The battle [part 2]

Me Vs You


Author's POV 
Taeyang made his way to the Blue team's base. He wondered where Top and Daesung were since there was no sign or  whatsoever of their presence. Taeyang swiftly made his way to the enemy's territory. He crouched and made his way to the crate that had the Blue team's flag positioned on it.
Daesung wasn't deaf to not hear Taeyang's movements but he waited for the right moment to shoot Taeyang. All this was part of Daesung's own strategy. He was sure he would shoot Taeyang.
Taeyang on the other hand had already thought Daesung and Top were at his base, so he stood up, snatched the flag off the crate and started walking like he had just done the most easiest job. Daesung got out of his hiding spot without knowing he made lots of noise.
Taeyang heard the movements and ran over every obstacle that was in his way. Daesung noticed this but he just stayed on his knees. He tried to aim for Taeyang's vest. 
Taeyang stopped running and just paused for a while. He needed to take a breather. Daesung saw this and took advantage.
He had shot Taeyang's vest. This meant Taeyang was out of the game and that he had to drop the flag.
Taeyang made his way to the dead zone. 
"You're a good sniper Dae." Taeyang patted Daesung's shoulders.
"Thanks, and you're not a bad runner yourself." Daesung patted Taeyang's shoulder in return. 
"I guess one of them got shot over there. So, let's get someone shot over here too." GD smiled.
Just as GD was about to shoot, Top used his fast reflexes, with the flag in hand, to run away from GD. GD didn't know Top could even do that.
Top just ran and ran, not caring if he was running towards his base or not. He just wanted to run away from GD. GD on the other hand couldn't trace where Top had run off to. So, GD just decided that Top's team would win this round.
"Good job guys!" Daesung patted Top and SeungRi's shoulders.
"So what's the next game?" SeungRi asked Top who was drinking a large amount of water out of thirst.
Top closed the water bottle cap and wiped his mouth. He glanced over at Taeyang and GD who were talking and laughing with each other. Taeyang had his hands on GD's arms. It seems that Taeyang and GD were complementing each others abs. Top turned back to his teammates and answered SeungRi's question.
"Centre Flag."
"So that will lead to the last game to be..." Daesung paused, leaving Top to answer.
"Elimination Round." Top smirked.
The game of Centre Flag ended long ago with no team winning. It was because no one had captured the flag in the centre and brought it back to their base just in time.
Now it was the start of another round called "Elimination Round". In this round, a team would have to eliminate the rest of the members in the other team to claim victory.
Right now, there were two survivors left in the game, which would be GD and Top. In the first few minutes of the game, Taeyang got shot without warning by Daesung. The fate of Daesung and SeungRi's lives were up to GD's shots though. As you all know already, both of them had already been eliminated by GD.
"Aish, he seriously has incredible speed." Top crouched behind one of the artificial rocks while huffing in oxygen after being chased around by Jiyong.
"That guy, he really knows how to duck. It's like he has a third eye behind his neck or something." GD sat and leaned on another artificial rock that was opposite of Top's.
GD reloaded his gun and slowly made his way out of his hiding place.
Top wiped his sweat and felt like sleeping. He's never felt so exhausted in his whole life, despite having BIGBANG concerts around the world, this was no where near that sort of exhaustion. It was far more worse than that.
A tip of a gun peeped it's way on Top's left side of the rock. Top slowly shifted his body and moved to the right. GD slowly came out while Top slowly moved back.
"Come out, come out wherever you are." GD smirked.
GD sniffed the air. He got a familiar scent in the air nearby him. He turned around, making his way to the back.
"I love my instincts." GD giggled in an evil way.
Top was hiding behind the same rock he had been at, he stayed behind there for about a minuter or so. That was, until he had a gun pointed towards his vest, causing him to back away from his current position.
Top could feel sweat rolling down his face. What would GD do? Will he shoot Top right there? Will he let Top run away one last time?
"Accept my apology or else!" GD said in a playful tone.
"Well that was unexpected..." Top laughed, despite being on the ground.
"Forgive me, for I am your leader!" GD played around and put his index finger on the gun's trigger.
"Ok, ok...I forgive you." Top surrendered as he put his hands up in the air.
"Thank you!" GD stuck out his tongue and pulled the trigger.
Well GD didn't play fair and let Top go... 
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Hi everyone :) it has been really long since I've touched this story of mine. But I'd really love to thank those who are still looking forward to an update.


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che21lo15 #1
Chapter 60: I hope soon chaerin will confess her true feelings that she also love Dara...pls update soon
Chapter 60: Updateeeee pls
queenofGZB #3
Chapter 1: I just found this fanfic a bout 10 minutes ago. Its quite interesting. That vote for chaera tho hahaha.
jacaqgirl #4
Chapter 60: It seems as if the story was going to come to an end in a few more chapters. I like the plot and the tabisan relationship, it's just so cute that i could actually be fine if it ended with Chae not returning her feelings and them being together, but still.... I really hope to read the conclusion of this fic. But anyway nice work!
che21lo15 #5
Chapter 60: When dara confess her true feelings to chaerin? Is chaerin have also falling in love to dara that she keep on denieng it for such a long time?
agustini #6
Chapter 1: Update soon please....
Chapter 60: Author? Are you still gonna continue this story? :)
Angelrepgirl #8
Chapter 60: Update soon author.. Plz :)
Chapter 60: Mmmm.... i hvent see Chaerin's POV. what does she really felt about Dara. Wheres my CHAERA MOMENT Author-nim?? Cant wait for your update. ^_^
Chapter 60: I am still wondering what's gonna happen in the end. Hoping for an update :)