Chapter One

She loves her.
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She loves her. 


She loves her. She loves her. She loves her. 


But it wasn't enough. Nothing she ever did for her was enough. 


Momo noticed. She saw when Mina would laugh a little too loud. When her fingertips would brush along Jeongyeon's arm a little too long. 


She never questioned it. Who was she to say the women were getting too close? She trusted Mina. She trusted Jeongyeon. They were her best friends. Who was she to say what they could and couldn't do?


Her girlfriend. Mina's girlfriend, that's who she was. So why, by the end, did it feel like Momo was the only one in the relationship. Why did she feel like a stranger to the woman she shared a bed with for two years. 


Two years, six months and fourteen days. 


They had known each other for longer. Their best friend Sana had introduced them. 


Sana. Sometimes, when she isn't angry, Momo wishes she fell for the hyper girl instead.


Instead of the quiet, reserved girl who sat in the corner of the room. Always hiding, always preferring to be alone. Except when it came to Momo.


Mina's smile was the one thing Momo looked forward to everyday. She couldn't afford the bus fare so she would ride her bike almost an hour to the shy girl's apartment. 


The woman would always greet her with a towel, a bottle of water -Momo always forgot to bring one with her - and a loving grin.




Momo thought Mina loved her. Mina had whispered it to her many nights. As they laid wrapped up in the satin sheets of Mina's bed the quiet girl would trace the words on Momo's chest. 


Momo tried to reciprocate. She would wash the dishes after Mina cooked. She would make the bed while Mina showered. Mina's smile when she saw a clean home made Momo want to swifter dust the world. 


And she would have. 


If Jeongyeon hadn't come along.


She should have seen it coming. Maybe she did. The night her, Mina, Jeongyeon and Jeongyeon's new girlfriend, Nayeon met was unforgettable to her. The foursome had gotten along smoothly. They laughed, they ate, they played, Momo ate again. It was great.


It was perfect. The double dates, which soon became triple dates when Sana met Dahyun were the highlight of each month. 


It didn't feel strange when Dahyun introduced them to her friend Chaeyoung and her girlfriend Tzuyu. Momo couldn't have been happier when the two joined their group. 


She was even happier that Mina was opening up more. Chaeyoung's sensitivity was exactly what Mina needed. Momo would always admit she wasn't great at the emotional side of things. She could tell a girl she loved her 100 times, but Chaeyoung could find 100 ways. 


She was never jealous of Chaeyoung. The tiny girl was so enthralled with her Taiwanese girlfriend she wouldn't dare crack a peak anywhere below chin level at another woman. And Mina.




Mina would laugh and grin with Chaeyoung, but it was never the same smile she directed at Momo. Never the one that stretched the corners of so far they'd shake. 


No. That one

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Thanks for the nice comments! You guys made me sad pointing out SaMo's friendship's demise so I had to come back & give them a bit of a happy ending lol. I hope you guys enjoyed the fic and I'll try to post a new one soon if people are interested. Thanks again and have a great holiday :)


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Chapter 3: Well Mina then. Momo deserves so much ing better. Honestly. Holy . God damnit. I feel way too over-emotional and irrational so here I am writing my hate for JeonMi right now. I’m giving Momo virtual hugs like the ones she gives us too. We don’t deserve her but neither does Mina. Jeongyeon, well I don’t even want to talk about how broken 2yeon is right now. Nothing lasts forever but I hoped they would. They didn’t. this. Sana is also an . . Everyone is.

I’m way too emotional right now but it. I’m sorry for all the swears.
Chapter 3: Mimo!!!
Chapter 1: OMG!!! Amazing, I feel all the emotions of Momo. You're so good!!
Chapter 3: mimo pls :)
1241 streak #5
Chapter 3: Poor Momo :( im a MiMo shipper,but can u make this as NaMo?i will call them as 'Pity Couple' here LOL :D
Chapter 3: Mimoo~~
Someonnee #7
Chapter 3: Namo please
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 3: MiMo ftw! :)
Chapter 3: MiMo please Author-ssi. Thanks
babbyoink #10
Chapter 3: Mimo please? to compensate this really sad fic. Thanks