The time they let themselves go

Drunk words are sober thoughts

Ah, the fourth time, it is surprising that even Jungkook remembers about it, because if it wasn't for him and Hoseok, probably no one would know anything about that night.
Everything started at a party after an awards show. Going to that party was something the seven of them had been expecting a lot, it had been some time since they had gone to something like that together, so they wanted a little group fun. After that they planned to head back to the dorms and do a VLive for the ARMYs all together, but thaat ended up never happening.
Once they arrived to the dorms that night, if there was something clear was that almost none of them could do a VLive. The managers told them not to do it time and time again so they wouldn't show in front of the ARMYs in the states they were in. It was not the imagine needed.
Hoseok and Jungkook, that were the only two kind of presentable, had decided that they were going to do a VLive on their own, once they managed to get everyone to their respective rooms without setting anything on fire or making fools of themselves on the internet. Almost petty easy thing to do. 
They had already started with their task:
Hoseok first talked with Jin, who was talking about how great he looked during their performance, because a lot of people had told him that. He and Hoseok had a little fight about how he should be the one sending everyone to their beds since he was the mom, to what Hoseok answered by pushing him until Jin got inside his room. The oldest said goodnight and told Hoseok to dream about him; Hoseok gave him his iconic 'wtf nope' look.
Taking Namjoon to his room was a lot easier, since the only thing Jungkook and Hoseok had to do was remind him that he had to work on new songs tomorrow and he wouldn't be able to wake up in time if he didn't go to bed already (he wouldn't be able anyways, since it was already very late). The lider had been jumping and dancing since they left the party and it was scaring the out of the two sober guys, so it was a relief to see him go to sleep that quickly.
Also, to their delight, Yoongi and Jimin helped each other, so the only thing Hoseok and Jungkook had to do was watch them have the most stupid discussion ever, that consisted of "Jiminie, you're holding my hand again" "Hyung, you held mine first and you're doing it too tight" "I'm sorry" "No, I'm sorry. I'll let you go now" "No, no, I'm ok". The shortest members kept on saying basically the same for a couple minutes until Hoseok had enough of them and told them that if they didn't solve their hand holding problem they should sleep on the couch. And it was said and done, both Yoongi and Jimin sat on the couch and fell asleep after that. 
"That was fast" Hoseok said to Jungkook, proud of himself. Then he looked around "Where's Taehyung?" he asked. 
"Go take a shower if you want, I'll found him" he said looking round everywhere.
Hoseok didn't opose to the idea, he waved Jungkook goodbye, threw a blanket on top of Yoongi and Jimin and walked away to the bathroom.
The maknae was now technically alone and didn't have a clue of where to look for Taehyung. He knew that he wasn't on his room because when they dropped Namjoon there there was no one else inside, in Yoongi and Jin's room there was only Jin, in his own there was nobody and in J Hope and Jimin there was no one; on the living room there were only Jimin and Yoongi, and Tae wasn't in the first hall either.
Where the hell...?
That was Tae's voice crying out for him from the kitchen. Jungkook thought it was strange, since he was sure he had already looked in the kitchen and he saw nobody there. Anyways, he turned around and went back to where he came from. Again, he didn't see Tae there.
"Tae?" he asked, confused.
"Here" he heard Tae's voice coming from the floor next to the fridges. His hyung was laughing about something with his beautiful boxy smile and messy hair "It's so cold... the floor" he said, tapping a place next to him for Jungkook to sit.
The maknae thought about it for a second and then went there to sit, discovering the floor was indeed really cold.
"Why are we on the floor?" Jungkook asked, hugging his own knees.
Tae stopped laughing and looked dead serious at him "'Cause I was feeling dizzy and if I didn't sit maybe I would've fallen and could've hit my head really hard" he said, dramatizing (as always) "Would you rather to see me getting my cold or dying?" he asked passing his hand through his face and then his hair. He was making gestures that made it look like he was in some pain.  
"I'd rather you were more careful when going to parties" the maknae admited looking down. He really didn't like seing his hyung lying in the kitchen floor making gestures as if his brain was about to explode.
Tae laughed and posed his forehead on Jungkook's shoulder "You can't be the one telling me that, remember?" he said with a mocking voice and proceeded to make kissing sounds (as if he was kissing Jungkook's neck, but not really), and that made the younger blush hard. Jungkook didn't want Tae to keep on reminding him of that night when he had jumped in Tae's bed to sleep with him; JK was embarrassed by the way he acted or talked around Taehyung when drunk, because he did and said things he knew he shouldn't do or say, because most of the times he wasn't being platonic at all.
"Why are you blushing? You know I wasn't bothered" Tae said. Jungkook didn't get himself to understand if his hyung was being really honest or if he was just confused because of the many drinks he had had.
The second one was the most likely.
Tae was surely confused.
Jungkook just wanted to change subjects.
"I almost didn't see you at the after party" he said quickly, hoping Tae wouldn't bring the other night's memories back "what did you do?"
Tae put an arm around the maknae's shoulders and brought him closer to him.
"Now that I think about it, I didn't see you around either" Tae said, thinking while squeezing Jungkook; the younger didn't know if he had to get himself out of Tae's hug, or just enjoy it "I... I..." Tae was making his efforts to remember, but he seemed to have some problems to do so "I talked to a lot of people... I danced on a couch... I rember something that had something to do with mi clothes..."
Suddenly, the older took a look at himself and noticed something out of place. Jungkook looked at him too, but didn't see the matter.
When JK tried to ask him what happened, Tae took him by the cheeks, putting each of his hands on both sides of the maknae's face. Taehyung was looking at him with a shocked, worried stare.
"I think it is pretty much possible that I made a " he said with all seriousness and wide eyes. Jungkook's mind was chosing between noticing how hot Tae's hands felt on his cheeks, or laughing about the story his hyung was telling him "And I think I switched clothes with somebody" he added, taking one of his hands away from Kookie's face to point at himself to show his shirt.
Now that he was paying attention, Jungkook realized that it wasn't the same shirt Tae had used to the awards.
His clothes were something Tae loved, so he must have been dying inside, Jungkook figured. Oposed to that, Taehyung was really quiet. His hand was already back on JK's face and his eyes were on him too. The maknae gave him the stare back, hoping this would take Tae out of the trance he was in; but the only thing the hyung did was saying:
"I like your teeth" 
Jungkook laughed against his will (he didn't want to smile so his teeth couldn't be seen, but well). Tae was still looking at him directly in the eyes, but it was a soft stare. Really sweet. The maknae had a feeling of what was about to happen, but he didn't wanna make anything about it yet. 
"They match perfectly with your lips" Tae continued, touching with his index fingers the corners of Jungkook's lower lip. The maknae suddenly felt like he was about to pass out.
JK wanted to admidt that he liked Taehyung's lips too, but wouldn't it sound weird from him if he wasn't drunk? Maybe Tae would start asking himself "why did Jungkookie pay attention to my lips before?"... how the hell would he answer that?
Maybe he wasn't as sober as he thought he was and maybe that was the reason why he was having those thoughts.
The point was that Tae's eyes were looking at his lips and Jungkook didn't know what to do about it, he was paralized. Tae was getting closer to him slowly, so slowly that Jungkook could have done something to stop him, but any cell of his body wanted to move (yeah, maybe he didn't want to move); he was expecting it.
"Would you mind if I...?"
Tae didn't finish his question because he had already moved against Jungkook (or Jungkook moved against him, it was hard to know) and was kissing him in the softest way someone had kissed a person ever before.
Jungkook was falling on the kiss, lost on the sensation of Tae's lips moving against his in a perfect rythm, something he had been asking himself how it would feel since forever. Taehyung's hands were still holding his face, gently, and now his own hands were coming up to hold the side of Tae's neck, just because he wanted to make sure that that kiss lasted a lifetime, even if he run out of breath in doing so.
He just wanted to feel Tae closer.
The kiss was getting hotter and hotter with each second that passes, the tongues were acting by themselves and their hands were very touchy at that moment.
But then, Jungkook remembered.
He remembered Tae had drank a lot that day and he was lying on the floor with a headache a few minutes ago because of it. Kissing him in that state was like taking advantage of him; JK knew he souldn't do that. Hell, Jungkook wasn't even sure if Tae meant what he had done (for all he knew, his hyung could be imaging him as some other pretty boy or girl and not even remember it was actually the younger) and that's why he decided to put his hands on top of Tae's to get them off of him carefully.
When Jungkook opened his eyes again he saw Tae had his still closed and a hurt expression on his face. JK, for a second there, wanted to explain to Taehyung that he stopped the kiss bacause it felt wrong with him being drunk and not because he didn't want it, but then he remembered that Tae didn't care probably, that he was just being dramatic about it, as always.
"Jungkook, I..." Tae started to talk with a deeper voice, as if suddenly he had came into terms with himself again, as if the alcohol had left his body "I, I left myself go for a second..."
The maknae already knew that.
"Yeah... it doesn't matter" he said, doing his best not to sound as if he hadn't lost his habiliy to breath a minute ago "I think I did too" to tell half the truth was better than lying "I think none of us should drink this much anymore" he said, touching his own lips without meaning to. He still couldn't believe it "... Alcohol makes people do weird things I guess"
Tae wasn't looking at him, he was looking at the floor and touching his forehead.
Jungkook felt guilty because Tae clearly wasn't happy with was had just happened. He should've stopped everything before it happened. He knew he had his chances.
"You want some water?" he asked him, getting some space between them. As if that's gonna be helpful, the maknae thought to himself, you already ed up, Kookie.  
Before Tae could look up to him, Hoseok appeared in front of him with a towel around his waist and a transparent mask in his face. 
"What are you two doing on the floor?" he asked them, surprised. Afer that, he opened one of the fridges and took a bottle of water to give it to Tae. Jungkook wanted to tell him that Tae sat down there because he though he could die if he didn't, but it sounded kinda rediculous, so he just shrugged his shoulders "Well, anyways, Jungkookie, get up and go take a shower so we can do the vlive" the oler member said.
Jungkook didn't waste a second of his chance to get away from the awkward situation, he got up and ran out to the bathroom without looking back, leaving Tae looking down and J Hope looking at Tae. 
They would have to talk it out eventually. But the later the better for Jungkook.
When the maknae wasn't there anymore, Hoseok couldn't bare the curiosity and asked:
"Is everything ok here?"
Tae's answer was to raise his head with a wide smile and to stretch his body on the floor as if it was his bed (he was literally lying completely on the floor, didn't matter the cold anymore), with a satisfied face. Hoseok could tell Taehyung was still a little bit tipsy, but he managed to say "Never better" while covering his face with his forearm. 
His smile was visible though.






-Maia, TheSchProductions

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Chapter 4: This is brilliant! Please update soon ^-^
Dun_dun #2
Chapter 2: This is really geat! xx