The Beginning

Fresh Blood.
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Chapter One.

My eyes shot open. I was at the cabin. I sat up slightly, startled by Mark who was sat in a chair directly at the foot of the bed. He was up and next to me in an instant. I took a breath before realizing I didn’t need to breath.

“Hi.” Mark broke the silence.

“Hi.” I responded. I wasn’t sure what else to say. Sure, I knew what happened, I knew what I was. But admitting it aloud was something I wasn’t sure I was ready for. When did we get to the cabin? What happened to the group of vampires we were dealing with that night? I had so many questions, but I couldn’t seem to voice any of them.

“You’re thinking really loudly.” Mark said quietly. He could still hear my thoughts? “The one who turns you can always hear your thoughts. It was more useful in the past, before technology and all that.” He explained to me. “We are also still bonded. The details are a bit different now, considering the circumstances, but there still is a bond.” There was a lot to take in.

“I love you.” Was the thing that I managed to say next. Mark’s eyes softened and his shoulders became less tense.

“I love you, so much. I’m so glad you’re okay.” He wrapped his arms around me tightly before placing a kiss on my forehead. “You were out for a week.”

“A week?!” I began to panic, how was I out for an entire week? What about my parents? And the guys?

“Your parents think we are in LA, visiting with my family. I’ve texted them from your phone a few times to make them feel better. The guys are fine, everything is okay. I brought you here right after…” Marks words faded off.

“After I died?” I finished his sentence, my voice was timid. I couldn’t believe I had just said it aloud.

“After your new life began.” Mark corrected. I appreciated him trying to stay positive. “Here.” Mark disappeared and reappeared in seconds with a bunch of what looked like Capri Sun juice pouches in his hand. “You’re probably thirsty, and you need strength.”

I hesitated before taking the pouch. I knew that it wasn’t a Capri Sun, as much as I would have liked it to be.

“It’s synthetic.” Mark tried to make me feel better, and it did. Knowing that it wasn’t from a human definitely did ease my nerves a little bit. Mark punctured the pouch with a straw and handed it to me. “It’s not going to be as bad as you think.” He promised. Taking a deep breath, that I yet again didn’t need to take, I grabbed the pouch, closed my eyes, and drank.




“No one knows why you were out as long as you were. None of us have ever experienced it before. I was a worried mess. We even contacted the royals. Jin Young came to see you himself. He sends his condolences about the whole situation. There’s a fruit basket.” Mark rolled his eyes. “He thinks it was just your mind being in shock. I never left your side.” Mark and I were in the living room of the cabin now. I had gotten out of bed after I had finished all of the Capri-Sun-like pouches. Mark and I had both avoided saying the V word, and were just taking in the fact that we were together again, and alive, in a dead sense.

“What happened to that group? Greg?” I finally was able to ask.

“I ripped his head off.” Mark told me contently.


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Raeminnie #1
Chapter 3: Pleaseeeee update authornim!!!
Jazmin8Sarina #2
Chapter 3: I am still reading this even though I disappeared too. Please update your story soon:)
Chapter 3: Their world now :)
mark_tuan93 #4
Chapter 3: I was waiting for this to be updated for a long time, and finally. It’s really ironic I re read the first chapter and fell asleep and woke up to an update hahah. Can’t wait for the next update
Chapter 2: Awwww....moooore! I need more ...and they made me feel like I needed a Mark Tuan too in my life. (Dramatically sigh) Otl
Chapter 2: Oh my god im so glad i came back to aff after leaving for so long. This is so beautiful. Thank you for doing this sequel. This is amazing i am at a loss for words. I just read the first story again and it's been years yet it still has the same impact on me. I love this so much, im looking forward for your next updates ♡
ParkErin #7
Chapter 2: I had butterfly throughout the entire chapter ???
mark_tuan93 #8
Chapter 2: I'm so glad you decided to make this sequel, I'm so excited for the next chapter!
divinecomedy85 #9
Chapter 2: Wow! I'm really thankful you decided to write a sequel! I'm loving the first two chapters so far. I like that everything is going on smoothly and there is comfort here. I'm very anxiously waiting to know what are you planning to do. I love your writing!
Jazmin8Sarina #10
Chapter 2: I love it!! I wonder what’s going to happen next:) please update your story soon