Surrogate Child

Surrogate Child


Final part

“Doctor…wae? Is everything fine? My baby is fine right?!” asked Jaejoong after he saw the doctor’s worried face.

Still with the worried face, the doctor told him that…

“I think I found the second heartbeat…”

Jaejoong could feel torrents of blood after he heard bout that.

“Se-seriously…doctor? Could you check it…again?…”

And the doctor did it again. But this time, the doctor was so shocked when she found another fetus. The most surprising is, the fetus is 3 weeks younger than the first fetus.

“There are two fetuses…” said the doctor in confuse state.

“Did I pregnant to twins?” asked Jaejoong, panic with the statement that he heard just now.

But the doctor shakes her head.

“It’s not twins… the second fetus is 3 weeks younger than the first…and they don’t share the same placenta… it’s like you were carrying two fetuses that have different age in the same time. I found it weird cuz I never found any case like this…”

“Then, what should I do?” asked Jaejoong who is getting scared.

“I can’t make any conclusion yet, but I need you to come again next week. If this pregnancy harms you, you need to abort one of them…or maybe…both.”

To Jaejoong’s state of horror after he heard that. Fear and anxious was mixed into one. 

How come he carries two fetuses with different age at the same time?


Jaejoong told the latest news Yunho.

And Yunho was speechless after he saw the copy of the ultrasound image which shows two fetuses in Jaejoong.

For the next check-up, Yunho accompany his spouse. He wanted to see and get a full explanation about what the doctor is going to say. However, this time, both of them receive more shocking news.

The second fetus who is younger than the first one is one time bigger. As if it is healthier than the first.  

According to the doctor, big possibilities, the first fetus can’t stay long enough after birth… it’s like the second one is taking control on the food source and Jaejoong’s belly.

“I don’t think this will harm you but I hope… both of you are well prepared to receive the news, that the first fetus will be dead right after birth...” says the doctor.

Tears flows out like a river from Jaejoong’s beautiful eyes… Yunho too but then he hugs Jaejoong who is now sobbing hard.

“Boo… calm down… please…”

 He heart hurts so much seeing his spouse crying so badly and the news was too… hard …for him…

For some reason, Jaejoong felt his love more on the first fetus. He started to think that the second fetus is taking the first fetus’s ‘health’…


As the days past, Jaejoong’s belly is getting bigger. And that means, the second fetus is getting bigger too. Meanwhile, the first one is getting smaller as if it can’t get enough nutrition.

At last, Jaejoong and Yunho prepared themselves to receive any bad circumstance.


As it reaches to the birth date, Jaejoong started to feel the pain. He could feel his belly is going to burst due to the ‘kicking’ from inside. Yunho panic seeing his spouse screaming in such pain.


“O-okay… hold…down! Stay wi-with me!.. I-I’ll take you the hos-spi…”

“YUN!!!!!! IT’S HURT!!!!!!!!” 


As they reach the hospital, Jaejoong was straight away sent to the delivery room.

All… the nurses including the head nurse, and the doctor tried to make Jaejoong calm down, but his screaming gets louder and it makes everybody in the hospital went silent.

Yunho heard it too and he is now getting worry till no more… this is too odd.

After 3 hours fighting for it, there is still no sign that the baby is coming out. Yunho was called in. The doctor told him everything and now Yunho need to stay beside Jaejoong to support him.

And it goes again… 

but till the fifth hour… 

Jaejoong is weak now…

The condition had pushes the doctor to make an emergency operation on him…

To their state of horror…

The baby in there was so… 


As if the skin that is wrapping his bones was the only left…

The second baby?

No second baby was found by the doctor… 

Yunho was so speechless watching the scene in front of him…

Everything was so odd! Something was terribly wrong!

But he couldn’t say anything…

He cried hard when he receives his too small baby in his arms…

“Baby… A-ap-appa was so… sorry… Appa… don’t know what had A-appa done to you… For-forgive…me…” his voice cracked and he sobs uncontrollably. He kissed his baby and looks at his too weak spouse.

The doctor had done joining the cut and they are moving him to the ward since he is stable.


[After few minute]

The doctor wakes him up. As soon as he opens his eyes, the first thing he asks was his baby…

Again the hospital went silent when they heard a very pitiful scream came from the delivery ward…

Jaejoong cried so hard when he saw his baby conditions...

 He manage to hold his baby just for a few seconds only before his baby breath his last… 




“Jae… you already… promise me right?...” says Yunho refraining himself from crying. No he won’t cry…  He had cried enough!



Later that night, after Jaejoong had cried enough…he fell asleep…

In his sleep, he had a dream…

Junsu came again, but this time, he came with a baby…

One words that Junsu says made Jaejoong wakes up and cried harder than before…



*GOTCHA!* cheeky 


Um…wonder what he said?

This is what he said… 


“Thank you so much for surrogating my child in yours… hehehe…”



*moral of the story…don’t let anyone randomly touches your tummy! Haha! Well then! THANK YOU FOR READING! 

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Chapter 2: Junsu you are so cruel.. How could you? You gave all hopes to jae and at last you took the child.. That's too cruel.. I'm crying right now 〒_〒
Chapter 2: oh my god, junsud xD
you should add the 'eukyangkyang' laugh xDD
junsu's creepy o.o
a_die_me #3
@a_chue_way aigoo...*give tissue to you* it's's just a fic's real too.. XP
@mewriting then dun let anybody touch your tummy.but i kinda pity junchan in here..LOL!

btw,thanks for reading and post comments!!!
mepastah #4
erk...i kinda love junchan here.hahahahha it bring the creeps to my tummy
a_die_me #5
@Sarah_OT5- who cruel? me?! XD
Kyaaaaa.... awesome!!!! Make more story like this. Ask readers to answer for the moral of the story. Sure havoc!!!

*thumbs up*
a_die_me #7
@lypoosmile sure! :) thanks for everything!
lypoosmile #8
This is your fic !
Can I tranlate this fic ?
Thanks for writing :)