I don't know who you are

Junmyeon Drabbles

We were great weren't we? 

Your mother loved me, your father always laughed at my lame dad jokes. 

Your brother and I went snowboarding together. 

And you. 

You were always there for me.

You introduced yourself to me when no one else would.

Because no one liked the new girl. But you came and sat next to me.

I can't say that I fell in love with you at first sight. 

I thought that you were just playing around with me.

That's what all the others did. They played with me like a toy. As if I were some play thing. 

That's why I recoiled from you at first. That's why I would never talk to you. 

But you proved yourself wrong. 

You sat with me, even if your friends scoffed and walked away from you. 

You stayed. 

And eventually I started to like you. 

We did the strangest things together. 

Like baking and attempting to make a treehouse. 

I began to develop feelings for you even if I didn't know it. 

But I knew you would never love me back. 

You always called me your little sister.  

I didn't mind though. 

As long as you were there I was happy. 

But things are different now. 

You're still here.

But you don't remember me. 

You don't remember anyone. 



"The doctors say he'll eventually remember...but they don't know how long it will take." Your brother tells me. "It could be weeks, months, years even." 

I try not to cry. Because you're okay right? You're breathing and healthy. You just don't know who I am.

"I'm fine with it. I'll wait for him." 



I'm a liar. 

I'm not fine. 

I cry every night, hoping that you'll come over and tell me you remember me. 

They say you're confused. 

They say that you don't know what's happening. 

They say you're scared. 

Do you want me to comfort you?



I came over today. 

I made your favourite food. 

It's my spicy kimchi. 

The doctors said that eating familiar foods would help bring back your memories. 

But you turned your nose down at it. 

You said you didn't like spicy food. 

Do you know you broke my heart when you said that? 



Tonight is the first night that I don't cry. 

Instead, I just lay there numb.

What is crying going to do for you? 


So instead, I decide I want to be able to help you. 



I've started studying neurology. 

I actually find it interesting at how the brain works. 

My parents are happy with my choice of studies. 

I hope that you would be proud of me. 

You were always asking what I wanted to be, but I never had an answer. 

Now I do. 

Now hurry and remember so that I can tell you. 



It's been two months and I'm on holiday. 

I come and visit when I can but you don't like seeing me. 

Because I'm a stranger.

I understand that this is not you. 

You don't remember who you are. 

You don't remember much at all. 



It's been five months. 

Your mother tells me that they showed you a few photographs. 

She said you stopped and stared at the one of you and me. 

She said it was the one where we were trying to build the treehouse. 

I asked what you said about it.

You said this: 

"I'm afraid of heights." 

I never knew that. You never told me.

Did you not trust me enough?



It's almost been a year now. 11 months to be exact. 

When will you remember me? 

You started to remember your family. 

How about me? 

How about your friends? 



It's been 14 months. I've started college. 

I'm really enjoying my courses. 

I've made a new friend. 

His name is Jongdae. 

I think you'd like him.

He's quirky and nice, just like you. 

He reminds me of you.



You look at me and frown. 

"Why are you here again?" 

My heart dejects and I look towards the window for help. The doctor only gestures for me to continue. I clench my fists and look at you. 

"Junmyeon. My name is Han Seung Yeon. We met in middle school. You approached me on the first--" 

But you don't let me finish. 

Instead you interrupt me, something you used to find very rude. 

"I don't know who you are and how you know me, but please just leave. I've had too many people come and tell me these lies." 

I hate the way you say it. I hate the way you talk to me as if I'm nothing to you. 

You're not the Jun I know. 

You're someone else. 

I run out of the room because I don't want to I cry in front of you. 

You're not you anymore.



You remember your family now. Not completely but they say you have an idea of who is who. Even your distant relatives. 

You're gradually remembering your friends. 

But you still don't remember me.

When will you remember me?

It's been two whole years. 



I'm tired. 

I'mt tired of trying to talk to you. 

Trying to visit you. 

Trying to believe in you. 

Because you're not Junmyeon

I see you going to parties and drinking. 

That's not you.  

You hated going to parties. 

You hated it when your father would drink. 

What happened to you?



Jongdae and I are really close now.

I start to blush when he compliments me. 

He helps me with my studies and we go to our lectures together. 

I got an A+ on our last test for this year. 

Jongdae and I went out to celebrate it. 

Then he kissed me. 



I don't know how to feel about it. 

I thought I still loved you.  

I'm starting question it though. 

I don't think I can love you anymore. 

Not the way you are now. 



It's almost been three years. 

Jongdae and I are dating and I'm happy with him. 

But I hate seeing you around. 

I see you around campus. 

You hang out with some edgy kids. 

I don't like them. 

I don't think I like you hanging out with them. 

What happened to you?



I don't talk to you anymore. 

But I keep in contact with your brother. 

We went snowboarding the other day. 

He told me you remember mostly everything. 

But you still don't remember me. 


Is there a reason?



Our dorms are right next to each other. What a coincidence. 



We exchange glances every now and then but I can't bear to look at you. 

You've dyed your hair blonde and you wear different clothes. 

What happened to your jeans and hoodies? 

What happened to you? 

What changed you so much? 

Or maybe...maybe you were always like this. 



One night you barge into my dorm while I'm reading. 

You're with a girl and you two are kissing. 

You push her onto my room mates bed.

It's the most disgusting thing ever. 

I yell at the two of you and you look at me. 

Am I wrong or do I seen recognition in those eyes?



Jongdae is so nice to me. 

I think I might love him. 

But then he asks me something. 

"If Junmyeon remembered you would you still be dating me?" 

I don't know how to answer him. So I tell him my true feelings. 

I tell him that I did love you. 

Once upon a time. 

But I don't love you anymore because of what you've become. 

Even if you did remember me, I still wouldn't love you. 

Because you're not the same person I loved. 



Jongdae and I made it into med school. 

I'm so relieved to have finished college. 

I can't wait to be able to be a surgeon. 



It's been seven years.

Jongdae asked me to marry him. 

I said yes.



You come to my wedding. 

But you're only here as a date for one of Jongdae's friends. 

Your older brother is here. 

He congratulates me personally. So do your parents.

But you head straight to the bar for drinks. 

I ask your brother, "What happened to him?" 

The look in his eyes are painful. "I really don't know Seung. He's....he's not the Junmyeon I know." 

I nod taking a swig of my drink. Placing it on the table, I reply. "Yeah. He's changed. " 



I heard you're getting married. 

But your mother tells me she isn't happy. 

You're marrying for money. Not love.  

It's sad to see your mother upset. 

Please don't do this Junmyeon. 



I go to your wedding with your mother, but only because she asked for me. 

She didn't want to be alone. 

Your father couldn't attend because of work and your brother couldn't make it. 

I don't watch you, but I watch the bride. 

I don't want to look at you. 

I'm disgusted at what you've become. 

Why are you doing this to your mother Jun?

Why are you doing this to me

Why are you doing this at all?



Jongdae has moved up the ranks in the medical world.

I was offered to become an exclusive surgeon too. 

We've both done extremely well. 

I see you in the news often. 

You got signed as a singer and your first album was a hit. 

I listened to it and it sounded like something the old Junmyeon would sing. 

I just wish the old Junmyeon was still around. 

I just wish you remembered me. 

I wished you remembered us. 



I've had my first child. 

Jongdae wanted to name him Kyungsoo. 

I think it's a beautiful name. 



Jongdae got me a present for my birthday. It was your album. 

I went through it. 

When I got to the end I saw the artist's ending note. 

I decided to read it. 

Here's what it said:

"I wrote these songs in a time of pain. I wrote this album years ago, but I never had a chance to share it. I went through a stage of life where I got amnesia. I didn't remember my family, my friends or even my name. 

It was tough. I was confused and scared. I didn't know anyone around me even if they told me that I did. So then I turned to music. It helped me to express my feelings because I didn't think anyone else understood me. 

But there was a special person in my life that I took longer to remember than everyone else. I loved her so much, and she was so persistent with me even when I couldn't remember her.

I don't think she'll ever read this. She hates me now. I don't blame her. 

My last song, called 'It takes time' is dedicated to her. 

The lyrics are my last message to her."



I read the lyrics to your song today. 

After reading the ending note I had put the album away for a bit. 

I didn't want to believe that you were talking about me. 

I thought you never remembered me. 

But apparently not. 

Why didn't you say anything? 

It took you eleven years to tell me.




You come to visit me today. Jongdae is away at work. 

When I open the door I am holding Kyungsoo in my arms and you look surprised. 

The first thing you say is, "Is he yours?" You say it in an almost hurt way. 

I nod. "Yes....Jun, what are you doing here? How did you know where I lived?" 

You scratch the back of your neck. "I asked my brother for your address...I came to talk to you." 

You look ashamed. Your cheeks are red. You wear one of your old sweaters and a pair of jeans. 

Do you finally remember? That's what I want to ask. But instead I invite you inside. 

Is it just me or are you staring at the large family portrait in my living room? 

I bring you a cup of juice and i sit across from you, placing Kyung into his crib. 

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask 

You look up at me and I can tell you're trying not to cry. "I remembered Seung. I remember. I remember everything." 

"I know." 

You frown, "H-How....?" But you trail off as realization hits in. "Did you buy my album?" 

 I shake my head. "Jongdae bought it. I just read through it." 

You go silent. 

"When did you remember?" 

"During college." You say it and I almost drop my glass. 

I feel like yelling at you, but for Kyung's sake, I abstain. I feel myself begin to seethe with anger. My hand tightens around my glass. "Why didn't you say anything Jun? Why?" 

"...Because you were with him." You say tilting your head towards the portrait. 

"That's no excuse." I say through gritted teeth. "Do you know how much pain I went through watching you throw me away like that? Or did you enjoy throwing me away? Did you enjoy throwing away our friendship?" 

You look sick to the stomach. You look pained and I am glad. I want you to feel how I felt. 

"Seung I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to talk you so bad." You fire in defense, but I know your words are lies, lies, lies. "But you already had him. You already had Jongdae. When I found out you two were dating I didn't think you'd want me telling you that I loved you would you?" 

My throat goes dry at your words. "W-What?" I croak. 

"That's right. I loved you but I was too afraid to admit it. That's why I didn't talk to you. Because I knew you already loved him." 

"My husband has a name." I say angrily.

"I'm sorry Seung, that's all I wanted to say, I'll leave now." 

I stay silent not wanting to talk to you. You walk out and I throw my glass at the wall. I sink to my knees sobbing.

You don't really know how much you hurt me do you?

Because if you did, you'd say more than sorry. 

But that's in the past. 

You're not a part of my life anymore.



7 years later...

You divorced your wife. 

You terminated your contract with your agency. 

You returned to your hometown. 

You have brain cancer. 

You're my new patient. 



You don't talk while I give you your therapy. 

You only sit there, lifeless. 

Have you lost your will to live?

Jongdae is worried about you. 

I'm worried about you



The tears fall from my eyes slowly as Jongdae confirms it. 

As Jongdae confirms your death.

I feel numb all over and I feel that same feeling when I heard that you had forgotten me. 

But this time you didn't forget about me. 

This time you're gone.

And you're never coming back. 



A/n: Could y'all comment and tell me if you like this style of writing?














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Glimmer01 #1
Your writing is...wow. I especially loved the 2nd chapter, your style is so simplistic and clean yet elegant, and emotional :) keep writing (though it’s too angsty for my soul)