
Whirlwind Romance

“HAHAHA. What a joke? Yongguk-ssi, you almost had me there.” She forced out a laugh as she shifted a little in an attempt to tear herself away from his chest. However, before she could do so, he held onto her by the shoulders, with his eyes piercing into hers.


Oops. Wrong move.


He lifted her chin, challenging her to duck away. Instead of coming up with a witty reply (at least that was what he was anticipating), she remained frozen. As he inched closer towards her, her body stiffened immediately, eyes widened and mind blank. What was this fellow up to?

Seeing as to how her lips were shaking of fear, he felt the pinch of his conscience. Would he ever learn the correct way to approach her?  His glance softened as his fingers landed hesitantly on her brown, silky hair.

That was a cue for her to leave. It was obvious but somehow his body warmth was too alluring. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to sink into the bottomless pit for another second.

Idols were not supposed to date. It was the unspoken rule. Surely, you could give it a shot. However, if you ever get exposed, the consequences would be dire. She was not that selfish to ruin Secret. Indeed, the feelings were mutual but she had just met him. It would be too much of a risk.


Did this mean that she like him as well?


 He wanted to ask her. Truth be told, he had never been a fan of guessing. Yet, the glance casted towards him within that millisecond held him back. Questions, which had already found their way to the tip of his tongue, vanished all together with his resolve to make things clear.

Though she had long lowered her head, the apologetic look on her face was unmistakably heart-aching.


Was he rejected even before he could confess?



“I’m sorry.” Her soft lips pressed together as if she was holding back tears.

His Adam's apple convulsed as he tried to summon his best glare on the crown of her head. As soon as he felt her stirring in his embrace, he tightened his hold on her waist. He was not going to let her witness this side of him. He was not ready. Not at this moment. He was foolish to have expected that she would harbour the same feelings as him.


After all the interactions they had shared over the past weeks, it had only turned out to be a matter of unrequited love.

He shut his eyes briefly as the blurred images flashed through his mind. Their constant bickering, her bitter weeping and his decision to reveal his secret hideout had all turned out to be memories that would kill him inside a little by little . From this day onwards, they would leave a scar on his heart that was now throbbing vigorously (and painfully) against his ribcage.

This was ridiculous. Preposterous, to be exact. He had no idea how she had managed to create such an impact on him over the span of a few weeks. It did not make sense to him.  In fact, nothing would. Overwhelmed by the whirlwind of events, which had taken place ever since their first meeting, he shook his head frantically to jar off the unpleasant images. All along, it had only been his wishful thinking. To her, he was nothing more than a hoobae.


Perhaps, some things were not meant to be. And that included the two of them.


Taking a moment to brush her bangs out of her eyes that were b with tears, he kissed her forehead. This would be the last time. He whispered to himself, permitting the air to be the only witness to his words. He would never cross the line again.

Slowly, he released his hold on her.


As much as it hurt him, he would get over it.

“Sorry sunbae, for being such an embarrassment.” He laughed airily.


As much as she regretted it, she would get over it.

“So, you do realise you are embarrassing yourself as well?” She giggled as a tear slipped out from the corner of her swollen eyes.


Friends would be the term to describe their relationship.

Denial would be the term to describe the world they were living in.








Hello. I hope you like this update. I am finally feeling better. Thanks for all your lovely comments. It's really sweet of you guys :') It was difficult to write this chapter. My brain is dying. I am losing all my inspiration :( Thankfully, I was listening to Sunggyu's "I Need You" and "Only Tears" so I could somehow grasp that kind of denial a couple would be in if things were to progress way too quickly.

Personally, I don't think it would have make much sense for them to start dating in such a short while. Hence, I decided to write them as a couple who would to have go through more hardships (and thus making their separation in the later part of the story more painful). Haha. I sound mean here. 

Also, I am still not sure of how things would end. Oh and just a question, would you guys continue to read this fanfic cause I have a feeling that this story would most probably exceed fifteen chapters?

Okay, I would be focusing more on this fanfic and "One Step At A Time" from now onwards so don't be too surprised if you realise I haven't been updating the other fanfics.

As usual, you don't have to subscribe or upvote my story. Just leave me with comments and I would be more than happy :D

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joy222 #1
Chapter 7: author-nim! I love your story <3
eine08 #2
Chapter 7: as long as you update regularly, 15 chaps is no problemo!
(if you turn this into a bangxsong, Ill read it even if it exceeds 100) lol XD
allstarsparadise #3
Subscribed~! Nice story! (: Do look through my fanfics too.
Chapter 6: updated! weee..thnx and get well soon. we still want to read your story. XD
Chapter 6: have a good rest ^^ and get well soon