Teaser oo1

Mine (Yunho ver.)


I admit that I treated her like absolute crap for almost three years, and I was such a fool for that. The attention I got never compared to how ~~~~ made me feel. When she looked at me, when she was near me; I felt at ease, loved, regretful. The others who showered me with attention, they made me feel superior, but I always knew their emotions were false. They just wanted to use me for who I was--the new me. I was just some sort of trophy to them, something to boast about....not a human being.

~~~~~ was never like that. She loved me.
And I love her. 

When she chose Yunho, I could feel my heart withering in my chest. I couldn't accept it. 
She loved me first, it should be me by her side, not him. 
We've been friends since we were two, that place is rightfully mine. 
I'm going to make him regret having entered her life. 

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nnguyen123 #1
PLZ UPDATE! (on my knees)
OMG PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!im craving for Yunho's story fufufufufufuf :"( LOL ANYWAY....new subbie here:)))
leedictator #3
Please update this soon. I know I haven`t been around for a while, and therefore I haven`t commented on any of your updates, but yeah, I`m here now, ain`t I? So please update!
leedictator #4
Hahahaha, lol. Yes, do that. I can write in any kind of music. I remember, while writing a story where the lead girl suicided, I was listening to GD`s "What Do You Mean?" I was writing while giggling to myself because of the lyrics XDD Man, and this was just the other day!
LOL u should be feeling that wayyyyy~ see how much u made JJ hurt? LOL XD XD LOL I read manga or watch cartoons it's fun once in a while and brings good memories LOL XD <br />
the kinks? o.O kinks are..? o.o<br />
I'm sure everything will go well =D <br />
I saw the links there was still another banner but not sure XD
bitaneunstar #6
<br />
to From_With-Love;<br />
xDD lol, I'm going to feel so horrible as I write these that I'll need to watch cartoons for hours to make myself feel better again..even then..I'll still probably feel bad, lol. I'm weird like that. xD<br />
xD I'm still not sure how everything's going to work out for Jae regarding that..still thinking out some of the kinks.<br />
:) soon~<br />
Thank you! ^_^<br />
I posted a link for it in the TiR comments~ (: <br />
glad you liked it<br />
to leedictator; <br />
xD I'm going to have to immerse myself in depressing music as I write these, hah. <br />
It helps me write better...woow. <br />
Yeah....<br />
I still feel bad for him though /is a lottttt Jae biased
oooo the poster is very nice, do u have the link to ur old banner though I liked that one too XD both in the JJ version and this version
I actually to be honest wasn't going to read this version but I gave it a shot NOT b/c I don't like it, cause I do but it's just that I would be SOOOO sad for JJ XD LOL Though I hope JJ ends up with another girl *cough meeee~* in this ff when Yunho gets her =D <3 I can't wait for it =D
leedictator #9
Omo ~! It sounds so sad! True true, Jae doesn`t deserve to be with her after everything ..