Everything can wait

Whirlwind Romance

I really do feel happy for Hyosung and Kikwang. They have finally patched up. I hope they will have a sweet marriage.

 “A penny for your thoughts!”

I shook my head and simply grinned at Yoseob. Just then, a figure walked past us. It seemed strikingly familiar.


What was he doing here?


Bang Yong Guk. Were her eyes playing tricks on her?

The single-lidded, hard eyes of the mysterious black and pale thin lips which could barely keep the deep, alluring voice within had all proven Ji Eun wrong.

“Miss, I’m in a rush. Can I have my cappuccino now?” Yong Guk hissed as his fingers tapped on the table impatiently.  

Dang. That was it. She felt her heart crashing to the ground immediately. It was that particular deep voice which she had grown to love and mesmerising eyes which once sent butterflies to her stomach. Yong Guk was back.

She opened briefly, searching for the correct words to say. Her eyes began to water as his voice rang in her head again.

“Miss, I’m honestly in a rush.”

Her heart was torn into tiny little pieces again. Everything was spinning. It must be an earthquake. That’s why I’m seeing things.


“Ji Eun, are you okay?”

“Ji Eun, are you still there?”

“Ji Eun, answer me.”

“ Ji Eun…..”

Yes, she heard Yoseob’s voice growing louder. She wanted to reply. However, her voice was getting softer. A whimper escaped from her system before darkness enveloped her completely.


 What happened? He was sure that he had only taken his eyes off her for a moment. She was right beside him. What could have happen at that instant? He did not know. All he could do was to call out for her repeatedly.


Though Kikwang was shocked to see Ji Eun lying on the cold floor, he kept his composure. He had to. As much as he wanted to panic, he couldn’t. He had to be strong and calm for Yoseob. Thus, he kept his cool and phoned for the ambulance.

In a state of confusion, Hyosung bumped into a person. Though he was wearing a hoodie, her gut feeling told her who he was.

Yong Guk?

Though she wanted to give chase, she thought that it could wait. At this moment, it was way more important to assist Kikwang in sending dear Ji Eun to the hospital.

If fate allows, they will meet Yong Guk again.    




Ji Eun’s eyes fluttered open as she tried to register the scene before her. Everything was white and a little too bright. Frustrated, she raised her arm in an attempt to grab her throbbing head.  That was then she realised a pair of big, warm hands grabbing onto hers. A grin crept up her face as she interlocked her fingers with his.


“You are awake?” Yoseob rubbed his eyes.

“I’m sorry for waking you up.” She whispered.

“It’s okay. Baby, you gave me a scare.” He grumbled and released his hands from hers.

“Seobbie, I’m sorry.” She pouted and drew circles on the bed with her fingers.

“Shh. You need to rest now.” He patted the pillow gently, signalling her to go back to sleep.

“When can I be discharged? I still have vocal lessons today.” It was obvious that she had no intentions of resting.

“Baby, don’t worry. I have applied for leave on behalf of you already.” He winked.

“But…..” Before she could rebut, he covered to prevent her from arguing any further.

“No buts. Everything can wait.” He encircled his arms around her waist, pulling her closer towards him.


Yes, everything can wait. If fate allows, she will definitely meet Yong Guk again.   






Did you like the poster? I created it myself. I don't have any proper photoshop software so I hope you guys find it passable.Thanks for reading the first chapter. A hug for everyone who have commented and subscribed. I have no idea when I will be able to update again but I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter. I know it's a little short. School was crazy. I am extremely busy. I honestly feel bad to keep you guys waiting so here's it. Hope it hasn't fail your expectations :O

By the way, did you guys watch B.A.P's Warrior MV? It was really cool.

Have an awesome day ahead!

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joy222 #1
Chapter 7: author-nim! I love your story <3
eine08 #2
Chapter 7: as long as you update regularly, 15 chaps is no problemo!
(if you turn this into a bangxsong, Ill read it even if it exceeds 100) lol XD
allstarsparadise #3
Subscribed~! Nice story! (: Do look through my fanfics too.
Chapter 6: updated! weee..thnx and get well soon. we still want to read your story. XD
Chapter 6: have a good rest ^^ and get well soon