Meeting Dad and Tiffany

The Life of a Broken Family

Around two years past and now I was 13 years of age. I did visit my appa when ever my umma had to stay at work till late. Yeah… she never knows that I visit appa. Sometimes me and appa would go out to see a movie or go to carnivals or just hang out together. But I hate it when I have to leave him. I wish I could stay with him forever. Appa is aware that umma remarried and I told him that no matter what he will always be my appa. As for umma she started to care less about me. She remarried a man named Jaejoong. I met him a few times. He seems to be a nice guy. He has a daughter but I have not met her yet. All I know about her is that her name is Tiffany and she is 6 months younger than me. I’m looking forward to meet her. Right now umma and I are getting ready to move out of this apartment and going to Jaejoong, my stepfather’s house.

The drive wasn’t very long. It was about half an hour or so before reached our new home. We got out of the car and headed to the front door and I rang the door bell. The door open “Hello honey and hello to you Hiro” stepdad opened the door. “Hello dad” I said and gave him a bow. He gave me a smile and turned his head to the hall “Tiffany! Come and help umma and your stepsister” he called and out came a really pretty girl. “Hi” was all I could say. “Hi” she said. It was kind of awkward. I turned my head toward umma “Can I borrow the car keys to unload the boot?” I asked her and she nodded and gave me her keys. “Tiffany why don’t you help her?” dad said and she nodded. Umma and dad went inside while me and Tiffany walked toward the car. “So…” she started trying to make a conversation. I turned my head while we were still walking. “What do you think about appa?” she asked. “Well… he seems nice and all but I can’t call him appa. I’m really sorry but I just can’t” I answered her. “Do you still love your real appa?” I just nodded. “That’s ok. I completely understand” she said. We unloaded the boot. “Are you sure you can carry all that? It looks heavy” I asked her. “Nahh... It’s ok. I can do it” she gave me a warm smile. I went in the house and place the boxes a side and looked around. It was a really beautiful house. There was a mixture modern and elegant to the inside of the house which made it look more beautiful.

Umma and dad were in the kitchen talking about settling in and I was still looking around. “I’ll show you your room. Its right next to mine” she gave me a smile and I smiled back at her and followed her up stairs with my box of stuff. We both reached the top of the stairs and tiffany started to show me around. “This is like a second living room” she pointed at the opened space next to the stairs that had a couch and a flat screen TV hanging on the wall. It also had a computer table in the corner but know computer in it. “You can carry your laptop here any time you want” she continued. Down the hall on the right there was a room just before you reach the doors that lead you the balcony. “Who’s room is that?” I asked her. “That’s appa and now umma’s room” she answered. “Oh” I nodded. We walked to the other side of the hall and tiffany was pointing out what rooms were behind each door “that’s the bathroom, that's the just a spare room, this is my room and right next door is your room.” I opened the door to my room and found that it was a nice room yet simple room. There was a big bed that could fit two people in the corner next to the window. On the other side of the bed was a study table. Next to the head of the bed was a small bed side table with a lamp on it. “How do you like your room? You can change into my room if you want” she offered. “No… this room is perfect” I put the box down next to the bed and turned myself back to the door and smiled at her. “I’ll help you carry the rest of your up” she offered. “No… its ok you don’t have t strain yourself” “But I want to help. Please noona” and she gave me puppy eyes that I can’t say no to. So we both carried my stuff up to my new room. “I didn’t get to introduce myself properly. I’m Kim Tiffany and I really happy that you are my older sister” she introduced herself when we finished taking the boxes up. “I’m Park Hiro. I’ve never had a sibling before but I’m looking forward to getting to know you better” I introduced myself and shook her hand. “Hey noona…” she started as I was opening one of the boxes.  “Yeah?” I turned my head to her at the door. “Later in the evening, do you want to come into my room? So we can get to know each other a little better” she asked. “Sure. That would be nice” I said to her. “I’ll be in my room if you need anything” I nodded and she headed to her room. I went to the door and closed it a so that it was closed but not completely shut and started to unpack my stuff. After half an hour I looked stopped and looked at the room. “Still so much stuff to do….” I thought to myself and let out a sigh. “Music! That’s it. How could I forget? Every time I need to get a job done, music helps me do it faster” I face palmed myself and took out my laptop, put it on the study table and opened up iTunes. I my electro playlist and listened to it for a bit then I headed back to work while singing. I managed to get all my clothes in the closet and all my books on the book shelves. I put all my stationary and my note books on the study table and in the draws of the study table when I heard a knock on the door. I pressed pause on iTunes and went over to the door to open it. It was dad and I gesture him to come in. “How are you finding your new room?” he asked. “Um… this room is perfect. I’m just putting things in place that’s all” I responded. “I glad to hear that. Your mother said that dinner will be ready in about an hour” he said. “Ok dad” was all I said to him. He reached out his hand to pat my head but I backed away like it was a reflex. I did even notice that I did that. “I’m sorry” I said as I looked down. “That’s ok” he said with a smile and I looked up. I could see the hurt in his eyes. “I’m really sorry but it’s going to take some time” I told him. “It’s ok. Take as long as you need. All I want is for you to accept me into your life” he said with a smile but I could still see the hurt in his eyes even though it wasn’t like before. I went back to unpacking my things after he left. I opened the last box to. It was a big box though. I open it and took the big bear that appa gave me for my birthday and placed it on the top of the bed but in the corner. I went back to the box to find my photo album. I picked it up and sat on the bed and started to flick though the pages. Pictures of appa, me and umma smiling happily together. There was a photo of me and appa playing soccer together. I remember that day clearly.


We were at a park and I was running with the ball. I was about 9 ½ years old then. “Hiro… I’m going to get you” appa was running towards me trying to get the ball off me. “Come on appa. Try and get it” I challenged him. He ran faster and grabbed the ball with his hands. “Hey!! Appa that’s cheating. You can’t do that” I told him trying to get the ball but he held it up high. I was jumping to reach it but it was up so high. “Appa, it’s not funny. I want to score” he was laugh while I was jumping up and down trying to get the ball. “Ok, here” he put it on the floor in front of the goal so I could score. “Now score” he said while stepping back. I loved watching soccer matches on TV and the awesome soccer kicks that the players do. So I picked up the ball and through it up in the air. “Hiro what are you doing?” appa asked but I ignored and jumped up and did a sort of kick to the side that actually hit the ball mimicking what the soccer players did on the TV. When I got back on my two feet I saw that the ball was in the goal. “Oh my god! I did it. After all I have practiced I did it” I was yelling while jumping around. “Hiro…” my appa approached me. “Where did you learn how to do that?” he asked me with a serious face. “Umm….TV” I answered him. “Thank was so cool!!! I bet you will be a soccer player one day” he said while lifting me up and hugged the life out of me. “Appa…can’t…breathe” and he let go. “Hey you two!!” Umma called out. “Come and take a photo” we ran up to umma and appa piggy backed me with the soccer ball in my hand.  Appa made it feel like I was flying and umma took the picture. Appa had the dimple smile and I smiled in the picture too.

End of sub-flashback


“Noona?...” Tiffany called out. “Huh?” I lifted my head up. “Why are you crying?” she asked and I put my hand on my face. It was wet. I didn’t even know I was crying. She came closer to me and sat next to me on the bed. “I was just looking at my old photo album” I said drying my tears.  “Can I see?” “Yeah. Sure” I gave her my album so she could see. “You look so cute!!”I just chuckled. “Is that you appa?” she showed me and I nodded. “He’s very handsome. Just as handsome as our appa” she said. “Your appa, my dad” I corrected her. “Oh, I understand. Come on, let’s head down for dinner” I put my photo album in one of the draws and we both headed down to dinner.

At the dinner I was sitting next to Tiffany and umma and dad were sitting opposite us. I saw an unfamiliar dish on the table but I tried it anyway. It was delicious. I’ve never tasted anything like it. “Umma this is good, what is it?” I asked her. “Actually….” She said but was cut off. “I made it” dad said. “Really? It’s really good” I gave him a smile. “I’m glad you like it” he said with a bright smile. We all ate in silence for a while. “Hiro you are going to start school on Monday with Tiffany. I have all your book ready and your uniform. It’s all in Tiffany’s room” dad said. “That’s soon” Tiffany said. “You can stay at home for a few day to get use to the place if you want. I’ll just call the school and organise another time if you want” dad continued. “No… it’s ok. I’ll go to school on Monday” I said. “Are you sure?” umma asked. “Yes umma. I’ll be fine” I said.

After dinner Tiffany and I headed up to her room. We started talking about stuff like our likes and dislike. We laugh and shared stories and ate lollies while we were at it. I was lying on her bed while looking though her music on her laptop when I heard a knock on the door. “Hello girls” dad came in. “Hey appa. What’s up?” Tiffany asked. “I was just checking on you too. Don't stay up too late” he said. “Ok appa, good night” Tiffany said. “Night dad” I said before he closed the door. I liked her taste in music. I started to wonder around her room. “You have a lot of perfume” I said while I picked up one of her bottles. “Yeah, they are from my umma” she said. “Can I ask what happened to her?” I asked her. “She passed away when I was seven” she dropped he head. “I’m sorry” was all I could say. “It’s ok. What happened to your appa?” she asked me. “Well this woman kept bothering him and umma thought he was cheating on her so umma divorced him. But I saw the whole thing. Appa tried to get away from that woman but she kept clinging on to appa” I was close to tears after I told her. She came over to me and hugged me “Shhh… Everything is alright…shhh” she was comforting me. After a while she broke the hug spoke again “Do you know this woman’s name?” “Her is was Jessica” I told her and her face became angry “This Jessica woman again. OH MY GOD!!! THEY CAN GO DIE!!” she burst out. “Huh? Do you know her?” I was confused. “She broke my uncle’s family a part and now she broke yours. I have to go hunt her down” I smile at her and looked at the clock. “It’s getting late and I’m kind of tired. I’ll see you in the morning” I said to her. “Good night Hiro noona” “Good night Tiffany” and I headed to my room.


for the people that are confused Hiro's story is one big flashback

but there will be flashbacks in the whole flashback

i will call them sub-flashbacks to make it less confusing

pm me if you still don't get it

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so heartbreaking TT^TT
Kaozumi #2
It's interesting (and a bit sad)! I hope Jessica isn't bad because she's my bias (but don't forget that it's kind of cliché and overused).
tikaluph #3
Oh! This is an interesting story (: heheheee.. I like the previous chapters ^^
Kind-Hearted_Devil #4
Chapter 2 was so sad, poor Hiro :(
Anyway, DON'T TELL ME Jessica's role will be BAD again T_T
Kind-Hearted_Devil #5
Nice chapter, update soon!
Angel_Kiss #6
Update soon! Sounds interesting. Looking forward to your fanfic!
Hwaiting author-ssi! :D ^^