Chapter 1

The Missing Treasure
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(Yumi’s POV)




“Don’t worry my child, I’ll protect you.” A handsome man tells me as he carries me through what looks like a forest.


“THERE! Grab him!” I see soldiers chasing us with arrow flying past us. I tried to speak but nothing comes out my mouth. I look up to a river up ahead.


“I won’t let them get you.” He would whisper to me with a smile on his face. I hear myself giggling at the man. He starts crossing the river with me but half way through the river, he starts to struggle against the river current.


“You got nowhere to go!” I see those soldiers from before pointing arrows at us. I’m trying to speak but still can’t get words to come out. I can’t hear them talking anymore. All I could hear is this beeping sound. It gets louder and louder making me desperate for something to come out my mouth. I’m basically screaming when they fired their arrows at us.


“NO!” I woke up in a cold sweat again. I look at my alarm and slam the button off as

I get out of my bed. I look at my reflection still confused as to why I’m having this dream. It was just another dream of that man in the forest.


“Better get going or I’ll get yelled at again.” I walk out of my dorm and see a letter tape to my door. I open it only to glare at the paper. I throw the paper away not caring what it wants me to do. It’s always from my father, wanting to test my abilities and do weird things to my brain.


“You’re not going to read it?” I turn around to see Jennie and Jisoo waiting for me outside my building. I shake my head not wanting to talk about it. I grab them finally realizing there are two people missing.


“They’re in trouble with our trainer for eating too much.” Jisoo shakes her head in disappointment. I laugh at their misfortune but frown knowing they’re going to debut soon.


“You four are going to be gone for a while.” Jennie and Jisoo hug me while messing my hair up.


“Don’t worry we’ll text you every day.” I smile at them and wave goodbye. I open my locker and trash fall out. I grab my book not really fazed by it but it does sting a little. I see Krystal laughing at me with her friends. I walk pass her acting like nothing happened. Krystal pushes me to the ground and throw trash at me while calling me every curse word in the book.


“Just go die!” I look up to see them throw books at me as I cover myself waiting for this to be over and go to class.


“What’s going on here?” Everyone stops and quickly leave the hallway. I take Cl’s hand to pull myself up to look at myself for injuries but see nothing.


“You can take them on you know.” I walk to her office just shaking my head in disapproval.


“You’re the school nurse so why are you motivating me to fight?” I go through my bag for my book I’ve been reading. I sit by her desk with snacks near me to eat when I’m hungry.


“I’m not!”


“You work for HIM. I can’t go around picking fights when he is always watching me.”


“I’m just saying that you should be allowed to defend yourself.”


“I know I should, but I can’t.” Every time I try to defend myself that person goes missing because “father” thinks he is protecting me when he is just doing this to make me miserable.


“I still can’t believe your father is doing this kind of experiment on his daughter.”


“Your telling me that now?” I make a face at her and she does the same so we both start laughing. I’m glad I got to know CL from my school, but I got to make sure my father doesn’t know cause even my friends could be taken from me.


“Yumi have you ever thought of going with your mother. I know she abandon you but its better then your father who doesn’t see you as his daughter. You deserve better than this kind of life.”


“I’ve tried finding her, but I can’t find anything on record, it’s almost like she disappeared from thin air.” C

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My first fanfic so I hope whoever is reading really likes my stories. Let me know what you think please.


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