Things put to the test...


Summer turned into autumn and autumn meant a new academic year.

Junsu and you had been in the same tutor class for the past few years.

But this year wasn't so lucky, you didn't complain though as you both meet up everyday.

It was as if you lived together, inseparable, so it was nice to have some time away from each other.

Unknown to both of you your lives were about to hit a turning point....


This new academic year the sports department had finally got the budget and students interested to form the new girls soccer team.

It was announced that the boys soccer team were to train together with the girls in order for the girls team to gain experience and advice.

The boys team was well known to surrounding colleges to be one of the top and of course you knew this as Junsu was the team captain.

The only other rival team that were up to the same standard was the Ivy boys soccer team, ironically it was captained by none other than Junho. 


The next few months Junsu was assigned to watch over the girls team and to help coach them for their newcomers friendly match.

It was all perfectly fine with you...until the day you decided to go and wait for Junsu to finish training.


The boys team had just finished their match as were leaving the field.  

"Waiting for Junsu are you Mrs Kim?" Jaejoong teased with the famous dazzling smile.  

You glared at him for calling you that but then laughed, "Yeah, how was the match?"

"It was alright..." he answers with a pout and taking a seat next to you, "our side lost. It's only practice but our side never lost until recently. All because Junsu has to go and teach those ditzy girls to play soccer, we lost our key man!"  

"Is Junsu really that important?" you ask laughing, "I'm sure you will play better next time Jae oppa"

"Haha, thanks but really, those girls have no chance if they play like they are still. After all that training and coaching, all they do is eye up Junsu and want to get close to him-oops I think I said too much there..."

"It's okay oppa" you laugh bitterly, "if any girl can honestly say they don't find the appearance of Junsu appealing is definately lying"

"You're right! But it's okay for you to say that, seeing as you know his heart has your name printed all over it" his signature laugh filling your ears, "you don't know how many times I've wanted to punch Junsu. He's always stealing my light, girls are supposed to fall for me and my charms not his!!"

Both of you just sitting there chatting about recent events and other things for a while.

Jaejoong was Junsu's best friend. He had always been very good friends with you since the first time you met him, like an older brother that you always wish you had.

The times when you and Junsu argued and fought, Jaejoong was always the person you turned to, he understood both Junsu and you very well.

Always gave advice and looked at things from a new perspective.

Many times it was because of him that you and Junsu made up, Jaejoong really had a heart of gold, just like the aura he had around him.

Junsu rans over to you both, still in his soccer kit, followed by a bunch of giggling girls.  

"Oh here they come.." whines Jaejoong.  

"Hey baby, did you wait long?" asks Junsu as he lightly massages your left shoulder.  

"Actually we waited ages for you! Did you really have to bring..them ditzy gir-oww!!" Jaejoong butts in as you give him a nudge in the ribs

"No, we didn't wait that long oppa" you say quietly.

"I'm sorry hyung, they just..." he stops mid sentence as one of the girls bounces over. 

"Junsuuu oppaaaa" she says clinging onto his arm, "let's go get some dinner together" 

"Sorry Annie, I've made plans already"

"Oppaaaa, you promised last time" she whined.

And with that statement you look at Junsu with questioning eyes, he smiles at you weakly.

He replies, "Sorry Annie"

"Jae oppa, want to come for dinner with me?" you grit your teeth, shooting a warning look at Junsu and Annie.

Jaejoong read the situation quickly. "Of course I would love to" he smirks. 

Annie gave deadly glares to both you and Jaejoong as Junsu sighs.  

"Sorry about, please don't be bothered by her..." Junsu apologises to you as he knows you are mad.

You don't reply and Jaejoong whispers to Junsu to hurry and change.

Junsu nods and heads to the changing rooms.

Annie storms back to her group of girls. "Eugh".  

"What's up Annie? Didn't get that dinner date with Junsu oppa again??" they .  

"He's got a girlfriend...I think...or at least he likes that girl. But she's ugly, no match for me so it's ok. In no time they will break up and oppa will be mine"

"Wow, so determined..." whispers one of the girls smirking.  

"You plan to keep chasing after Junsu?" asks another.  

"Plan? I won't need to plan much. Me and oppa are meant to be" she boasts. 

Annie hatches her evil plan as the relationship between you and Junsu is put to the test. 





//sorry for not updating much for this fic. I ran out of inspiration lately and rarely have time to write.

So to make up for it I have updated 2 chapters. Hope you guys keep reading. ^^

Please comment and tell me what you guys think. Thank you~ -Choco

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Kpop_fanatic333 #1
Chapter 5: Omg....haha. I love it. Hmm..are you going to continue this story? I hope so, please update soon^^
a Xiah hyung story!!! Fighting! please update more! ^____^"
this_is_me #3
hoorayy for KIM JUNSU the dolphin boy.. \(^0^)/ hope u update more..