「S ] Squishy

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squishy roleplay  link / facebook / general / mixed
  reviewed by: sachi activity To start this review off, I have to say that when I join huge rps I expect a lot of activity due to the huge number of members. Of course this is not the case most of the times. Squishy roleplay however, fulfilled my expectations when it comes to activity. I always see at least five people on when I log in and people do make use of the groups as well as post plenty of statuses to fill your feed. I was quite surprised figuring that bigger roleplays tend to have less activity outside of pm and such. welcoming I believe this varies per idol. I have heard of things such as people not being as welcoming as before, the admins even made a post recently regarding the lack of welcomes. In my case, I believe I was lucky since plenty of people posted on my wall (I'd say 10 or more) and I was able to keep a conversation with some of them. I wasn't that popular of a character either so it's a plus. I wouldn't expect thousands of welcomings though, the place is big but as I stated before, there is a slight problem when it comes to some people welcoming each other.  admins The admins seem to be really in character for what I've seen, they aren't 100% like the idol, who could be though? No one can perfectly be someone else, humans all have things they hide. Anyway, there are two admins, Eric and Seungyoun, I see both of them do their share of work. I can't really say who does what since everything is answered in tumblr therefore saying Eric does more work than Seungyoun in Tumblr is not very valid in this case. Inside the roleplay, I see Eric on more as well as posting more but I do see Seungyoun on just not as much as Eric so I personally feel more inclined to talk to him for anything like hiatus and character switches. Both admins seem to take their rules seriously so I do not have a complaint because they seem to care for the place to give warnings regarding the roleplay's fault.  theme This place has no particular theme, it's non-au and inspired by Finding Nemo but you don't really rp like if you were part of the
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