You're happy, I'm sad

Me Vs You


Author's POV
The two men were in front of their ladies who were starting to talk like how they used to when they are with each other.
It was once again, an awkward feeling between the two males.
"Ji! Can I go ride in Dara's car pleaseee? Top can go with you in yours! Since we'll all meet at the YG building!" CL pleaded her boyfriend.
"Sure...but don't get lost okay Sandara?" GD smiled and patted Dara's head.
Should I stick a sticker that says "No touching me" everywhere on my body?
"Don't worry, I'll keep your girlfriend as safe as possible." Dara sounded like she was mocking GD.
Dara bent her arm out to CL and CL happily locked her arms around Dara's.
They both skipped happily to Dara's car, like in those olden day movies where two lovers would skip to the park or something arm in arm.
Top was mentally throwing a brick at Dara for the cheesy act those two girls displayed in font of their "boyfriends".
Dara oh-so-gentle-like, unhooked her arm from CL's to open her car door for CL.
On the other side of the parking lot, there stood GD and Top, entering GD's bentley with of course...shades.
Paparazzi could be anywhere on the road just itching to take pictures of GD. With Top in the car along with him, this would already be on the front cover of magazines, in a small column for all they knew.
Dara's POV
Top is with GD! I am with CL! Can today get any better?
Let me text Top.
To : Tabi
Have fun! ^^~
"So! CL where do you want to go?" I placed my phone on my lap and turned my head to face her.
"But I thought we had to go to the YG building to brush up on our choreos." CL answered, furrowing her eyebrows.
"We can just skip that and go somewhere else." Dara stretched her arm and placed it behind CL's shoulders.
"But how about YG? Wouldn't he scold us again. Like the last time we accidentally missed out on the rehearsal after our one week holiday?" CL leaned onto Dara's arm.
"Trust me, YG won't scold us. I have proof!" Dara slid her arm away from CL.
Dara took out her phone and showed CL the message that Dara had secretly sent YG way before she had sent Top her message back in her apartment.
From : Papa YG
It's okay! I've decided that Bom's solo act will be the first to appear before Lonely comes out. So I hope you spend your time wisely ok? Go for it. Fighting!
CL got the first three sentences figured out but she couldn't make the two last ones out.
"So...where do you wanna go to?" 
"Well it's up to you unnie..."
"Ohh! I know!" Dara shifted her gears and reversed her car.
Dara reached a traffic light that turned red when her phone rang.
It was a reply from Top.
From : Tabi
I hate you. Hate hate hate you. So much. Wait til I get back to your place. You are so gonna get it. YG texted GD to take a break with me. Then he texted me and told me to get some time alone with GD and just bond with him and told me it was your idea. Who knows where this guy could be taking me. Last but not least, I hate you.
Dara chuckled lightly at his reply before her eyes widened and her face turned from peach to light pink.
"It's green." CL told Dara while having her hand on top of Dara's hand that was placed on her gear.
Dara just simply noded and changed her gears.
CL still had her hand on Dara's but moved it away after a minute.
Dara frowned a little but was careful not to show CL any signs of it.
Another traffic light that was red.
The tapping sounds echoed around the car.
To : Tabi
Hahaha! I love you too! <3 Have a great time!
Dara's POV
Ok, if I were gonna take my lover out somewhere, where would I take them?! What should we do?! I am basically turning around the whole of Seoul! 
I'll come up with a list....
Amusement park
Mini golf
Join an art and craft session
Feed ducks
Movie at my place
Cook some unknown item at my place
Gym? We do that almost everyday...
I stop my daydreaming and quickly sped up and made a sharp U-turn.
"U-Unnie?!" CL shouted, grabbing her seat pretty tightly.
"S-Sorry, just want to make sure we won't reach our destination late!" I patted her head and she calmed down.
Top's POV
So, I guess YG is sitting on that black chair of his that spins and moves about when he's all alone in his office. Yes, no one else knows this other than I do. 
How you ask?
I have my ways.
He even sings 'Fire' and 'Love Song' and does those weird hip hop moves he used to do nineteen years ago.
As I was saying...
Both of them ganged up on me.
Why do they want me to apologize to this person on my left?
But I needa ask him where we're going. He might lock me up in an abandoned house until I say sorry to him.
"Where are we going?" my voice pierced through the silence in the car.
"I don't know. Want to go to the arcade or something?" GD shrugged.
"Sure. Sounds like fun, I guess..." my voice trailed off the two last words.
"Of course it is hyung!"
I stared at him awkwardly. We are starting to talk like how we used to. He called me hyung again.
He bit his bottom lip. I had a feeling he noticed what was happening.
I turned my head back to the window.
And throughout the whole drive, it was once again...quiet.
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)