Chapter 13

My Super Love

Chapter 13

Wangzi: Yeah.

Wu Chun: It wouldn't be that soon if Hebe didn't came.

Angela: We'll like to help too.

Yatou: Angela... Who's we?

Angela: What? Don't you want to help Gui Gui.

Yatou: Well...

Angela: Yatou...

Yatou: Okay fine.

Angela: I know that you just want to be fair but this is for Gui Gui.

Then school was over and Mrs. Yan called Aaron right after the dismiss bell rang.

Aaron: What is it mom?

Mrs. Yan: Can you walk Gui Gui to our house?

Aaron: Oh... Okay.

Gui Gui: Who is it?

Aaron: My mom told me to walk you to our house.

Gui Gui: For what?

Aaron: They're planning to make us have dinner together every night.

Gui Gui: Every night?

Aaron: Yeah.

Aaron and Gui Gui walked home together. Gui Gui was looking at Aaron secretly.

Aaron: Why are you looking at me?

Gui Gui: I was just looking at this cute face.

Gui Gui stop and pinched Aaron's cheek.

Aaron smiled: Do you like them that much?

Gui Gui laughed: Yep I just want to kiss them so hard.

Aaron looked at Gui Gui with a smile.

Gui Gui: Did I just said that out loud?

Aaron laughed: Yes you did.

Gui Gui whisper: So embarrassing.

Aaron close his eyes and lean forward for Gui Gui to kiss his cheeks.

Aaron: I'm getting you a chance.

Gui Gui tiptoed and kiss Aaron's cheeks. Then Gui Gui ran off first. Aaron ran after Gui Gui. They finally got to Aaron's house.

Mrs. Yan: Look like you two have so much fun?

Aaron: Well we do have a little fun.

Gui Gui: Yeah.

Mrs. Wu: You two are going to be a great couple.

Gui Gui: Mom...

Aaron:It's okay we're getting engage soon so we are a couple.

Gui Gui: You want to get engage with me?

Aaron: I let you kiss me why wouldn't I let us get engage.

Wangzi, Wu Chun, Yatou, and Angela: What!? You kissed!?

Hebe arrived at their door.

Hebe: Hi sorry for not knocking first.

Mrs. Wu: Who are you? Are you one of their friends?

Hebe: Oh I'm actually Aaron's girlfriend.

Mrs. Wu: Aaron's girlfriend?

Aaron & Gui Gui: Hebe?

Mrs. Yan: What are you doing here Miss Hebe?

Hebe: I'm just trying to protect my boyfriend.

Mrs. Wu: Your boyfriend? What's going on here?

Aaron: Hebe I'm not your boyfriend.

Hebe: Aaron you loved me so much ever since we met and now your saying that I'm not your girlfriend?

Aaron: I do love you back then but you never accept me so I'm never yours but I've moved on.

Gui Gui: Aaron...

Hebe: Well... If I can't have you then... I won't let anyone have you either!

Hebe grab Gui Gui and took out a knife.

Hebe cried: I can't let you be with anyone if it's not me.

Aaron: Gui Gui! Don't worry I'll help you.

Hebe cried: You only see her now don't you!? Don't you!?

Gui Gui cried: Hebe kill me if you dare!

Hebe: You think I can't kill you!?

Hebe was about to stab Gui Gui but Aaron pulled Gui Gui away and Hebe failed on killing her.

Aaron: Are you okay?

Gui Gui: Uh... Yes.

Aaron looked at the knife that Hebe was holding and saw some blood on it. The Aaron looked at Gui Gui's hand. It got a big cut and was bleeding very hard. Then Gui Gui fainted.

Hebe scared: I... I killed her?

Hope you enjoy this chapter! :)

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