
![Wr0ng Number]!

Sunday in Lotte World ( Amusement park )

You: Wow.. there are so many people here

Jaejoong: -_-+ it's hot..

At the same time

Jessica: Ya!! Don't push me!! they might see me!!

Junsu: What?? It's because of your head! It's too big!!

There are 2 uninvited people stalking you and Jaejoong

Jessica: It's because Jaejoong might do something(?) to Somin!! HUH!!

Junsu: WHAT??? don't you remember that Somin was the one who force Jaejoong to sleep together!!!

Jessica: WHAT THE!!! It was accident!!!

Jessica and Junsu: TSK!!!

Jaejoong: Ya.. Don't you feel those dirty stares at us?

You: Eh? what do you mean? Come on!! Let's ride that~~

You pull Jaejoong and run

Jessica: Hurry~ We might lose them in our sight

Junsu: Yes! Sir!!

You and Jaejoong ride roller coaster and more

but they are all thrill rides

Jaejoong looks so pale

You: Are you ok??

Jaejoong: I am ok..

You: Hehe..GOOD!! Let's ride that one!!!

You point at biking

Jaejoong is speechless

Same time ( Jessica and Junsu)

Junsu: Is she stupid??? Jaejoong can't ride things like that!!

Jessica: Somin is clueless..but!! Say it again!! Who's stupid??

Junsu: Ya!! Can't you see? Jaejoong is going to vomit

Jessica: eww...why he is not telling it to her?

Junsu: tsk, you don't know Jaejoong..

Jaejoong suddenly covers his mouth and runs to somewhere

You: Ya!!! Where are you going??

You follow after him

Jaejoong vomits

You: ya....you okay? you cannot ride thrill rides??

Jaejoong: stupid...you didn't notice it until now..?

You: kkk..HAHAHA~~!! You are still young, tsk, tsk

Jaejoong: Wanna die? =_=++

You: Sorry, SIR!! >.<

You and Jaejoong sit on the bench

You: hu..anyway, you stay here for a while!! I will ride more

Jaejoong: I will go with you

You: Tsk, tsk, look at your face first, LOSER~~~

You run

Jaejoong: =_=++

After you ride biking, you come back to bench

You: YA~~

Jaejoong: You wait here for a while, I will buy some drinks

You: OK!!! Mine is orange juice^^

Jaejoong: I will catch those mice...

Jaejoong walks away from you

That time, Jessica and Junsu are fighting

Jessica: Ya!! Stop!! Don't you think Jaejoong is coming to us??

Junsu: Are you crazy?? We followed them perfectly!!

Jessica: Um....did we?

Jaejoong: of course not

Jessica and Junsu: Eh????

Jaejoong stands in front of them

Junsu: haha..Jaejoong-ah..um..

Jessica: What a coincidence!!! We never expected to meet you here~~haha

Junsu: haha..RIGHT!!!

Jaejoong: shut up, stalkers..-_-

Jessica and Junsu: T_T;;

Jaejoong: You join us...

Jessica: Kya~ can we?? hehe

Junsu: kkk...Love you, my Jaejoong-sshi~~

Junsu is going to hug Jaejoong but he avoids it

You are still waiting for Jaejoong

You: ooh..why is he so late?? tsk

You find Jaejoong coming to you but Jessica and Junsu are beside him

You: Eh?? Jessica!!

Jessica: Somin-ah~~~!

You: wow! why are you here?? date with Junsu?? I thought you like Onew

Jessica: Am I crazy?? date with him?? it's just coincidence...hehe

Jaejoong gives you orange juice

You: Ah!^^ thanks

Jaejoong: .......

Junsu: hehe..LET'S GO~~

You, Jaejoong, Jessica and Junsu enjoy

You point merry-go-round

You: Ya~~ Let's ride that!!!

Jessica: Ooh~~ GOOD IDEA!!

Jaejoong and Junsu: -_-....

You force them to ride it

You: hehe..It's fun!!! right, Jaejoong??

Jaejoong: It's ing fun....=_=

You: Don't say bad words~~ use only beautiful word like me^^ hohoho..

You suddenly fall down from merry-go-round

You: Bull!!!!

Jaejoong: same to you..

You: T.T

You finish merry-go-round

Jessica whispers to Junsu

Jessica: Don't you think we're disturbing them?

Junsu: good..at least you know

Jessica: tsk, anyway! what should we do?

Junsu: Let them have their own time

Jessica: um..how...AH!! that!!!

Jessica points Ferris Wheel

You: What are you talking about?? hurry!!

Jessica: Ah~ ok^^ Let's ride that!!

You: That?? um..SURE!!

Jessica: You ride that with Jaejoong, I will go with Junsu

You: ooh..ok!

You and Jaejoong ride first

Jessica and Junsu: hehe..we did it~! Let's go home now~

Jessica and Junsu leave you like that..

Inside the Ferris Wheel

You feel it's awkward inside

You: haha~ it's beautiful, right?

Jaejoong: ....is it?

You: It is!!! ah!

You suddenly remember that you and Jaejoong will be apart on his b-day

You: um..when is your birthday?

Jaejoong: ..........I don't have such thing as birthday...

You: so we are together forever?

You and Jaejoong already finish riding Ferris Wheel

Jaejoong doesn't answer and go out from Ferris Wheel

You follow him

You: tsk!!! he's so..

You and Jaejoong go out from Lotte World

You: hehe..It was fun!! Let's go here again^^

Jaejoong: ....ok....

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Chapter 7: i like read this story !
ilabya2 #2
taegoon #3
Love this story.
Chapter 7: Funny story keep on writing story's like that
Love this story :D!
baby_eunkyura #6
Chapter 22: great ff.. what a funny fanfict ! lol xD keep writing xD
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 22: Happily ever after lol
cheery45 #8
LIKE!!!!!!!! :)))
loveisfree #9
i really lke that song!!