Day 2

Strong Man Jin

"Hyung! I want this!" 

"Kookie, that's too expensive. You know I am financially struggling." 

The boy pouts and returns his attention back to his friend.

"He said it was too expensive. What else is there?"

"I'm really craving tteokbokki. Wanna get cream tteokbooki?" 

"Call. Hyung, can you get us some cream tteokbokki and fried chicken?"

Instead of replying, I waved a waiter over. 

"One cream tteokbokki, one yang yang chicken, and one original chicken." 

"Okay. Coming right up," the waiter bowed. 

"Thank you," I said as I tried to read his nameplate, "J-Hope-ssi"

"No problem," the waiter replied. 

The waiter left and when I returned my attention to Jungkook, he was talking to his friend. 

"No 'thank you' huh," I sighed.

My phone rang in my pocket.

Poison: Hey, wanna get together some time.

It was my ex.

Jinnie: I told you, I don't want to see you ever again.

Poison: Look Jinnie, I-

Jinnie:  Don't call me that.

Poison: I did what I did because I missed you so much. 

Jinnie: Are you trying to justify cheating?! Look here, if you dare contact me again, I will report you.

In a rage, I turned off my phone and shoved it into my pocket.

"You aight'?" 

Jungkook looked me in the eyes. 

"Yeah, it was just my ex... Persistent bastard." 

"Tell me if he contacts you again. I'll go find him and give him a good beating." 

I chuckled.

"Thanks," I said as I ruffled his hair. 

"Sir, here is your tteokbokki and fried chicken." 

J-Hope laid the food in front of us and excused himself. 

"Thanks for the food," the two boys said. 

As I was about to dig into the food, something in my peripheral vision caught my attention. Something was moving in the alleyway. 

"It didn't concern me," I thought to myself, "That could be a criminal being caught by a police. It wasn't my business." 

Then, I realized it wasn't the police. I cursed under my breath and stood up. 

"Guys, I'll be right back. Make sure to save some food for me. Here is my wallet. Please don't spend too much."

"Wait, Ji-." 

I dashed outside of the store and into the alleyway. Why am I so nice? I should've learned my lesson from the past. As I got closer, I could see a man, a rather well-dressed man, being cornered by 2 men with guns. I hid behind a corner and analyzed the scene. There wasn't anything I could hide behind to shield me from the bullets. Calling the police wasn't going to work. I should've brought my bullet-proof vest. I clicked my tongue. I was so close that I could hear the man's ragged breath. 

"Come out before we have to resort to shooting you." 

I took a closer look at the man. He was bleeding and his clothes, despite being very high- quality, were ragged. 

"Signs of resistance," I told myself. 

There weren't any weapons I could use, and I wasn't going engage in a fistfight with people who had guns. I was running out of options and time. 

"Put your hands up." 

I heard a gun click. Someone was behind me. 

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I also want Jin to be my personak bodyguard *v* !!!