Street light.

Street light.



And I'm all right, standing in the street light.....






“Are you gonna answer me or not?”


Kyuhyun had only known him for a short while, but he knew that this was right. The reply he received was a muffled silence.


They stood in the street under a lone street light that lit them up as if stood under a spotlight. They were in a show, and the street was their stage. Kyuhyuns eyes were fixed on the smaller man before him, but all the other could so was stare down at his hands that were knitted together below him.


“Sungmin?” Kyuhyun prompted, reaching out for his hands to grab a hold of. The moment of impact sent electric shocks through Sungmin, forcing him to look up. Their eyes connected and for a moment that was all they could see.


Swallowing hard, Sungmin forced himself to speak. “Kyuhyun shii. I'm really flattered, I just don't know what to say.”


“Say yes!” Kyuhyun shouted, maybe a little too soon as it shocked Sungmin, causing his eyes to widen.


“I think I want to, but we don't really know each other. Maybe we need a little more time.” was Sungmin's apprehensive reply.


Feeling slightly down trodden, but still hopeful, Kyuhyun replied with: “If you think we need time, I'll give you time. I'll give you all the time you need if you promise that you'll keep me in mind and think about what I've asked. I know we haven't known each other long, but I know this is right. You're always in my mind..... but that's not enough for me any more. I need to be with you. ”


Sungmin shyly looked down at his hands again blushing, only to notice that they were still in Kyuhyun's tight grasp, painting his face a deeper shade of red. Nervously, he laughed.


“I hope you're not laughing at me” Kyuhyun commented, smiling while bending his head down to look into Sungmin's face. Noticing the blush, he added: “you'd better not be”, tickling his hands slightly with his long fingers.


Laughing again, Sungmin said: “I'm not”.


“Good” Kyuhyun replied, his tone more playful than ever.


Taking a deep breath and looking up at the street light, Kyuhyun started to move his hands away, only to be surprised by Sungmin grabbing at his in return to stop them from going. Their eyes were connected again and the sparks between them were almost visible.


After a strangled moment, Sungmin spoke up: “I will keep it in mind, but I think I'll have to see you a lot to help me make my decision”, ending with a cheeky smile pertaining to a sticky out tongue. He was teasing him. “Don't want to forget what you look like now do I? That would help nothing.”


Sungmin was so adorable, teasing him like this. He let out a little laugh then reached up to his now free hand – keeping the other in Sungmin's hold - and gently the hair away from his face; the smaller man relaxing into his touch as if trying to get used to it.

“You have such soft hands” Sungmin noticed and felt it necessary to comment.


“Thank you. You have a soft face.” he replied causing them both the fall into hysterics. “That sounded weirder than I thought it would” he said between laughs.


When they'd both calmed, Sungmin looked at his watch and let out a shocked sound when he realised how late it was.


“We've been stood here for about an hour now! I'd better be going in Kyu, its very late” he announced with remorseful eyes.


“I don't want you to, but if you insist” was the reply. Sungmin smiled. Using the fact that Sungmin still had hold of one of his hands as an advantage, Kyuhyun pulled him into a tight hug, earning a soft whimper from the smaller man.




They stayed like this for a few seconds before Kyuhyun pulled away and smiled.


“Goodnight then, I hope you have sweet dreams.”


Recovering from his temporary stupor and blushing like a tomato again, Sungmin said: “Goodnight Kyu”, then proceeded through his gate an up his garden path.


Kyuhyun watched his every move, waiting for the moment that he reached the door to shout: “Don't forget to keep me in mind!!” Throwing his arms up into the air.


Then turned away himself and set off home.






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fygaeming #1
Chapter 1: hahaha they're really cute kkk
but i wanna more.....
hea-rtquake #2
The noise I made wasn't human, seriously. That was ridiculously adorable. I rarely like confessing fics but you did that so well. It was funny, cute and I really liked the interaction between them. Not to mention I love alluding to the height difference between them for some weird reason. (HE HAS TO BEND DOWN TO LOOK IN HIS FACE IT'S ADORABLE OKAY. I really enjoy your writing.
SHINee4ever5 #3
More <333
Cute drabble! :"> Sequel! LOL! :))
All I can say is "AWWWW" >.<
It was just sooo adorablesweetflufffyomg I loved it <3
EeJouRin #7
Wow! So adorable and fluffy!!!!!!! I like youuuuuu!
kyubear is damn kyute!!!!!!!!!!! haha
-GreenPumpkins #9
Adorable :3 and this was a Drabble ? :DD