Nowhere to hide


For Baekhyun being deaf-mute has never being an obstacule, but his perspective changes in just one night.

He must survive in any way even if that means getting blood on his hands.


"You can't run

You can't hide

 but you can't either wait

what does that leaves you?

kill him"

ranting: nc-17

genre: angst, drama, R

warning: murder theme

a/n: Hi!! this is the first time i upload an story like this.  It's not going to be too large, it will contain mentions of blood and if you're a person that gets deseperated to easily then i don't really recommend you to read this haha is just that theprincipal theme is kind heavy to read for the condition of the main characte. Without more i truly hope you enjoy this fic and just support it i'm really working hard on it, so thank you :)


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