Raindrops and Tears


Jaeseok wakes up after a few hours of being asleep and he feels like his head was about to explode. He tried looking around and realized that he was lying in a bed that was not his. He looked at the person he was hugging and the face that he was too close to his.

He stared at Sungyoon's face and enjoyed how the moonlight reflects from it. The sleeping face of Sungyoon seems to glow with a faint glitter from the silver moonlight. It was beautiful. His eyes, nose and lips are perfect. He remembered the day when he got the courage to share his umbrella with him. It wasn't supposed to rain that day but it happened. The luck he had that he brought a large umbrella. The sky crying that day which brought them together. His great fate that led him to Sungyoon.

It broke his heart when Sungyoon finds someone two years ago. The same day when Jaeseok realized what he was feeling. But he was so happy for Sungyoon. Finally, he has someone who will look after him whenever Jaeseok's not around. Sometimes, he felt selfish for wanting Sungyoon and him to be together but he gave up every hope he has.

But looking at Sungyoon right now, all he can think of is how his feelings for Sungyoon had never changed, even a bit.

He brushed his fingers through Sungyoon's hair and it sends shivers from his fingers back to his spine. He badly wants to hug Sungyoon but he's too scared that he might wake him up and things will get awkward.

He stared at him for a couple of minutes and drifted back to sleep. No one was awake except the love they feel for each other that they keep on burrying like how the time had dissolve in the deep night.


The morning came and Sungyoon wakes up. His head hurts from the hangover and everytime he tries to sit up, he would just end up lying down again. Then he realized that he isn't alone in his bed. He watched as a long arm wrapped around his waist when Jaeseok shifted position in his sleep.

Sungyoon's heart started racing. He wanted to scream and run away from Jaeseok as far as possible. But there is this part in him who wants to enjoy the moment and watch the face, that beautiful face which he loved for years, sleep peacefully. The cold mist of the morning made everything perfect. The sun is starting to wake up and the rainclouds are going away now.

"Good morning Sungyooooon!" Jangjun's voice filled the apartment. His ears hurt from hearing that loud and extra voice of Jangjun and Sungyoon controlled himself from attacking Jangjun.

Jaeseok seems to have been woken by te noise that he opens his eyes and looks up to Sungyoon. They stared at each other and Jaeseok quickly removes his arm that was hugging Sungyoon.

The two gets out of bed immediately and stared at jangjun.

"What the hell happened last night? My head hurts." Jaeseok said.

"You drank everything I bought and you two fell asleep." Jangjun said.

"Oh. Okay. I need to go back to my apartment now." Jaeseok said. He looked like he wants to get out as soon as possible because his heart is still beating fast from the thought of spending the night with Sungyoon in his arms.

It's been three months since that happened. Jaeseok and his girlfriend would always fight because Jaeseok would always spend time with Sungyoon. He tried to keep up with the girl but in the end they broke up. It will never work, Jaeseok thought.

Then he remembered that time when he heard Sungyoon reveal his secret. That night when they got drunk, three months ago, when Sungyoon was asleep and all he said was I love you Jaeseok.

Now Jaeseok finally had the courage to stop lying to himself and finally admit his feelings to Sungyoon. He want to go straight to Sungyoon after the break up and confess everything.

Jaeseok called Jangjun.

"Yah. Do you know where Sungyoon is?" Jaeseok said.

"What? Why would you go look for him? I heard you broke up with your girlfriend?" Jangjun said.

"Yeah. Where is Sungyoon?" Jaeseok asked again. He is getting irritated with Jangjun now. He needs to find Sungyoon.

"Wait. Don't tell me you are going to confess to him now?!" Jangjun laughed and shout through the phone. "I'm so happy for you!!" Jaeseok didn't hear what Jangjun said as he sees Sungyoon already.

"I love you." Jaeseok grabs Sungyoon's hand. He can't let him slipped away from him anymore. Not now that he knows how Sungyoon feels towards him.

"I had always loved you." Jaeseok added.

Sungyoon stared at him. Not knowing how to respond. He dreamed of this moment a million times but until now he wasn't prepared for this. Hr still can't believe it.
"Why? Why would you say yes to her if you love me?" Sungyoon's eyes pierced Jaeseok's soul and that regret he holds from the day he decided to let go of his feelings for Sungyoon just bursts and conquered his heart.

"Have you even wondered how it hard for me too watch you be with someone else? I woke up one day realizing that I love you and that same day I heard that you have a girlfriend already. Do you know how hard that was for me?" Jaeseok said. Sungyoon just stared at him with disbelief.

"Do you know what it's like to feel that you will never be mine? And that there's no hope for me that one day you will feel the same way as I do?" Jaeseok continued.

"Yes I know! I loved your for many years now, even before that girl came to my life. I tried to bury what I feel about you because you keep on saying that I should fine someone who will make me happy. I was content just having you by my side but you keep on pushing me saying that you can't be happy until there's someone who would take care of me. I loved you. And I still do. I never asked you to love me back. And how can I, specially now that you belong to someone else!" Sungyoon was furious. All of his pain from loving Jaeseok for five years just surfaced from the depths of his heart. He can't hold back now. Everything is ruined now.

Jaeseok felt his tears roll down his cheeks. He is aching to hug Sungyoon. His painful eagerness of telling Sungyoon that he loves him was all that there is.

"I broke up with her already." Jaeseok said. The face of Sungyoon seems hopeful and waiting.

"I can't continue fooling myself that I can love someone else. It has always been you. Only you." Jaeseok leans forward and hugs Sungyoon. All the pain he is feeling seems to melt with this warm hug. He never felt so happy before. Jaeseok wants to keep this moment frozen in time.


Sungyoon was riding his bike, trying to enjoy the bright and wonderful weather. He remembered how he imagined the day when he would meet his first love. He thought that he would meet his first love in a bright sunny day. In a place where the autumn leaves are falling. And today, he is riding his bike to meet Jaeseok. His first love. He never thought that it will be like this. He never thought that the perfect day he envisioned would happened right now when Jaeseok and him are finally together.

Jaeseok asked him to meet him at their school, the place where they first talked to each other. Sungyoon was so happy that he was so excited and can't even think properly.

He was riding his bike so fast and when he saw Jaeseok waving at him he forgot everything else. He got off of his bike, wanting to walk all the way towards his love.

He looked up at the sky thinking, maybe the future is bright now and that the gray skies are done with him. Maybe today is the day when everything will be happy for him.

Jaeseok watched as a car hits Sungyoon. Everything went so fast that he stood there frozen, speechless.

There was Sungyoon lying on the groud, barely living. Jaeseok ran towards him. He has no idea how to even react.

"No. No. No." Jaeseok said

He's been waiting for this day, when he can spend the day with Sungyoon. But now all he has is the blood in his hands, the broken and fragile body.

"Look. The skies are turning gray again." Sungyoon reached out for Jaeseok's face.

"No. Don't talk. No. Help will come." Jaeseok was shaking so hard now. The rain started slowly and softly.

"Can I share that umbrella with you again?" Sungyoon smiled for the last time.

"Of course. Of course you can. I will share everything with you, even my life." Jaeseok cried his heart out as Sungyoon's hands falls from holding his face.

Their story ended with gray skies and raindrops blessing the love that was never meant to have a happy ending.

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golchanoona #1
Chapter 3: I know you watched "One Day" movie and that bike scene is the hint about what was to come
golchanoona #2
Chapter 3: OMG WHEN I GOT TO THE LAST PART I KNEW THAT WAS COMING ????? YOU REALLY DID IT HUH?? ?? (Yeah can't help it..this was supposed to be sad but as I remember what you said before this is also funny sorry ?)