

Sang stared out of the trainwindow at the platform. The train would depart any minute and Sang had made himself already comfortable. He waved at his friend again. Jeup was easy to spot among the crowd with his neonpink hair. Sang had just visited him over the weekend and would now go home. They waved and made silly gestures while trying to communicate through the thick glass.

Just in that moment three guys stormed at the platform looking relieved that the train hasn’t departed yet - well they were indeed late if they wanted to take it. They were pretty outstanding with one having blonde hair, the other green and the third bubblegum pink hair. Sang wasn’t sure why everyone was into flashy haircolours these days but it wasn’t his business so he didn’t mind. Besides the guys that were now hugging looked good with it.

They gave each other kisses and Sang got pretty surprised. He didn’t mind showing affection between friends in form of kissing as well as he didn’t mind gay people he just had never seen anyone doing it in public before. He just shrugged and as he looked back to Jeup only to notice that his friend was making his way over to the group. Well by now it were only the blonde and the bubblegum hair boy. They were now talking and seemed to know each other. Jeup pointed at him and everyone waved while Sang waved back.

His phone vibrated. A new message from Jeup. „They’re going to my school.“ Realization dawned upon Sang and he smiled at the three boys on the platform. „Excuse me“ said a unique voice „is here still free?“ The green haired boy whom Sang had just watched pointed at the seat beside him. „Yeah.“ Sang moved his belongings and while giving the other boy a smile. What a coincidence that they’re friends knew each other.

„You know them too?“ asked the boy beside Sang now and pointed at the still waving and hearts throwing people outside that were obviously having fun. „The pink haired one is my friend. He just texted me knows the other two from school.“ He waved his phone. „Ahh they’re my friends. They can be really funny from time to time.“ The guy gave him a smile and somehow Sang thought he looked really nice even though it was weird talking to a stranger like that.

As the train came to live and started to move they waved a last time to their friends outside before they were out of sight. „You can call me Jian by the way.“ The green haired male stretched out his hand and Sang gave him a handshake. „Sang.“ he just said not knowing what else to say but Jian didn’t seem to mind because he talked again. „Were you over for the weekend too?“ „Yeah I visit every two or three weeks.“ „That’s cool me too! We can travel together in the future if you want then it won’t be that boring!“ Sang nodded he liked the straight forward but friendly male.

And Jian was indeed right the trainride wasn’t boring as usual because Sang found his akwardness disappearing and they had alot to talk about finding out what they had in common. They talked quite a lot about music since they bothed loved it alot and made it by themselves. They were also living in the same city and Sang looked forward to meeting his new friend again. Jian had given Sang his number so that he could contact him. The other was quite open, always had something to talk about but not talking over him, was pretty extra and he was super comfortable with skinship which gave Sang the feeling they knew each other for a longer time than just a few hours.

As they arrived and made their way out of the train Sang was in a good mood and pulled Jian in a hug. They were pretty much the same height and suddenly Jian gave him a quick kiss before telling him goodbye and making his way down the platform. Sang felt happy even though he was surprised. He felt a smile on his face before making himself on his way home. That kiss made Sang happy without him knowing why. Nearly home he took his phone out and texted Jian.

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Chapter 1: cute. needed to be continued :)