Surrogate Child [part 1]

Surrogate Child


Part 1


But, their marriage is a year old now… to have a child? There’s still no sign of it…

For Yunho, he just calm and accept it thinking that they might not have the ‘luck’ yet…

For Jaejoong, he is such in misery now thinking the possibilities that he can’t give Yunho a child…

Little did Yunho know, Jaejoong tried so many things to make himself pregnant…


One day, Jaejoong met with a cute looking guy at the toilet in a mall. Out of sudden, the cute looking guy greets him while he was washing his hand. 

“You are so beautiful…”

Jaejoong could only blush from the compliment that comes from an unknown person.

“A-ah..aniyo.. I’m not beautiful..” said Jaejoong with a shy smile.

“Seriously…you are beautiful.. still studying? Oh! By the way, I’m Junsu.” Told him while give Jaejoong a bow.

“Ah! Aniyo..” Jaejoong replied with a shocked and amazed feeling.

Jaejoong’s POV

Wow! Do I look like a student?

“I’m already 27…”  


Jaejoong could only let out a shy laugh.

Junsu only smile and his eyes went wide with excitement.

“Oh, sorry to ask…are you gay?”

The too straightforward question makes Jaejoong let out a sad smile.

“Yes…and I’m already married… it’s already one year…”

“But why are you sad?...”

“I have the abilities to pregnant like a normal woman… but, I can’t pregnant till now…” Jaejoong feels weird because he just tell out a story (that should be a secret between him and certain people that he knows only) to an unknown person that he met just few minutes ago.

Then, Junsu came closer to him with a smile.

“Gwenchana… maybe it’s a little late… you will have it soon…” says Junsu while his palm touches Jaejoong’s stomach without permission.  

Jaejoong forces his lips to smile. Talking bout pregnancies makes him feels slightly uncomfortable. So, he excuses himself.

“Um… well, Junsu.. Please excuse me… maybe my husband was waiting for me…”

Junsu just nod his head and let Jaejoong out.  

As Jaejoong walk out, he could see Yunho was already waiting for him. But Jaejoong has totally forgotten bout his encounter with Junsu at the toilet just now.


[Few months later]


These past few days, Jaejoong always has nausea. He can’t stand strong smells. He also started to have morning sickness.

His heart beats so fast when he thinks that he might be pregnant. But, he didn’t put too much hope so, he let it be for few days more, until it was already two weeks, then only he made a decision to meet the doctor.

He is right! He is pregnant!

He was so happy. He called Yunho straight away and told him bout the good news. Same like Jaejoong, Yunho too screaming happily on the other line.


[Few weeks later]

Jaejoong has a weird dream. A cute guy came in his dream. Looking at his face, it reminds Jaejoong about Junsu that he met not long ago.

“At last…you are pregnant…” says him while caressing Jaejoong’s belly non-stop. Jaejoong was speechless and can only smile while to Junsu.

Since then, he faces the same dream every night. However, since it is not a nightmare, Jaejoong seems not to care bout it and he never tells it to Yunho.


His belly is getting bigger from day to day. To make sure his pregnancies is in a good health, Jaejoong will go to the clinic every two weeks for a check-up. Everything was fine until his fifth months of pregnancies. Jaejoong was fine and the child was normal too.

But, problem starts during the ultrasound test. Jaejoong receives a very shocking news. Even the doctor found it weird and unbelievable.  

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Chapter 2: Junsu you are so cruel.. How could you? You gave all hopes to jae and at last you took the child.. That's too cruel.. I'm crying right now 〒_〒
Chapter 2: oh my god, junsud xD
you should add the 'eukyangkyang' laugh xDD
junsu's creepy o.o
a_die_me #3
@a_chue_way aigoo...*give tissue to you* it's's just a fic's real too.. XP
@mewriting then dun let anybody touch your tummy.but i kinda pity junchan in here..LOL!

btw,thanks for reading and post comments!!!
mepastah #4
erk...i kinda love junchan here.hahahahha it bring the creeps to my tummy
a_die_me #5
@Sarah_OT5- who cruel? me?! XD
Kyaaaaa.... awesome!!!! Make more story like this. Ask readers to answer for the moral of the story. Sure havoc!!!

*thumbs up*
a_die_me #7
@lypoosmile sure! :) thanks for everything!
lypoosmile #8
This is your fic !
Can I tranlate this fic ?
Thanks for writing :)