Page 3

My Universe
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                     Jongin POV-    I could smell the freshly brewed coffee around me. It helps to ease my mind. I close the lid of the cup as i handed the coffee to the customer,   “Enjoy~”  i said, with the brightest smile i could offer.    The way when a person smile as they take their first sip drew a smile on my face each time. The crease on their eyebrows fade as the warm feeling enters their cold bodies. With that, they can start their day happily.   “Im glad they are happy.”   From the counter, i could see Jaehyun wiping the tables here and there. I feel bad for the boy. He always gladly taking the morning shift for awhile then head to school as soon as possible. Then after school he would come back and continue working. The kid rarely have any friends nor do school activities. All he know how to do is work.   “Jaehyun- come here a bit”    “Yes hyung?”    “It is already 8 in the morning. You are going to be late. Don’t worry, I will finish cleaning it up”    “Wait- WHAT??! Alright hyung, I’ll get going!” With that, i could see him hurriedly takes off to school.    No matter how much I forbid him from taking the morning shift, the kid always beg so. He also need the money. There’s nothing i could do but to let him work extra hours.    Customers comes and go. But the memories of each customer I encounter was something i could not forget. Some are a bit annoying to handle and some are tolerable. Peoples fascinate me. How each people come from different background with each pains in life but somehow still manages to go on. In the midst of daydreaming, I saw a girl walk in the door with a cap on and her head lay down low. Slowly she walk towards me. Her voice so soft, so delicate yet so fragile..?   “Umm- can i get a Caramel Macchiato. Medium size. Thank you”.   I could see even with her cap down she manage to flash me a smile. A small one. After completing her order, i hand out her coffee,   “Enjoy~” i said, as usual.   Then, I could hear her soft delicate voice saying,   “Thank you and have a nice day.” With that, slowly she turn her back against me and walk out.           Hera POV-    Yet again i find myself laying in my bed in this dark room of mine drowning in my own thoughts for the past few hours. Its already afternoon and I decided to take a shower, a long one and head out.    With every step, I didn’t even once look ahead but the smell of coffee makes my feet stop. As i walk inside, the warm feeling and fragrance hit me from my daze. The atmosphere feels good compared to the weather where its cold and suffocating.   As i take my order, i could hear a voice,   “Alright that would be-“    The voice sound so familiar yet so unfamiliar. I didn’t even bother to look up although i wanted to. In the end, I didn’t even once look up. On the way home, a part of me tells that i should look up because who knew, it might be him. The one who hands me his handkerchief.    As soon as i got home, While laying down on my sofa i kept thinking how I wish holidays would end faster. The cold breeze always making me feel sick and restless. No matter how much I hate going back to work, atleast at work i feel less dying. To be honest, I don’t really know why i even bother going to work. Father would end up giving the company to me either way. But yet, I decide to occupy myself with working at the pet shop. The salary isn’t much but it is not like i care about it. It’s the animals that makes me happy. Little precious thing. I could feel myself starting to miss the them.   In this cold weather, a sip of now warm coffee feels almost perfect. The taste soothes me. With every sip i take, i could feel the caffeine finally hitting me. But as my heart feel numb, I felt nothing but just to drift off to sleep.    With my eyes close, i can still see everything that happen on that night. The night that changes my life and myself. That one night always haunt me everytime i close my eyes. The metal on her hands still shines in my eyes as if it was right in front of me. The slight smell of the blood right by the corner of her lips still could be lingering on my nose. The look on her eyes.. they were so broken and hurt and betrayed..? Her once beautiful eyes that always shine everytime she talks changes ever since it flood with tears.  The pain, i could still see and feel it. Without realising, i have not been asleep but just having a flashback. A painful one. I open my eyes and see the living room were now almost dark telling it’s almost night. I walk to the curtain and saw the sun begin to set. It was beautiful. I could feel a smile crept on my face. Minutes after, the sun was already gone. Going to sleep. By now, the moon was there. Standing high in the skies along with the stars, shining so bright on my face. With this, i began to think, Im not worth to be name something as beautiful as the moon because i am far from beautiful. I didn’t even once shine like the Moon.         _____________________       Jongin bid a goodbye to his co-worker and they both head out their own way. On his way home, Jongin purposely walking with a slow pace just to enjoy the cold breeze. He took a deep breath and let out a big one hoping it would bring out the heaviness in his chest also. The street are still filled with Christmas light although it is already January.   “New year should be new me” he thought.   Jongin promise himself he would be a better person once the new year come. No more unnecessary feelings anymore.   “2013 IS MY YEAR!” He shouted bluntly to the streets.   People around him are starting to question him and throwing weird glances but he decided to ignore it and walk ahead.  As soon as he slips the keys to his door, Jongin walk straight to his bathroom. After finishing, he found himself on his favourite place of all. His bed. The soft mattress only took seconds to drift him off to sleep.    But on the highest floor of the building, The soft mattress could only soothes her a bit but not to completely wash away her pain. Because everytime she closes her eyes, the memories will come and haunt her once again. It is the reason why her bed was not a place where she’ll able to have a safe and sound sleep. Afterall, Hera never really had a peaceful sleep.     Once again, Hera found herself in her living room. By now it was already midnight. With her curtain wide open, the whole room lights up by the Moon outside. This was probably her favourite of all, Being on top. So close yet so far from the skies. At the same time, being so high up in the sky urge her to just let her foot slip and fall down to the ground. Wishing she could just be buried away. Hera stares at the skies for the longest time she could remember until she soon falls asleep.          _____________________        The sunlight from outside could be seen through Jongin’s curtain. With a grown, he wakes up and walks to the bathroom doing his usual rout
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Ive had this story for a long time now. But it is going take awhile before i fully publish it. This story is special to me. I wrote it with all my heart and pain that comes in life. Since it was emotional for me to share it, i hope you guys enjoy it. xo


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Chapter 1: I hope you'll keep us on update
Chapter 1: I just found this and I'm so happy a new fic for Kai yes