sad)! I hope Jessica isn't bad because she's my bias (but don't forget that it's kind of cliché and overused).
tikaluph #3
Oh! This is an interesting story (: heheheee.. I like the previous chapters ^^
Kind-Hearted_Devil #4
Chapter 2 was so sad, poor Hiro :(
Anyway, DON'T TELL ME Jessica's role will be BAD again T_T
Kind-Hearted_Devil #5
Nice chapter, update soon!
Angel_Kiss #6
Update soon! Sounds interesting. Looking forward to your fanfic!
Hwaiting author-ssi! :D ^^