Was It All Pretend?

Demon Ruler

Fingers glided smoothly past his brows and traveled down his cheek, the tips brushing the bruises that stood out against his pale skin. The fingers were attached to a fair hand, that was attached to a dainty wrist and after that came a slender arm that belonged to the Demon Queen, (y/n). By appearances alone it wouldn't be obvious to anyone but the people in the know wouldn't guess that this delicate-looking girl would be the ruler of all demons. 


It became frustrating for her when people underestimated her due to how she looked, but she proved them wrong every time. 


Sighing she looked down at the sleeping man, his brows were bunched together in pain and a fretful sleep. She tried to think of a way to help him but alas, she came up short. 


As she mused on this she heard the door knocking behind her. 


"Come in!" She called and a second later the door opened, revealing a familiar face. 


"Taehyung, what are you doing here?" She turned so she was properly facing him and then strolled over to where he stood. "Weren't you with father?" 


"He's doing better, so I thought I'd come to visit my older sister." It was true that she was older by 2 years, but by the way he towered over her you wouldn't have known that without being told.


"So is that the guy you brought back?" Taehyung pointed past her shoulder. 


"Yes, tasty isn't he?" She smirked and her red eyes glowed in the almost-darkness. 


"Well he certainly is your type." Taehyung let out a laugh and then he lowered his head, his voice barely above a whisper. "Also that was great acting earlier." He winked and took a step back when he saw the look on his sisters face.


"How did you know about that?" 


"Oh sister, I know everything." His lips widened until his pointed incisors could be fully seen.


"Let's talk somewhere else." (Y/n) took a hold of his arm and dragged him to her chambers. 


When they entered she moved over to her vanity table and let down her hair from the bun it had been in. She fluffed out her hair and let out a satisfied sigh. "That's better." 


"Do you know how tiring it is to pretend to be good?" She moved around in her chair so she could speak to her brother. 


"But you do it so well." He chuckled and sat on the sofa, the servant nearby poured him a drink, which he accepted half-heartedly. 


"What are your planning on doing with him?" 


"Oh, you'll know soon." She flashed him a knowing smile and then took a sip of her own drink. Her lips were saying one thing, but her eyes are saying another - her eyes were lowered so her brother didn't notice a thing. 


"You'll see very soon."

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