
![Wr0ng Number]!

You: O.O!!! Jaejoong?? (inside of your mind)

Jaejoong's face goes away from your face

Jaejoong: Don't touch her, she's mine now

Jaejoong says it to Dujun

Dujun looks at you with sad face

Dujun: Hyung, is it ok now? I will go now^^

Dujun smiles sadly and walks away from you

Jaejoong looks angry

You: Jae, Jaejoong-ah

Jaejoong: It's annoying, it's annoying if you're with another guy

You smile

You: hehe.. Are you jealous~~??

Jaejoong: why should I? It's just annoying

You: That's jealous~

Jaejoong: =_=..tsk, I will go to your school tomorrow, Good night

You: Hehe.. you too!! Good night!! See you in your dreams~

Jaejoong: -_-++

Jaejoong ignores you and walk away from you

Next day in School

Jessica: Yo~ How was movie yesterday?

You tell everything to Jessica

Jessica: KYA~!!! >.< Jaejoong's very cool!!! He'll come here today? Will Onew come??

You: I don't know..maybe??

Jessica: My lovely Somin!!! Let's go home together!!!

You: tsk, tsk

Dismissal at MS high's main gate

Jaejoong, Jonghyun and Junsu are in front of main gate

Jaejoong: You're so late, turtle..

You: Ya! I directly came here!

Jessica: Where's Onew!!!??

Junsu: He's with his girlfriend~~ haha

Jessica: T.T....he has a girlfriend??? HOW COME~~

You: tsk, tsk

Jaejoong: Hurry, we're going now..


Employee: What's your orders??

You: Um.. 1 pizza, 2 cheese burger and 2 spaghetti, please~

Junsu: You'll eat that all?? wow..you're really a monster...

You: shut up~

Junsu: I want 'Kiddy Set A'^^

Jessica: Are you a child??

Junsu: there's ice cream with it~!!! hehe

Hello~ Hello~

Jaejoong talks in the phone

Jaejoong: sorry, I have to go now..

You: eh?? why??

Jaejoong: sorry..see ya, take care

You: ok..bye!

After eating, You go with Jonghyun, Jessica and Junsu leave together

You arrive in front of your house

You: hehe...thank! See you next time^^

Jonghyun: you're welcome^^ see you


You try to contact with Jaejoong but he doesn't reply

You: why he's not replying??

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Chapter 7: i like read this story !
ilabya2 #2
taegoon #3
Love this story.
Chapter 7: Funny story keep on writing story's like that
Love this story :D!
baby_eunkyura #6
Chapter 22: great ff.. what a funny fanfict ! lol xD keep writing xD
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 22: Happily ever after lol
cheery45 #8
LIKE!!!!!!!! :)))
loveisfree #9
i really lke that song!!