My dream job AND my dream girl!!

Living as a secret lover..

***[A/N] I did this on my Blackberry, I'm sorry, tomorrow I will do it on my notebook I promise! Hope you like this chapter***

*ring, ring* My alarm went of. I took a look at it and it was 7 o'clock.
Aish, today is my first day of work! I HAVE to wake up now.

[2 weeks earlier]
*rrrrrr rrrrrr* Your phone went of, you looked at your phone and saw a unknown number.
As you didn't know who it was you did pick up.

[You] Hello.
[...] Good afternoon, am I speaking to _____?
[You] Yes that's me, may I ask who this is?
[...] Yes, I'm HyoJin. I work for Allan cosmetics.
[You] Ow yes, I remember.
[HJ] I called you becaus you're the one we picked, you are our new make-up artist.
[You] Really?! I got picked! Thank you, thank you, thank you, you don't know how much this means to me.
[HJ] Congratulations, you can come to the office, monday at 8 AM.
[You] Okay, I will be there.
[HJ] Then I will see you there.
[You] Yes you will! Thank you again.
[HJ] No problem ma'am. Goodbye then.
[You] Goodbye.
You hung up the phone and started jumping in your house. As you sang
*I got the job~ I got the job~ yeah yeah yeah!!*

You walked to the bathroom and started brushing your teeth. You were so happy that you got accepted! After you were done brushing , you took a shower.

**[You] What will my first day be like? I heard that Allan Cosmetics
works with top stars all the time, will I be able to put make-up for a star?
Aaaaah, what are you talking about ____? Do you think that you will meet
a top star on your first day?**

After you looked in the mirror, you walked to your salon table where all your cosmetics were.
[You] So now I'm done!
You walked to your mirror.
[You] _____ you can do it! Aja, aja, AJA!!!
[You] Taxi! Taxi!
You got in the taxi and said the adress to the chauffer. Now you were really
on your way to Allen Cosmetics! You couldn't believe it, you've always wanted this!
[Chauffer] Agashi, we're here.
[You] Yes, thank you. How much do I owe you?
[Chauffer] That will be $10 agashi.
You gave the chauffer the money, said thank you one more time and got off.
Now you were standing in front of the building, you were all shaky.
You were never shaky, but I guess that this time you were really nervous!
You walked in the building and went to the front desk.

[You] Can I ask where the office of Ms. Kang HyoJin is?
[...] Who are you?
[You] Ah yes, I'm _____, I'm a new employer here.
[...] Yes, she's waiting for you. Her office is at the third floor, walk straight
and then it's the 1st door on your right.
[You] Thank you.
You bowed, walked to the elevators and pressed the button
*ding* The elevator doors opened, you saw a guy standing there.
I recognize his face, but who is it? You tried to look at his face, but he had shades on and he was also looking down.
Finally, the third floor!!
You walked out and did what the lady said to you, straight then the first door right.

*knock knock*
[HJ] Come in.
You opened the door and came in.
[HJ] ____ you're here! We meet again.
[You] Anyeonghaseyo.
[HJ] Come have a seat.
You sat down on the black couch that was in the middle of the office. [HJ] So ____ you're a very talented person you know. [You] Thank you ma'am. [HJ] Becaus you're so talented, we have a special assignment for you. But first let me show you your office! HyoJin walked you to your office. [HJ] Ready to see your office? [You] Yes I am! HyoJin opened the door and lead you in. You walked in and took a look around. It was big! [You] Is this really my office? [HJ] Yes it is! It's all yours. [You] Wooaah!! HyoJin laughed, when she saw your face. But it didn't matter if she laughed, becaus the office is amazing! It has a couch, a tv, a desk with a computer on it and the view here is amazing! You walked to the window and looked outside. There are not that much people, besides it is 8.15 AM! [HJ] Ah ____ before I forget, I have to introduce you to someone. She opened the door and a guy walked in the room. He greated you and HyoJin. Wait! Isn't that the guy from earlier?! You took a better look at his face. Oh yeah, he surely is! Wait... isn't that.... [HJ] ____ this is Lee Joon. [LJ] Anyeonhaseyo. OMG, he is Lee Joon how couldn't I have seen that? [You] Anyeonghaseyo, I'm ___, nice to meet you. [HJ] ___ this is your special assignment. You'll be the new make-up artist of Lee Joon, no I mean MBLAQ. As she said that to you, she handed you a pile paper. [HJ] Here is the scedule of MBLAQ. Good luck ___! After saying this she walked away. You couldn't believ it! You are the make-up artist of Lee Joon, no wait, MBLAQ!!! This is a dream coming true! [LJ] Hey ___, nice to meet you. But shouldn't we get going? You woke up from your thoughts. [You] Ow, *clears throat* yes we should. --Lee Joon P.V-- I think I'm late for my appiontment with HyoJin noona. I should hurry up. I ran to the elevators and pushed button number 5. When the doors opened, this gorgous lady was standing in the opening. When she came in I smeled her perfume, the smell of a rose. The smell was nice, I liked it. When I looked at het posture, she looked backwards. *ding* When will I see her again, she walked out of the elevator. Aish, I could've asked her her name! *ding* Fifth floor finally! I got out and walked to our manager, who was busy talking with some people. When he was done he came to me. [Manager] Joon-ah, we're going to change make-up artist okay? [LJ] Why hyung? What's wrong with the one we got now? Now alle the members got here. [CD&Mir] Hi hyung, what's up? [LJ] Hyung wants to change our make-up artist! [Mir&CD] Why? [Manager] Guys, calm down. After some time we have to change you know. Joon-ah don't you have an appointment with HyoJin? [LJ] Aaah, I almost forgot! I got to go, bye! I rushed to the elevators and presed on the number 3. *ding* The doors opened and I walked to the room. HyoJin noona opened the door for me, when I walked in the room I saw a lady standing there. HyoJin noona introduced us, but wait... isn't that the beauty from before? Wait it is her! She looks better from close, she is so pretty. I think I'm in love.

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