What Christmas Feels Like

What Christmas Feels Like

Yoongi has been hopping like a kangaroo to different countries—performing, collaborating, producing music, and all sorts of stuff he is expected of. He had been working with various artists. He’s never picky working with anyone. More than anything, it’s a challenge of how far he could do. Until he felt drained eventually but nothing could ever seem to boost him up. Not even constantly working on music, even the time he would spend working out in the gym. He gets to clear his head that way but he felt maybe… the feeling he has been getting is something is missing.

But then on his second year away from home, while working in America, issue has it that the rising rapper/producer Min Yoongi got into a scandal with a woman he worked with and got her pregnant and now she's filing a case against Yoongi. He just blinks away the news every time it came up. It didn’t bother him a bit on how it is going to affect him or whatever impact it would cause on his career. He knew issues like this often happened in the industry, so there’s no reason for him to get affected by it. The news spread like wildfire even in his hometown. His family quickly tried to contact him on Skype to talk about it and he reassured them that there’s no truth in any of it. Yoongi, although he isn’t picky, didn’t want to work with someone with an attitude like her. Despite being a well-known singer, she talked trash about s and how their group was flopping because of the hiatus after member after member joined the army. He’s the first one who enlisted but he decided to widen his horizon in the meantime. Small things seem to easily piss him off when it comes to s but it’s not equivalent to him not liking them anymore. In fact, he would mostly fake his irritated reaction. But hers he didn't like one bit.

“What kinds of surgeries did you undergo? Maybe you can let me in to that little secret. I’ll share with you mine.” She asked as she touches the bottom of her lip with a finger which Yoongi thought he wanted to push deep inside so she gets the surgery she deserved. He tried to keep his calm and the singer only continued when she didn’t get a reaction from Yoongi except a sigh, clearly stating he’s uninterested. He had his arms folded in front of him. Open, close, open, close—he kept clenching and unclenching his fists, avoiding digging his fingers too hard on his palms. “You know, I wonder how you manage to stay members of the same group with—who was it again? Anyway, he’s the leader and I didn’t know Korea has black idols. There’s this one too… The one they call the horse. Hmm, I like his eyes and… I don’t really want to remember the rest of what he looks. And Jimin, his voice sounds like a squeaky toy. Doesn’t that annoy you?” He felt his entire body seething with so much rage. He thought of sticking with the idea of pushing her finger down than hear the rest so he stood on his feet. As he’s about to walk towards the first woman he wanted to disrespect, his manager held him by his arm and told him, “Don’t. Let’s just leave. I don’t wanna do this either.” And he walked to the door with Yoongi following behind him walking as fast as they could. It’s a puzzle to him how his manager managed to stay calm the entire time and listened well to everything the rude singer had to say. Perhaps he’s either too kind or had expanded his patience on a level he couldn’t manage to achieve in this lifetime. Or that he has encountered far worse than this. 

Jimin was distressed. He knew Yoongi is innocent but couldn't bear it anymore. This just made it worse for him. He never even hears his voice anymore except on TV and YouTube. But he’s staying quiet to him even though he hasn’t done anything wrong. Finally, Jimin stopped talking to him after two years of not seeing each other. He also rarely replies to his messages so that didn’t make much difference. He just kept telling himself that it’s not like they were in a relationship. They cherished each other but hadn't labeled it more than that. And he thought it is normal for friends not to talk for years.

It’s already the Christmas holiday and while Yoongi is sitting on the couch in his hotel room after working all day at the studio, he closes his eyes, stretching his arms and resting his head at the back of his hands when something sparked in his mind. That something suddenly flashes before his eyes—a pair of brown eyes, soft cheeks, full and plump lips. Everything about this person, even the memory of how his hair felt on his hands, the warmth he felt every time they were simply beside each other, all rushed in his mind. Uncontrollable like how a dam would be releasing excess water, but in his case there’s not anything excessive. In fact, he’s aching for it. All of it. He got up quickly, grabbing and tossing a couple of clothes and necessities inside a luggage. Jimin was missing in his life and he needed to be with him. That’s all Yoongi knew at that moment. He could've had a hundred or thousand more other first thoughts, but his mind, his heart decided to remind him of the younger lad before anything. Yoongi definitely isn’t the type to act on impulse. But he knew if he didn't move his right away he would keep hesitating to get his feelings across Jimin properly. And he might never get the chance another time.

From Australia back to his homeland, he figured it wouldn’t even take a day before he’s back in his homeland. He just came from France after Canada in a span of three weeks so he didn't know how short or far the trip would be this time. Just that he’s hopeful he could see Jimin before he loses it altogether. And talk. He had kept him waiting so long. He made a promise to come back and spend Christmas together but he could never keep it with all the demand he’s getting here and there. Worse, he had eventually forgotten about it.

"How can you not know when you're coming back?" Jimin released Yoongi's hand from his and lowered his head. "I know how you would always count down the days before we meet again. Just think about this. Before you know it, you'll be surprised I'm already back. Like I never even left. Cheer up, love." Yoongi cupped Jimin’s face in his hands and stared at his face, thumb brushing against his cheeks, shedding away his tears before he enveloped the younger lad into his arms in a tight and almost crushing embrace, a silent reminder and a clear message that it’s painful for him as much as it is for Jimin to lose their other half for the-world-knows-how-long. Yoongi decides to give his word to Jimin that they will spend Christmas every year since it's the only holiday they could spend together and Yoongi promises to go back to Korea just in time.

Until it has been three Christmases already and he’s not able to come home at all. Jimin had worries, suspicions but still trusted him, but after the scandal and even after his name being cleared, he felt that maybe Yoongi doesn't like him anymore, got tired of their nonexistent relationship. All this while, he might have been waiting and expecting for nothing.

Just before he left the hotel, he’s not surprised when he received a message from Taehyung. It said, "Hyung! Are you ever going to come back? How about this year? Can you come back even just for my birthday? Or maybe before that since you already missed Jin hyung’s." What on earth? Is he a psychic? Aside from him, Jin’s the other one who never got tired of messaging him. Even though he does read the messages, it usually takes months before he replies back.

As Taehyung is Jimin’s best friend, Yoongi’s always updated about him. He always keeps him updated even when he doesn’t ask about something. He tells him Jimin doesn’t enter into any relationships, but tells him one day that he finally decides this could be the time for it now as he's already spent enough time to heal. Yoongi tried to not be too hopeful about Jimin, thinking he probably has a chance but also thinking he wouldn’t as much as glance if they meet again. But he’s excited to see him nonetheless. He’s the person he wanted to see the most next to his family. The reason he chose to come back.

Up until Yoongi has already boarded the plane, he’s still mulling over whether it would be better to tell Jimin in advance or surprise him. He hasn't talked to him, replied much to his messages for the past months. He felt something’s been odd, out place, something of the like for a long time when he didn’t check up on him often like before. So he initiated the conversation roughly five months ago to which Jimin replied a month later and his schedule got all hectic that he got to respond another month after. He felt like he’s becoming invisible to Jimin’s life, maybe eventually completely gone, which he knew is a cruel thing to do to the younger lad. He didn’t like the idea at all, neither does Jimin. He hoped.

The moment Yoongi landed he had no schedule for him to rush himself but still he hurriedly made his way among the crowds. When he reached a place where he didn’t have to breathe in anyone or anything, he delved for his phone from his coat and sent a quick text to Taehyung. "Landed. And shush." Taehyung seemed to be quick on his senses as he invited Yoongi in a group chat about thirty minutes later together with Jin and Namjoon, but not about when to keep quiet. So he asks them to keep it a secret for now and tells them that of course he had to tell someone so it’s not a surprise for them anymore. They ask him if he already has plans for Christmas day and that it’s already the 22nd. He says he took a break from work but that he will still be working on music. “Why don’t we just meet up? Like right now.” Jin sent to the group chat.

The three of them, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi met at a café near their dorm which was almost never occupied now. Taehyung said he had other plans so he had to pass. "Actually we were planning to hold a Christmas reunion. Jungkook recently came out of the army too. Don’t worry, we’ve already asked everyone and since the members are all free on Christmas day, they agreed upon having a reunion." Namjoon said while taking sips of his coffee. "It will be a reunion with all seven of us. We’ll be meeting on Christmas Eve to celebrate Christmas together! Exciting, right?” Jin was so enthusiastic about it that he elbowed Namjoon slightly, making him choke on his drink, though that might not have been the cause of his reaction. "Like I said, I’ll keep working on music, so why not just meet on Christmas day?" Yoongi said, placing his elbow on the table and resting his chin on it. “Oh, please. You should take a break! Christmas only comes once a year and if you don’t wanna go, I happen to know someone who would be a great match for you...right, Namjoon?" Jin faced Namjoon, grinning at him and winked. "That—I won’t make time for." Yoongi’s reply came fast but playing at the back of his mind is the promise he made with Jimin years ago. He thinks it's unlikely he'd still be single. For a change, maybe he could just go on with what Jin wanted. And he knows Jin would keep fussing him till he agrees. What a bother, he thought, when deep down he knew he missed this too. "So, what kind of person are they?" Jin and Namjoon exchanged looks. "Are you...agreeing?" Namjoon didn’t hide how surprised he was. Jin then exclaimed, "It will be a pleasant surprise, trust me. And,” Before Jin continued, he pulled Namjoon’s arm and they were both getting ready to leave already. "You can't take that back, okay? You've always been a man of your word." Yoongi snorts at this.

The rest of the day, Yoongi went out to buy presents he had no one particular in mind to give but when he came across a bouquet of blue hydrangeas, he knew right away it’s the perfect gift and he’s going to give it to him. He already has with him gifts he’s been keeping to give his family which he always brings with him, so he decided to head back to the hotel and used the rest of his time to work on music again since he didn’t have anything else to do or reason to spend money on.

It has only been a couple of months since Jimin's family moved to a new house and the other members, with Jin as the mastermind, planned to make this opportunity for Yoongi to spend time alone with Jimin. Jimin was left behind with his family spending the holiday in Japan and he decided to stay behind as they were having a reunion in a long time. Taehyung told Yoongi it’s a vacation house of Jin's family. The truth is they were going to spend it alone and the real reunion will be happening the following day.

For the past years Yoongi didn't specifically celebrate Christmas but he did witness how different countries celebrated it and he was astonished at the beauty of each culture. However, to him, he thought he had yet to experience the best Christmas. It’s only six o’clock of the 24th with the party starting at eight in the evening. Yoongi felt he had to make the most of his time while he can and since he had no other plans he decides to head to the venue. As Yoongi is not the type to respond to or use phone calls and text much, he didn't bother asking whether who’s already at the place. The group chat of them four has been quiet. The venue is pretty easy to find, when he realised he rode a taxi. He entered the place casually with the door already open for the expected guests. His nose scrunched at the greeting smell of lemon. Lemon pie? He hummed and pursed his lips although he didn’t bother much looking at the house’s Christmas decors, not even at the picture frames standing above the cabinet by the wall. His feet led him to where the smell is coming from. So he turned a left, entering the living room.

All this while Jimin has been waiting for Yoongi...as he always has. Even as he stopped admitting it, he would keep wondering when Yoongi would decide to come back, even if it isn’t really for him. He thought he has already moved on, gotten over the silly puppy love phase over him but when Christmas time came a year ago, he kept forcing himself to forget about the promise, fought the urge to cry just like he’s feeling now. He placed six plates and sets of silverware on the table, transferred the freshly baked pieces of lemon tarts on a plate with Christmas balls at the center and placed cookies at the side. Taehyung advised him not to make a lot of food because everyone is going to bring their share. Knowing that he and the members will be celebrating it together even without Yoongi gives him a sense of optimism, a reminder that he’s not the center of Christmas.

Yoongi took in a familiar figure right away and his lips parted slightly but not a sound escaped. Instead, his breath hitches, momentarily forgetting to breathe. He knew there’s no denying what his eyes were beholding in front of him. He’s looking at the figure of the younger lad, the main reason he took off without even checking what he had on his schedule next. He squeezed the bouquet of flowers in his right hand, not realising what he’s doing. When he did, he placed it down the coffee table. With confident steps he walked towards Jimin and embraced him from the back, arms tightening around the slim waist of his. He took in everything about Jimin from this limited view, although it’s mostly the back of his head, his nape. He moved his nose close to it and thought he almost forgot this smell, how this felt… How he smelled, how he felt. Almost. But not. And right now it’s like breathing something new again. Jimin with a mix of lemon. He’s not a huge fan of it but he could get used to it. Park Jimin always makes him feel something new, making him feel brand new. This time he turned him around and felt his body and soul in a state of cloud nine, when he told Jimin, "You're blushing." He leaned in to Jimin’s face, planting a kiss on the younger one’s lips before smiling to himself. "Hyung, I—" Jimin cannot continue his next words as he cried harder and Yoongi kept shushing him, telling him it’s alright. "I just can’t believe you’re here." Yoongi acted again on impulse, that he started thinking he must’ve shocked or probably disappointed Jimin by his sudden action, but maybe not. Once again he’s seeing his angelic smile while tears were running down his beautiful face not realising he, too, was in tears before Jimin brushed it with his thumb while his other hand already found itself at the back of his neck and after which Yoongi trailed kisses from his eyes, nose and lips. Pulling away, he cupped Jimin’s face with his hands and greeted, “Merry Christmas, love.” For the first time in his life he thought to himself, this must be what Christmas feels like—the perfect Christmas for me.

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