A Boss' Christmas


You're not necessarily complaining, but it would be nice to have your boyfriend Yixing home for the holiday. He always works too hard, too much, and for too long. Not wanting to waste any more time, you pay him a visit at the office. He may be working hard, but not enough to forget about you this holiday season. 


So this was intended to be a drabble but cinsidering I have never made one of those, I had no idea how to pace this. This was honestly just a shower thought kind of thing and I was like, hey why not write a quick story for the holiday (and one of my best friends). So, here it is, a hot mess of a fluff but I actually kind of like it because Lay is too soft for this world. I hope this is a quick pick-me-up or token for the holiday and enjoy your day and the rest of the year. Thanks so much for reading and feel free to comment :)


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cheery45 #1
Chapter 1: Omg a Lay fic!!! ♡♡
Interesting story! Keep up the good work!