Chapter 6

My Super Love

Chapter 6

Gui Gui didn't know what to say and her tears were falling down her face. :(

Angela: He may be some little cute, handsome guy but you don't even really know who he is!

Gui Gui: ... But...

Yatou: Angela can you stop making her feel bad about it? :O

Yatou went to sit next to Gui gui while Angela was standing there.

Angela: Yatou... I'm not trying to make her feel bad.. I'm just trying to do what I can.

Gui gui: I understand you Angela but I'm not a baby or a little kid. I know what I'm doing.

Angela: Are you sure?

Gui Gui: Yeah. :)

Yatou: Well let's go back to class. Lunch time is almost over.

The girls went back to class just in time then the bell rang.

Aaron looked at Gui Gui. Gui Gui looked at Aaron and frowned. :(

Mr. Wang: Okay students. Open your book to page 148.

Everyone turned to that page except for Gui Gui and she was putting her head down. Aaron looked at her.

Aaron whisper: She looked sick... Is she okay?

Aaron was still looking at Gui Gui. Then Gui Gui looked up to Aaron.

Gui Gui whisper to him: What are you looking at? :(

Mr. Wang: Aaron turn around and read the next paragraph.

Aaron: Okay.

Aaron stand up and read the next paragraph to the whole class. Gui Gui looked at him.

Gui Gui thinking: He's... taken? :(

Aaron finished reading and sat down.

Mr. Wang: Gui Gui please read the next paragraph.

Gui Gui didn't hear Mr. Wang because she was too busy looking at Aaron. Everybody was looking at her even Aaron was looking at her.

Mr. Wang: Gui Gui. Gui Gui. :O

Aaron: Gui Gui the teacher is calling you.

Gui Gui: Yes Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang: Please stop daydreaming and read the next paragraph.

Gui Gui: Oh okay.

Gui Gui feel dizzy and fainted. :(

Aaron worry: GUI GUI!

Mr. Wang : Gui Gui!

Yatou & Angela: Gui Gui!

Girl 1: Why did she fainted? >:(

Girl 2: Is she just pretending? >:(

Aaron carried her and went to the nurse room.

Wangzi & Wu Chun: Aaron!

Girl 1: why can't I be the one who fainted!?

Girl 2: She just want him to carry her!

Angela: Shut up! If you still want to live! >:O

Yatou: Please don't say those stuff people, it's not nice.

The girls got quiet. Yatou and Angela ran after Aaron and Gui Gui.

Wangzi: Yatou is right!

Wu Chun: Wow! See ya!

Wangzi and Wu Chun ran after Aaron them. Aaron got to the nurse room.

Aaron: Nurse! Nurse! :O

Nurse: What is it?

Aaron: She just fainted all of a sudden.

Nurse: Lay her on the bed.

The nurse gave Gui Gui a shot to awake her.

Nurse: She'll be alright in a minute. :)

Aaron: Oh.

Nurse: Is she your girlfriend?

Aaron: ....

Nurse smiled: I'll be right back so watch her.

Aaron: Okay. :O

Gui Gui felt better and woke up.

Gui Gui: Where am I?

She looked to her side and saw Aaron sitting there.

Gui Gui: Where am I? What happened?

Aaron: You're in the nurse's office. You fainted and I took you here.

Gui Gui got up from the bed.

Aaron: What are you doing? :O

Gui Gui: I'm going back to class!

Aaron: You're not alright yet!

Gui Gui: Why should you care!?

Aaron: Why shouldn't I care!? :O

Yatou, Wangzi, Angela, and Wu Chun were outside the room listening to the conversation.

Gui Gui thinking: Why did he say that!? Why should he care?

Aaron thinking: Why did I say that? Why should I care?

Wangzi: He's interest in her?

Yatou: Aww. :)

Angela: Don't be silly!

Wu Chun: Ey! It's non of your busy!

Angela: You! >:(

Wu Chun: What?

Gui Gui was about to walk away but she feel kinda dizzy and fell but Aaron catched her. They looked at each other.

Hope you like this chapter! :)

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