A familiar face...?



As you head home that evening a question jumps into your head. 
"Is Junsu new at our college? I've never seen him before until that day...or have I?"
You rush home.
"I'm home" and you run up to your room, looking through your drawers. 
You flip through the end of year photo albums you kept all throughout the schooling years.
The answer was right there in front of you. 
"This was...three years ago?!?!" you think, unable to believe.
You check through all the other albums too, and there he was, in all of them.
He hadn't changed one bit, apart from the hairstyle. 
"So how come I didn't recognise him? I guess we just werent in the same group of friends" you reason.

*Calling Hani*
"Hey Hani, umm just a quick question, do you know someone in our year called Kim Junsu??"
"Yeah, of course!" Hani replies down the phone. 
"Seriously? How come I only know him recently?"
"Ah, he's the captain of the soccer team so we have had a few encounters. Why do you ask?"
"I see. No reason really. I just didn't realise he had been in our classes for like three years already"
"Oh...seriously? Haha, him and his friends don't really hang out with many of us. They always go and play soccer at lunch break and free periods. Soccer mad they are"
"Anyway, mom is calling, dinner is ready. See you tomorrow Hani, thanks."
"See ya" the line goes dead. 

"Kim Junsu...mysterious boy..." and you head down to dinner. 

You look at your watch, "10:14" it reads. 
Heading towards the science block, a bit early for biology class but you like to be there a bit before the other students. 
The room was empty and you walk over to your seat by the window, your notepad and pen out already. 
It's a miserable day today, grey clouds and gusty winds. 
Looking out over the empty field where normally the kids all play soccer and other games a sigh escapes because you realise your mind wanders to Junsu again.

"Another sigh I hear?" making you snap out of your train of thought. 
Turning around you see Junsu crouched over the desk beside you. 
His face close to yours making you jerk backwards in reflex reaction, moving so suddenly you lose balance on the stool. He grabs your arm with one hand and the other rests in your lower back helping you stable.
"Woah!" you shout, "that was close...haha" and you laugh it off. 
"Am I really that scary?" he jokingly asks, "everytime I see you recently you're sighing, then I say something and you jump out of your skin"
"That's because I was thinking" the smile on your face gradually becoming more natural. 
"What do you think about so deeply?" he questions.
You feel your cheeks turning pink and he studies your reaction.
"...umm...just about studies and things..." you stutter, looking down at your arm that he was still holding. 
His hands so elegant yet manly. Feels so soft on your skin as it wraps around your wrist with ease.

The rooms starts to fill with fellow students.
"YO! Junsu!" Jaejoong shouts from the door, "I was looking all over for you" and he looks at you with a kind smile "Hi". "Hello" you reply politely, as Jaejoong tackles Junsu leading him to their seats on the opposite side of the room.
A cool breeze brushes your wrist where Junsu's hand was-a note? 
"What is this...?"
You unfold the tiny piece of paper and scribbled on it was a phone number with a rough sketch of soccer ball. 
Immediately you look across to Junsu who was already watching you, he winks and continues the conversations with his friends. 
Strange feelings wash through you, you can not tell if they were good or bad but you know they made you feel fuzzy.
Sneakily you reach for your mobile and type in the number to save, then typing a quick SMS.
[thanks for saving me from alot of embarrassment earlier :)]
Not even a minute passed and your phone buzzes.
[so does that mean I've now become your charming life saving prince? XD]
[haha you wish!]
[I sometimes do wish *serious face...laughs*]
You pop your phone back in your bag as the lecturers starts talking. 
Looking over the room, everyone concentrating on the teaching material, you wishing that the class would end soon. 

Another day ends. The clouds hadn't cleared and it's started to rain lightly. 
You walk to your locker to collect your umbrella..."Not again" you moan as you realise you left it at home and you start heading out towards the entrance, to the rain.
Just a few steps past the gate Junsu catches up with you on his bicycle, also with no umbrella. 
"Hey, let me cycle you home, you'll catch a cold without an umbrella"
"But it's out of your way, and you don't have an umbrella too!" you exclaim. 
"Climb on" as he takes your bag and hangs it on the handbar next to his.
You climb onto the back, feeling unbalanced and a little awkward. 
"Grab onto my waist or you will fall" he suggests "I won't be able to save you this time" and laughs. 
You do as you're told. Wrapping your arms loosely around his skinny waist as he heads towards your house. 
Unexpecting the sharp corner turn you nearly slide off the side making you cling onto Junsu tighter. 
You can feel the defined muscles of this abs.

"...you don't realise how many times I've wanted this to happen...and now finally for the first time I am able to give you a ride home on the back of my bike...
Why have I fallen so deeply for you yet you don't even know half the pain it has caused me or even a tiny bit of how I feel about you? 
I wish you lived further away...that this moment could last a while longer. That's all I ask for..."

You let the sound of the rain fill the silence but your can feel your heart beat, beating so fast. 
Mind racing, unable to form a reply to the confession so you rest your head gently on his back, hugging him with meaning, hoping he will understand how ou feel too. 
His heart was beating just as fast as yours, kind of sounded in unison. Even though the rain was hitting hard and cold you still felt happy and warm.

"You also don't know how I feel about you..." finally comes your reply "...I'm sorry I caused you pain, I never knew...and I will never know fully how hurtful it was for you...but I have also felt it the past week. 
You've taken over my mind, every second of the day. I was just...too shy to say or do anything about it..."

The bicycle slows down indicating that you have arrived near your home. 
You climb off the back and Junsu hands you your bag.
"Come inside and dry yourself, I'll make you a cup of hot tea, please?"
He looks at you, water dripping from his hair and face and nods with a smile.
"Mom, I'm back! Can you put the kettle on please?"
"Welcome home dear, oh, you invited a friend over? You should have said, I would have made some treats. Omo, why are you both soaking? Quickly go and get some towels."
"Hello Auntie, I'm Kim Junsu. I won't be here long, nice to meet you" and he bows politely. 
"Junsu cycled me home, I forgot my umbrella" and run upstairs to find some towels, "here you are Junsu" handing him the blue towel. 
"Thank you for doing that Junsu. My daughter is always troubling her classmates like this, haha" she teases. 
"Moooom..." you whine, "I just forgot this morning"
Junsu hides a smirk whilst dabbing his face with the towel. 
"You're welcome to stay for dinner Junsu. Then uncle can drive you home when he gets back from work?"
"Oh, thank you for the offer auntie, but I must decline as I-"
"Mother, Junsu has assignment to do" you  in, trying to make it less awkward for him. 
"Then next time ne? You're welcome to visit anytime Junsu" mom says.
"Thanks auntie, I best get home now. My mother will be waiting for me too"
"I'll see you off" you suggest, grabbing the umbrella by the door. 

Walking back into the rain shielded by the umbrella.
"Do you want to borrow this Junsu?" holding out the umbrella to him. 
"No, it's ok. Haha. It's hard to cycle and carry an umbrella. Thanks though"
"So...well...I...will walk you to your bike" not wanting to say goodbye as you were unsure what was to happen between you both after the confessions.
"Okay" and he takes the umbrella off you, holding it up. 
"Damn, this umbrella is small" you curse in your mind. 
He puts an arm around you hugging you close, "don't get wet again or you will feel unwell tomorrow". 
"Ne...o-op..oppa" you mutter quietly and take a peek at his face to read his reaction. 
A smile spread across his face "oppa?" raising an eyebrow at you. 
"I mean...nevermind..."
"No...don't forget it, I like it" and you both laugh, "okay. Here take this now. I'll see you tomorrow in college". 
"Okay...text me when you reach home so I know your safe ok?"
Just before he climbs on the bicycle he pulls you into an embrace. 
"You're just the right height. So cute" as he holds you tightly. 
You can smell his scent again, so attracting. 
Resting your head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat.
"okay, you should go now, it will get dark soon" you say, breaking the silence.
He gets on the bicycle, quickly flashing you a bright smile and heads off. 

"I've fallen....very badly...." you sigh contently watching him disappear.

[sender: Kim Junsu
time: 22:36
subject: sorry DX
I'm so sorry. I got home and forgot to text you >_< please forgive me. 
Oh by the way meet me at the entrance gate tomorrow after school. 
I won't leave unless I see you...goodnight ^_^]
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Kpop_fanatic333 #1
Chapter 5: Omg....haha. I love it. Hmm..are you going to continue this story? I hope so, please update soon^^
a Xiah hyung story!!! Fighting! please update more! ^____^"
this_is_me #3
hoorayy for KIM JUNSU the dolphin boy.. \(^0^)/ hope u update more..