Chapter 2

Super Rich Kids
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"Hyung !" Jungkook spotted that cotton candy pink hair out of a crowd of darker colors. Today was the spring festival and the whole campus set up a lot of actives and games.  Being done with classes, Jungkook decided to find Jimin so he could spend a few hours with him before he had to go home.

"Oh Jungkook-ah, how was your day ?" Jimin asked. He was wearing a pastel blue shirt with white jeans and white shoes. His hair moved with the wind and overall, he looked great and made Jungkook forget his words for a moment.

"Ummm... it was good. Are you doing anything ? Do you want to enjoy the festival with me ?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm finished class and I don't know where my best friend is so sure." Jimin said and Jungkook day got a lot brighter. They walked passed some of the cool lemonade and other soft drinks and grabbed a cup. Jimin then tugged him to the flower crowns.

"Isn't this for girls hyung ?" Jungkook asked.

"No. Not everything has to be so gender specific." Jimin said twisting flowers around one another. "So wear this and look pretty." Jimin plotted the crown on his head and Jungkook blinked.

"Do I look pretty ?" Jungkook asked. He was never called pretty ever. Kim Taehyung was pretty. Min (Jeon) Jungkook is handsome. "You're prettier so you wear it." Jungkook took the crown off and put it on Jimin. God the younger was just a bundle of pastel and fluff. The white, purple and, blue flowers complimented him so well that Jungkook wanted to take a picture.

"Can I take your picture hyung ?" Jungkook asked, hoping the older wouldn't think this was weird.

"Sure." Jimin said. Jungkook pulled out his phone and snapped one of the older smiling cutely. He then did one together, grabbing Jimin by the waist and pressing their cheeks together making Jimin laugh.

"Okay let's do more." Jungkook said. They went to play games. Running around playing paint tag where everyone wears a white t-shirt and you to stamp their shirts with your paint covered hands. Jungkook was having a ball as Jimin squealed, trying to dodge the younger's green hands. Jungkook caught him eventually and heaved the older into his hold by the waist, making Jimin shout. They laughed as they tried to get one another, Jimin making tiny pink prints on Jungkook's chest as they both froze. 

"Clean up ?" Jungkook asked.

"Clean up." Jimin agreed, nodding happily.

After washing their hands and changing back into their original shirts, they decided to get something to eat. They walked into the cafeteria and grabbed some food before sitting. 

"Today was fun." Jungkook said and Jimin agreed. "Oh hyung you have something in your hair here." Jungkook reached up and grabbed the piece of grass out of Jimin's hair.

"Thank you." Jimin's eyes curved up so cutely that Jungkook's heart thumped. This man is totally the love of his life.

"Hyung you're so cute." Jungkook admitted and Jimin blushed.

"Oh stop." Jimin said looking down at his food, suddenly interested in the white grains of rice. They finished shortly and Jimin checked his phone on their way out.

"Oh crap I have to go. Today was great Jungkook-ah ! Let's meet again." Jimin said before jogging away. Jungkook sure hoped that saw each other again. And next time he would get the older's number.


"What are you doing this weekend ?" Taehyung asked Jimin. 

"Nothing, I'm finally free again. Why ?" Jimin asked. They were at a break between both of their classes and were studying.

"Come to my house. You could spend the night and we could do stuff." Taehyung suggested and Jimin thought about it before nodding.

"Where do you live on campus ? I'll pick you up." Taehyung asked.

"I'll just come to your house. Give me your address." Jimin said and Taehyung paused.

"You can't tell anyone where I live okay ?" 

"Um okay ?" Jimin said confused. He accepted Taehyung's paper of his address before they both departed. A few hours later after Jimin was finally free and packed, he walked to Taehyung house. It took him a solid twenty minutes and maybe he should have asked for a ride but he made it to a large gate and froze. This was Taehyung's house ? This place was a mansion. Jimin pressed the buzzer waiting for a response.

"Hello ?" A voice answered.

"Hi um does Kim Taehyung live here ? It's Park Jimin." Jimin said awkwardly.

"Oh yes, Mr.Park, please come in." The gate light buzzed green and slowly opened. Jimin walked through awkwardly. He knocked on the door and was surprised when it opened after the first knock.

"You're here !" Taehyung exclaimed.

"You didn't tell me you were rich !" Jimin said back as he entered the house.

"I thought you knew." Taehyung said. "This doesn't change anything right ?"

"Of course not. I don't care if you are dirt poor, you're still my best friend and friendship goes beyond money." Taehyung smiled at that and led Jimin into one of the living rooms.

"Dad this is Park Jimin, the friend I was telling you about." Taehyung said to Namjoon who was typing away on his phone. The older male looked up with a greeting smile.

"Holy ! You're dad is Kim Namjoon ?" Jimin squeaked. Who didn't know who Kim Namjoon was. He practically owned half of South Korea's enterprise.

"It's nice to meet you too." Namjoon said laughing a bit. The older man didn't look a day over thirty. Jimin suddenly felt self conscious in front of the important figure before him. He bowed, one an apology for not bowing before hand and the other, a greeting.

"Wait if your dad is Kim Namjoon then..." Jimin trailed off as another tall figure walked into the room.

"Honey I can't seem to find- oh who is this ?" Seokjin asked. "Oh Tae-yah you're home. I'm making cookies but I can't seem to find the mixer."

"Appa it's in the top shelf. Also this is my friend Jimin-ah. He's staying for the weekend." Taehyung said.

"You know tomorrow we are having a dinner right ?" Seokjin said and Taehyung paused. He completely forgot about the business dinner that his fathers planned a month ago.

"He can join right ?"

"Of course. He might need a suit though." Seokjin said. "Oh were are my manners. I'm Kim Seokjin, Taehyung's father."

"Oh god." Jimin could die. He bowed to his elder before introducing himself again. 

"Dinner will be ready in a bit. My trip to Italy inspired a few dishes. Why don't you get the guest settled in." Seokjin said and Taehyung nodded.

"Leave your bags. The maid will get them." Taehyung said as he dragged Jimin up to his room.

"You have maids ?! I knew you had money but I didn't know you were this loaded. And your parents oh my god. How didn't I know you were that Kim Taehyung." Jimin said flopping on Taehyung's king sized bed.

"Sorry. I just assumed you knew." Taehyung said sitting next to the smaller.

"I don't think I told you but I've been out of touch with Korean affairs. I've lived in Brazil for the past ten years." Jimin explained.

"That kind of explains a lot." Taehyung stated. "But how do you know my parents ?"

"Who doesn't know your parents. They're big internationally because they own a global business." Jimin said.

"Well I know that, I am their child." Taehyung said a bit embarrassed at his silly question.

"Indeed you are. Wow I never expected this, you don't even act rich." Jimin said.

"What's acting rich ?"

"Just letting everyone know you come from money and showing it off. You're more humble." Jimin explained.

"You can thank Appa for that." Taehyung said. His father Seokjin would kill him if he would ever go around showing off money.

"So how is it having two fathers ? I've heard stories about you as a kid. People said it would be hard. Some say two men could never raise a child but you're such a nice person. Two fathers must be fun." Jimin said.

"It is. But Appa is kind of like a mom most of the time. He's naggy and emotional but he's loving and cooks a lot and just really really caring. Dad on the other hand is reckless and sometimes stern, sometimes carefree. They both give me some much love I wouldn't dare have any other parents." Taehyung said. Just talking about his fathers made him happy.

"That sounds nice." Jimin said honestly giving Taehyung a smile which was returned.

"Let's play some games before we eat. I have the VR systems." Taehyung offered and Jimin nodded. He never played the VR. After about an hour they were called down to eat. Jimin wowed at the big table filled with food. It was like a mixture of Italian and Korean and it looked amazing. The two nineteen year old boys washed up before sitting down.

"So Jimin-ah, were are you from ?" Seokjin asked.

"I was born in Busan but moved to Brazil when I was eight. You could probably tell by my accent that I'm not from Seoul." Jimin said.

"It's okay, none of us are from Seoul either." Taehyung said.

"Brazil though. How's the Korean population there ?" Namjoon asked.

"It's not too small but we help each other out when we can. It's a very unique atmosphere in Brazil." Jimin answered honestly.

"That's good to hear. Every time we go to Brazil we are surrounded by officials in suits, it's so boring. You must have seen the fun side of it." Seokjin said.

"Yeah. I've seen a different view of the world on the streets of Brazil. If you come again, I can show you where I lived." Jimin suggested.

"That would be nice." Namjoon said and they all agreed.

"It's nice to see Taehyung-ah bring someone over. This house is a little lonely with just the three of us." Seokjin said.

"I'm sure he probably brought many over but I'm special." Jimin said smiling.

"And why is that ?" Namjoon asked.

"Well Mr.Kim it's not much of a secret but Taehyung-ah and I are best friends." Jimin says giddily and Taehyung flushed bright when his parents laughed. After dinner they decided to watch a movie before bed. Taehyung let Jimin shower first as he set out his pajamas. When they both were clean, Jimin flopped in his bed.

"Y-you're sleeping here ?" Taehyung asked shy.

"Yes. Unless you're uncomfortable with it." Jimin said.

"Of course not." Taehyung said.

"Good because this is what best friends d

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AllisonRowe #1
Yessss im readyyy
RedRoses96 #2
Chapter 3: Vminkook pleaseee
As much as I want jikook or vmin together, seeing one left behind broke my heart T-T
Chapter 3: Ahhh the fluff im rooting for vminnn i love how shy tae gets when jimin calls him cute aww they are all so cuteee
Chapter 2: thats really cute.
I'm team VMIN!!!!
Chapter 2: oh kookie.. But both are really very cute.. DA FLUFF!!!
*throws hearts at you* TAKE IT!!
T A K E I T !!!
SnitchFeather #6
Chapter 2: OMG this was so cute. I love this story so much. I'm excited to see just how much of a fanboy Jimin is going to become when he meets Hoseok.
Chapter 2: Ooh... Thank you for updating!! I'm really loving this story♥♥
Chapter 1: i live for stories like this... you just gave me life!!! *cries* update okay T^T
I love this story already, and I love jimin character.. He's so cute!!