Bicycle Lessons

TaeNy One-Shot Collection
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This one-shot was inspired by various TaeNy moments. Enjoy, my fellow Locksmiths.


Being a singer expanded many opportunities for me. Not only does a singer sing, but also does many other activities such as acting, modeling, and dancing. It was nice to take on these opportunities, because I gained experience from these tasks and learned something new. I had my doubts about becoming a Kpop star, but now I’m glad that I don’t regret it. Following my hopes and dreams of becoming a singer were worth it.

Singers like me always performed onstage for a music show called Inkigayo. There were times when Girls’ Generation had to do a special stage or act in video clips. Speaking of videos, we had to act for a special event called Green Sports Day. The theme for this video was to conserve energy. The only girls who participated in this event were Sunny, Yoona, Seohyun, Tiffany, and me. We all had to act out scenes of conserving energy such as taking care of plants, using less water, and saving electricity. This video reminded me of a quote that stated, “When not in use, turn off the juice!” There was one scene in the video where everybody was riding a bike, but I noticed something peculiar. I saw that Tiffany didn’t know how to ride a bike. While everybody was riding a bike, Tiffany was the only one holding onto the bars and walking down the streets. She looked quite awkward and stood out in the video. If I knew that Tiffany didn’t know how to ride a bicycle, then I would have taken the time to teach her. In fact, I loved spending time with her. Since she was a Korean American girl, I helped her get around Korea, taught her some historical facts, and even let her stay over at my house in Jeonju whenever we had a vacation. I understood that she missed her family back home in Diamond Bar, CA and I was her shoulder to lean on whenever she needed me the most. I must confess. These simple moments we shared caused me to fall in love with her. She had a very bubbly personality that always lifted up my spirits whenever I felt down in the dumps. She’s clumsy, ditzy, and blunt. Her voice was so pleasing to the ears. She could be talking about farting and I would still swoon over her melodic lips playing a sweet tune on my ears. Those are the reasons why I fell in love with her. The problem is that I don’t know how to get her to notice my love for her. Every time we had to show skin ship in public by request of SM Entertainment, it was too short-lived. The reason was that I was the leader and I’m not allowed to show that I favor one member over the other. It would obviously be unfair to other members. I love all of my members, but I had emotional feelings for Tiffany. Whenever Tiffany and I shared some private moments, nothing really happens. We don’t hug, hold hands, and sadly, we don’t kiss. Kissing would obviously be considered too intimate. I simply yearned for her touch. Now that I thought about it, I felt that Tiffany had no feelings for me. I admit that my heart broke every time Tiffany confessed on air who her ideal man was. It left me at the thought…why bother falling in love with somebody who will probably not reciprocate the same feelings for me? I still held onto my feelings for her with no guarantee that they’ll be returned. Even if I were to die, I would never stop loving her whether it be with me or with somebody else.

After filming was over, all five of us got back to the dormitory. Filming was always a drag, so it felt nice to take a break. I wanted to ask Tiffany if she needed help riding a bike, but I wanted her to rest. When I was on my break, I sat down on the couch reading a manga called “Make-Out Paradise”. It was one of my favorite mangas of all times, because it had mature content in it. There was a reason why people called me ByunTaeng. I was admiring the pictures as I flipped to the next page. I crossed my legs to keep a cool composure as I was reading. While I was reading, I sensed a pair of eyes looking at me. I stopped reading and looked to the left. It was Tiffany. Whenever she was awfully close to me, it made me extremely nervous. She flashed her famous eye smile that always made my heart flutter. I watched as her eyes disappeared and turned into a crescent moon. Whenever I thought about the crescent moon, I always thought about romantic moments underneath the moonlight. This was one of the reasons why I wished Tiffany didn’t do her eye smile. It always turned me into a hopeless romantic, but then again, there’s nothing wrong with falling in love. I returned her a wry smile and I hope she didn’t get the wrong impression that I wanted her to go away. Despite the fact that we were roommates for a long time, I find myself still nervous around her. I can feel the rush of blood travel up to my neck without my consent and diffuse the sanguinity on my cheeks.

“Hey Taetae. What are you reading?” Tiffany asked to break the awkward silence and smiled.

“I…uh…am reading…” I stuttered as she backed up and stared at the cover.

“Make-Out Paradise?”

“Hey! Don’t read it!” I exclaimed as I closed the book and hid it behind me.

“Aigoo, Taengoo…you are such a ert. Why are you reading a dirty book out here in the living room?”

“I couldn’t help it! I wanted to read it right away on the couch! Nobody is out here right now. I was too lazy to go into my room and read it, so what gives?”

“Psh, whatever Taetae. I’m bored. Entertain me,” she requested as she lightly punched my left arm. I secretly liked it whenever she did little gestures like that to me. It showed that she wanted my attention.

I uncrossed my legs, placed my hands on my knees, and raised my head to the side. This was a manly habit I picked up from my older brother. I knew it was very unladylike, but I was never a lady to begin with. I am simply Kim Taeyeon. What else is expected from me?

“Hmm, want to learn how to ride a bike?”

“You’re willing to teach me?”

“Yeah, I saw you struggle in the video.”

“Oh my God! I was so embarrassed. Please teach me, Taetae!”

“Very well then. Since we don’t have a bike, let’s walk to the bike shop!”


I got up from the couch and walked towards the front door. Right when I touched the door knob and tried to twist it, I felt Tiffany’s left hand grab my right hand. She closed the gap between our hands as our hands were perfectly molded together. I didn’t want to alienate her, so I squeezed her hand in return. Little did she know, I was smiling like an idiot when she held my hand.

We walked and talked on our way to the bike shop. Our hands would never separate. It was like as if Tiffany glued our hands together never wanting to let go. The warmth of her hand made me content. However, the skin ship was missing one element. It was love. If being in love involved skin ship like this, then I would be the happiest person alive. Too bad we were only holding hands in a friendly manner. All these fans who recognized us on the streets were spazzing while we were walking. SONEs were wonderful people. They knew that celebrities like Tiffany and me needed some alone time, so nobody bothered us while we were on our way to the bike shop. Right when we arrived at the bike shop, both of us were unsatisfied. It turned out that the bike shop was under construction. I groaned in frustration as I let go of Tiffany’s hand and peeked inside the glass window. Nothing was in sight and the building was in process of being modified.

“What do we do?” Tiffany asked quite upset. I saw a pout appear on her face and it was one of the most adorable sights I have ever seen. Even my younger sister couldn’t top Tiffany’s pout. Nobody could do it better than her.

“Well…I think there’s another bike shop…”

Tiffany’s eyes grew wide in excitement as I said that, but I didn’t mean to let her hopes down.

“…which is like another ten more miles or so.”

“Oh…” Tiffany’s eyes contracted back into their normal positions. I sighed in disappointment due to the current situation. I was ready to teach Tiffany how to ride a bike and this totally didn’t make me feel any better.


“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.”

“Ok then. We should start heading back. I hope you don’t mind me teaching you later.”

“Yeah, it’s no biggy.”

“All right, let’s go.”

I was ready to walk back and Tiffany linked her left arm around my right arm. It emitted a bittersweet feeling. I felt pleased whenever she would do simple touches like that, but I knew she was only doing that for fan service. I didn’t want to complain, but that’s how I felt. On the other hand, I got to give credit where credit is due, so I merely enjoyed the body contact effort that Tiffany was making.

I felt so stifled, because I really wanted to teach Tiffany how to ride a bike. This could have been another nice opportunity to get closer to her, but I couldn’t help it. I knew that we could have walked an extra ten miles, but I didn’t want Tiffany to get tired. As we were walking, I heard the sound of a bicycle bell chiming behind us. The pleasant sound of it rang through my head. I heard the sound approaching faster and faster. I used to think that sound was annoying, but listening to it now made me hopeful. At that moment, I had a plan. I stopped right in my tracks and released my arm from Tiffany. I turned around and saw a little boy on his bicycle. He was chubby which was probably derived from baby fat. I saw his short and stubby legs pedaling closer to us. The wheels kept spinning until he couldn’t pedal anymore. He was closing in and I waved my arm at him. He had a puzzled look on his face and seemed starstruck. The little boy got off his bike and looked up to me.

“Taeyeon-noona? Fany-noona?” he asked quite bewildered.

“Hi there! How are you, fellow SONE?” I greeted as I stuck out my hand to shake his hand. Tiffany flashed her eye smile to greet him.

“I’m ok, noona. How are you?”

“I’m great. By any chance, hmm…” I was ready to execute my plan.

“What is it, noona?”

“Do you need this bike?”


“Oh, it’s because I was wondering if I could borrow it from you.”

Without any hesitations, the little boy nodded and handed his bike to me.

“Thanks, kiddo!” I thanked as I patted his head.

“You’re welcome…”

“What’s your name, age, and where do you live?”

“My name is Dong Youngbae. I’m only 13 years old and I live in Jeonju in a house near the field.”

“Jeonju? That’s where I live!”

“Oh wow…”

“When I’m done using this bike, I promise to give it back to you, ok?”

“Ok then.”

“Thanks! By the way, don’t worry! You’ll lose some weight one day! Take care!” I said as I patted his back. He was indeed a very shy boy, so I had to keep a friendly image in front of him. I would never tell a girl to lose weight, because I know how it could hurt a girl’s feelings. I was giving Youngbae more confidence about his appearance. He wasn’t fat; he was chubby. He still had time to lose the baby fat and grow. I knew he would lose weight one day. Aside from this train of thought, I took his bike and trailed off with Tiffany. From this point on, I learned to appreciate the bike bell. If it weren’t for the bell, then I wouldn’t have stopped Youngbae in time to ask for the bike. I was happy that I got a hold of a bicycle, because I could teach Tiffany how to ride a bike. We kept walking until I found an area with a smooth and flat surface. It’s better off to start on a flat surface before going on inclines and other twists.

“Want to practice here?”

“Ok, sounds good.”

“All right then. Let me check if this surface is good.”

I got on the bike and rode around the top. The surface felt nice and smooth, so I hope

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Taengooyakim309 #1
Much excites :))