Chapter 4

My Super Love

Chapter 4

Aaron smiled: Crazy girl. :)

Gui Gui got to class.

Yatou: Gui Gui where were you?

Gui Gui smiling fakely: I... Oh yeah I went to check outside if people are fighting. :)

Angela: Is there anything wrong out there?

Gui Gui: Oh there's nothing wrong out there.

Wu Chun, Wangzi, and Aaron came in their classroom and made all the girls go crazy. :O

Girls: Ahh..!! So CUTE! :O

Yatou talking nicely: Can you all please quiet?

Angela: Gosh! Shut up already!

Everyone got to their seats.

Mr. Wang(the teacher) walked in.:)

Mr. Wang: Oh.. I see you guys already met the class.

Wu Chun: Yes sir.

Mr. Wang: Okay just sit anywhere.

Wu Chun went to sit in next to Angela and Wangzi sit next to Yatou.

Gui Gui whispering: Hey Mr. Aaron. :D

Aaron turned around and noticed that he was sitting infront of Gui Gui.

Aaron: Just call me Aaron.

Gui Gui: Okay Mr... I mean Aaron. :)

Aaron: What do you want?

Gui Gui: My name is Gui Gui. I just want to introduce myself.

Aaron: Okay? :O

Gui Gui smiled happily at Aaron. Then Aaron turned away.

Gui Gui thinking: So RUDE! >:(

Aaron took out his phone and looked at the picture of Hebe.

Aaron whispering: I miss you.

Gui Gui bent over to see what Aaron was looking at.

Gui Gui whisper: Who's that girl?

Aaron turned around.

Aaron: What are you looking at?

Gui Gui: Oh nothing.

Gui Gui thinking: Wow his sister is pretty. :)

Aaron kept looking at the picture.

Gui Gui whisper: Ey is that you sister?

Aaron: No... She's my girlfriend.

Gui Gui thinking: GIRLFRIEND!? He have a girlfriend already!?

Gui Gui made a frown. :(

Aaron: Are you okay?

Gui Gui: No...

Gui Gui lay her head down on her desk.

Aaron thinking: Should I text her?

Then all of a sudden someone texted Aaron. Aaron looked at his phone.

Aaron: Hebe?

The text said " Aaron I'm coming. I'll arrived tomorrow at 5:00 pm. Wait for me okay. :) "

Gui Gui was eavesdropping and read the text.

Gui Gui whisper: She's coming? My love just started but is already DOOMED!

Aaron texted back to Hebe. He texted " Okay I'll wait for you. I won't let you down. "

Gui Gui stand up: WHY!? >:O

Everyone in the class looked at her. Aaron was looking at her too.

Gui Gui frowned: Sorry...

Mr. Wang: Okay sit down Gui Gui and stop daydreaming.

Gui Gui: I wasn't daydreaming.

Mr. Wang: Well.. Just please sit down and pay attention.

Gui Gui sat down.

Aaron: Are you okay?

Gui Gui looked at Aaron with an evil eye.

Gui Gui: Do I looked okay to you!?

Aaron: ....?

Hope you guys liked this chapter! :)

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